The defender had position and without the defender going down Cotch can't get the ball. That's why it was called.
Three times having 12 men on the field resulting in 2 penalties and the use of one time-out. Somehow that's the refs fault? The Jets need to play better. They've proven nothing by barely beating the Fins, one of the worst teams in football. Yet, so many here have been talking playoffs and Super Bowl this week.
The roughing the passer was for a helmet to helmet hit, had nothing to do with not being able to stop his momentum. I think it was a weak ass call but thats one that will get called 90% of the time. One thing I noticed in this game and last was that Favre has MAJOR happy feet in the pocket. He looks like JP Losman 2 seasons ago. I dont know if he is unable to keep his feet planted but he sure does shuffle them around a lot. All in all I have a feeling we are going to step it up next week. You have to remember this team is still trying to gel, this is just some growing pains (hopefully)
The call on Cotchery looked legit, although it was a killer. The roughing the passer I thought was bullshit, not sure if it mattered much because they still only got a FG.
well if we wouldve stopped them and scored we could be singing a 17-16 victory ballad. thats not the key play of the game there were many like this. ive said it before and ill say it again, we were simply outcoached. the talent is ALL here. i dont question anything but our trench depth now. these coach's need to get there shit together.
Agreed. A lot of the penalties were our own fault--12 guys in the huddle, holding, throwing a pass beyond the line of scrimmage, etc. If you keep getting the ball on your own 20, backing up 10 yards is not the way to start a scoring drive. That's another reason we had poor field position, special teams created bad situations and penalties made them worse.
I'm a Pats fan and even I think the roughing call was B.S. However Jets fans are forgetting that that call mad zero difference, Cassel completed the pass for a first down inside the Jets 30 anyway. With or without the call, the Pats still get the field goal.
I have always said a team has to be better than the official's calls. I did not see anything terribly horrible with the officiating yesterday; officiating may have only had about a 4% impact on why we lost.
There were some bad calls, but not why they lost the game. They played afraid to lose, again, and that is on the coach. They looked uptight, mangini coached uptight. And, of course, no half time adjustments by Sutton on the defense. They continued to get nickel and dimed, and did nothing to stop what the pats have been doing for 8 years. Calls are calls. There are going to be bad calls, missed calls every week. Bottom line is Mangenius got out-coached yet again.
I agree completely with that one. You could see that Cassel was not driven into the ground. That was a horseshit call.
Pathetic Losers I know who's fault it is , George Bushs fault that the JETS SUCK !!! Are You Kidding ME ? WHen Osama become president , they will be like 14-2 , GAS WIll be $ 1.50 gallon , and Oil too . Yah Mangenius , MY ASS , try 5th place scheudule last yr...Jets are an Average team at BEST , Manboobs mangini is a meatball who used to wash the Real Genuises Boobs ( Belicheck ) he taught him everything he knows ( except how to WIN) .The Jets have done nothing since 1968 ,I wanna Kiss you Joe Namath, You emabarrasment... maybe you should back Biff Pennington
no asteriks loser , just your foolsih little tabloid , which no one reads . YOUR TEAM SUCKS FACE IT , 8-8 at BEST GONNA BE A LONG WINTAH , how long before the CHokees start sprong training ? HAHAHAHAHA
why did the Nets trade Vilmah anyway , and seriously for what ? He is a good LB , I wish we had him . Maybe he wanted too much $$$ ? Or didnt want to waste away for a average ( at Best ) team , with an old 40 yr old Risk taking , Gunslinger ,who is past his PRIME
Keep blaming the refs , that is what losing teams DO . I thought we could not WIN WITHOUT BRADY ? IDIOTS !! It is called ' Patriot Pride ' , Obviously , we are much better with him , Keep listening to dumb ass ESPN FRAUDS IN LOVE WITH FAHVRAH , and your stupid little TABLOIDS . It must SUCK Knowing even with NO BRADY , we are still going to win the Division & maybe more , Cassell will get even better ,as time goes on..T their are NO REALLY GOOD TEAMS in the AFL ( Average Football League ) where are all the Good Quarterbacks ? Like Drew Henson ? HAHAHAH .. LETS GO CHOKEES !!!