I notice this thread was started BEFORE he took us to the playoffs and a 10-6 record and won Comeback Player of The Year. I guess some people were very wrong.
When we drafted Chad I jumped up and banged into my ceiling fan, almost knocking myself out. I was happy and on the bandwaggon for five years, but enough was enough and wit the arm injuries and boring dink dunk offensive plays I was yelling loud for a change. Dropping him for Brett was the best senario we could have had considering what both Chad and Kellen was showing us. Brett brough in excitement and HOPE, something this team needed. Even if Brett leave after one or two years it will be worth it just to have had that excitement back in the game.
Chad Pennington. Ummmm, I've heard the name but can't quite place it. Oh yeah! He's the guy that Coles is upset about! GO BRETT! GO JETS!!!
hmy:not exactly! if he had not gotten that $64 million contract, taken less, the team would have enough money to keep thomas and mckenzie. by being short-sighted, he caused his own problem, lack of protection, which led to those severe injuries. sometimes, less is more......:wink:
If your sick of the chad crap why bring it up, i loved pennington as a player guy had heart but hes gone, why not stop talking about it one way or the other...
No, he was dead right. I guess some people were very naive to think a Comeback Player of the Year award means anything.
Agreed, let's move on. The most efficacious way to do this, however, is to simply ignore the pro-Chad rants. This sort of post, while on point, is less likely to put an end to the debate than to produce the opposite effect. There are some people - call them whatever you like - for whom nothing short of a Favre-led Super Bowl run - and victory - would be enough to convince them that the Jets are better off without water-pistol armed #10.
Thanks for posting this. I am SO TIRED of being atacked by Chad supporters. Here's the deal: I seem to remember that he suffered an injury to his Achilles tendon. This is the same injury that has ended many other great QB careers (like Marino, for instance). Yes I do appreciate what Chad did for us, but... I think it will take a miraclke for him to return to form.
You remember incorrectly, he didn't blow out his achilles- Vinny did and Marino suffered his achilles injury in '93 and retired after the '99 season. Why are 2006 Chad threads being bumped?
Who needs facts when people can trash Chad? Now that he's gone let's just bump all the old threads and have at it again. Why not?