Feeley is easily the best choice. Very experienced in the Meadowlands, where he didn't do a half bad job.
You could have named three guys I have never heard of in my life who have never made one kick in the NFL and I would choose any of them over Nugent.
also reported on Rotoworld Sep. 8 - 2:43 pm et The Jets worked out free agent Ks Jay Feely, Dave Rayner, and Aaron Elling on Monday morning. The club is concerned with Mike Nugent, who hurt his thigh Sunday and has never been an Eric Mangini favorite. They haven't signed a replacement yet.
Aren't they going to bring in some of those 12 year old Punt, Pass and Kick Kids? I know one reporter suggested thier availabilty.
Sign Feeley and don't think twice about it. The first thing that came to my mind yesterday was that Mr. T was probably already on the phone before Nugent even hit the locker room. This is a no brainer... we've got to bring him in here. If Nuge isn't 100% on Sunday, put in Feeley.
feeley is a guy who will talk shit, thats why he was cut before.... I don't think its going to fly here but he better keep his mouth shut. He's the kicker.