Well you would be wrong again. Please one game does not make a season. Okay well its been a longtime since the jets been tied for first place In AFC East. Enjoy that while it last. Btw- Yea Im really afraid to face Jet fans- LMao The Knicks have won a champiionship more recently than the Jets.
Way to divert attention away from the Raiders Jeaux. Basketball. What happened to DeAngelo Hall and that shutdown secodary? Gibril Wilson couldn't cover a rookie WR. Did you send the memo to Kiffin about how the running game would open up the play action and Russell would throw bombs down the field while he did a one-handed push up? You know? The shit you've been preaching all summer long?
Yep, same rationale. After they lose to the Chiefs, it'll be there are still 14 weeks left, blah blah blah.
Yes it was one game and Im not going to sugar coat it. They look really bad. Big deal. Your not guaranteed a playoff position winning the first game of the season. Again IF you read anyone of my post this offseason about Raiders. Raiders are a running team that can't fall behind by alot . Because it takes away the element of the running game. Raiders are in trouble they get in known passing situations.(there oline not good enough in pass blocking yet to just drop back and pass. ) (how many times have i said this in my post) Well you saw what I was talking about. Raiders did run the football very well all night Monday night. Just fell behind to stick with that part of the game. Russell played very well and not for a couple drops (Big plays down the field) His numbers would have really been very good. The defense was just atrocious Monday night. (there is no excuse as their is just too much talent on that side of the ball for this to occur. I wouldn't count on this happening to much for Raiders defense.
Again Russell is a young QB(pretty much a rookie QB) who going to have his ups and downs. OveraLL how can you not be happy with Russell performance on Monday night. Not for a couple drops that would have been very very long gains, his numbers would have been alot more impressive. Not to mention, he was put in a situation that Hes not going to have to face alot this season. Teams not worrying about Raiders running game(fell behind by too much) that they were just teeing off on the Qb. Just wait when Raiders can stick with the game plan(the running game) and hes throwing off the playaction. Hes going to do alot better,
ummm hi.....just wanted to point out that anybody that can compile a "rational thought" on anything...knows that the Raiders are a pile of horseshit..and the Denver game proved that notion. The Raiders did nothing well...nothing Jeaux!!...whoops...i stand corrected...they're pretty good at "losing".
Yeah, but according to his rationale...if the Raiders lose to the Chiefs, he should be really worried. According to him, the Broncos and Chiefs were the 2 teams fighting for last place in the AFC West. So, using Jeaux's logic, if the Raiders lose to the Chiefs, then technically, the Raiders next game should be playing USC or OSU to see if they even belong in this league.
Aww the little troll shows his ugly face. How cute. I guess you know the all your "football knowledge" has been shown to be nothing but a huge steaming pile of crap. Enjoy your top, oops I mean bottom, five defense.
Again its a long season and Denver isn't anywhere as good as the Raiders made them look on Monday night. Shanarat just had a long time(all offseaso0n to gameplan for this game) Unfortunately Rob Ryan wasn't up to the challenge . The Chiefs will be battling Denver for last place in AFc West , when it is all said and done. That was my story in the offseason and Im sticking to it.
Raiders weren't in man coverage. I don't know why Ryan went away from Raiders game plan. Deangelo Hall playing ten yards off his man is not playing man to man.
Denver put up 41 points....what happens when the Raiders play a "good" team Jeaux?...does that number change to 81? Quit spewin what you're shovelin', douchebag!
Jeaux...you have made me pay much more attention to these Raiders...I'm almost tempted to fly out to Oakland to attend this game. I am truly thinking about it. I may have to roll in there with phonebooks taped around my waist to avoid getting shanked but I am thinking about traveling out to Oak-land and watching the Jets tear this team a completely brand new black hole.
I agree with you. The Denver Broncos are not the elite team the Raiders make them look like. Why? Because the Raiders are the worst team in the NFL. It was merely a case of an average team beating the hell out of an awful team.
Well Cutler should really stop drinking with his diabetic condition. Because if Cutler think Deangelo Hall was playing Royal man to man (10 yards off of him) than I have to question his ability to read NFl defenses. Raiders have done very well against Cutler playing their typicaL man to man in the past(both CBs right up on the WRs), and for some reason(IE Rob Ryan) went away from that. Basically in Rob Ryan press conference he took all the blame for Royal performance.
Jets are going to look like the Raiders did Monday night. Raiders are going to embarrass the Jets so bad in Oakland, that it wouldn't supprise me if Brett favre retired right after that game.