Thank you , thank you thank you. Joe because of you and your lack of intelligence I am having a great old time laughing. I mean really just laughing my ass off. Please keep replying to me. LOL I made statements that the game sucked and the raiders did nothing when the other teams starters where in......... LOL I guess my buddy that was a D-1 college QB and said the same thing knows nothing too. Maybe he should stick to hockey too......lmao. Yep we should defer to you, the local raider troll that has never been correct in any observation he has made in 3 years, not even by accident. Nope, I do believe I will continue to opine on Football and take my chances, such that someone like you will say," I know nothing about it"................... ROTFLMAO.
Why have you stop talking about the game. Football. I'm smart enough to figure out why this is so. So probably has everyone else. Football was never your sport. Little advice son. stick with what you know best. Obviously thats not football.
I gotta get me one of them oil machines. Pump that bitch out.Then I'd be rich like King Abdullah. Concerning the two monkeys trying to hump a football game from the other night. 248 yds rushing. Ok great, but lets look a little deeper. Rankin- 8 carries for 91 yds. with a long of 71. That means on the other 7 carries he went for 20 yds. I dont know much about this guy but will he even make the practice squad? He can't be ahead of DMac, Bush and Varagas. Tuiasucko- 2 carries for 36 yds. Are you looking to get that scrambling production from him week in and week out? Will he even be your #3? It looks like Walter did ok. Now 71+36 yds= 97 yds you won't normally get or can count on. With the adjusted total the Raider had 151 yds. So lets chill out on the 248 yds total rushing domination. You got about 100 yds from people who might not even be on the roster in what looks like breakdowns or random occurances. Chill the fuck out about domination. I'm not counting on Clowney for 2 TDs and 140 yds. every game. I'm not counting on Ratliff to throw the game he did the other night. I just wish you'd see reality for once in your life and see that this total and game DID/DOES NOT MATTER.
LMAO Your College Buddy who was a QB told you the same thing. Confirms you were right. Okay. BTW My retarded friend said you sound liked someone on his bus. That Confirms what I been saying about you. Dude go to look up play by play. IT will confirm what Ive been saying. Raiders ran the football consistantly well all night. Yes Raiders didn't score but were moving the ball consistantly on the ground. (dominating line of scrimmage- what don't you understand) Hey They will rebroadcast that Raider/49ers game on NFL Network. Maybe your friend who was a college QB, should watch it again. What next your going to try and convince me you have a girlfrriend. LMao.
I never stopped. I keep telling you how your team was shit with the starters in. That much is fact. A little advice son..........if you are going to be using a second language ( I suspect english is your second because god forbid it is your first), please learn how to use it when conversing with others. joe, when I figure out what you know best, I will let you know. I can safely say it is not English, football, and women.
Your retarded friend? 10 bucks says he has a higher IQ then you. Really nice to know you hang out with smarter people then yourself. ROTFLMAO Ahhh they didn't score but god damnit they were dominant............lmao............
Guys, lay off that lad. Couldn't you guys just ignore him? It's not even like anything worthy is coming out of him anyway...
Have some respect for you Mom. Lets leave her out of this. So just how close are you to that college QB? Are You the Giver or the Reciever?
First off 71 + 36 does not = 97(whats that the new math) 71 + 37 = 107. The point wasn't necessarily total yards they rushed. Raiders weren't trying to see how many yards Mcfadden could get in a meaniless preseason game. Raiders wanted to see Mcfadden run up the middle, in heavy traffic and see him protect the ball. (first string defense Mcfadden did all those things and like all there Rbs had a nice average per attempt. NOw just wait till they give Mcfadden plays that he can break some long runs. Your crazy if you think the raiders RB yard per carry not going to be very high. M BUsh looked like an animal, D Mcfadden going to be special, and Justin fargas keeps getting better. (the Two Rbs behind him only pushing him harder)O Raiders last year demonstrated with their Blocking scheme and their Oline that it really didn't matter who the running back was, they were going to be sucesful. So its not supprising what Raiders running backs are doing. Raiders running game was high sucessfully last year and its only going to be alot better with upgrade at that position. Just wait till teams see the damage M Bush and D Mcfadden will do in the passing game.
You caught me in an error, you should have kept it the way I added it. It gave your starters 10 extra yards. The point is, no one thinks its impressive because it is pre-season. Most of the yards came from garbage 3rd stringers. The first 4 Raider drives stalled, and you got the only score of the first half on a big play punt return. Really tearing up those drives with first downs and a dominant running game with your first team?
Is that a brand of oil machine? Well? Hey Well Oil, the Raiders run the football like you make your machines!
Joe has reduced you guys to trolls on your own board. You may not like his predictions but you have to give him credit for that.