Junc, shut up with your whiney accusations about who fans are rooting for; you don't know anyone on here. i'm a Jets fan. i root for the Jets no matter what. if Chad wins the battle i'll still be rooting for the Jets to win games, and i'll still be rooting for him behind center, should he be the starting QB. i'm not rooting for him to start because i know, in the end, we're going nowhere in the Playoffs with him. i think i have a right to root for whomever i want to start.
I'm not saying '06 "doesn't count", all I'm saying is that NE isn't going to worry about CP based on that performance. You seem to agree NE isn't worried about him. You seem to be trying to elevate CP's current status by putting up this 2-1 record in NE since 2002. If I'm misinterpreting you, than forget everything I said. I'm saying these things: 1) A game he won in 2002 is irrelevant in terms of how teams perceive his abilities at this point. He's not the same QB. 2) The win in 2006 was nothing spectacular by CP. Any average NFL QB could have done what he did. 3) He's actually gone 2-2 if you include the playoff loss that you forgot to mention. This is really not much of a point, more of a correction. Throw away the 2002 game when he was a different QB and you have a guy that has gone 1-2 in NE with the only win being a defensive battle that had little to do with the QB play. You 2-1 stat is silly and I'm not sure what it's supposed to prove.
Who are you telling to shutup? Don't be foolish. The problem is you DON'T know we'd go nowhere in the playoffs w/ him. Did any sane person think the Giants could win w/ Eli Manning prior to last postseason? Of course not. Chad has led us to the brink of the AFC Title Game twice, w/ a break here or there we are in then who knows? I know Chad can lead us to the postseason and I know you have to get to postseason before you can get to a SB. Don't act like you know b/c you don't.
Again, NE isn't worried about ANYBODY. if any average NFL QB could have done what he did how come no QB has won a game in NE since that game? These are reg season results. If we include playoffs then Manning has a losing record at 2-3, Mcnair is 0-2, Leftwich is 0-2, Rivers 0-2 and Garrard 0-1. If we throw away 2002 then let's throw away the 2004 loss b/c that was before Chad got hurt and he was a different QB so then he's 1-0 in the reg season and 1-1 overall. it's silly to take away games and just b/c it was a low scoring game doesn' mean he didn't play a huge role. It was a sloppy game but he outplayed the bets QB of this generation and led his team to the win.
i know, because i've seen his limitations - both mental and physical - and i've seen him be completely shut down in the Playoffs. you're right, i didn't think Eli would lead the Giants, but i didn't see those same limitations in Eli's game; which allowed him to lead them to a championship.
Besides the fact that NE had the most prolific offense in the history of the NFL last year? I don't know. That was one of their last home games in 2006. Haven't they only lost 2 games total since then? The 2006 game was a defensive, running game that had little to do with QB play. I wouldn't say CP outplayed TB. I guess you would - and I guess that puts CP at a higher level than most NFL QB's to you. I simply disagree.
Eli never won a playoff game before last year. How could you not see his limitations? Chad got us to the brink of the AFC Championship TWICE, one time w/ a torn rotator cuff. Who cares what the cirucmstances are? The fact is the Pats haven't lost at home sicne that game and it's the 2nd time the Pats have had a long home win streak after Chad has led the Jets to victory there. It's amazing, I bet if Clemens did the same thing you'd tell us how he willed the Jets to victory at Foxboro but Chad leads the win and he doesn't get credit. Simply amazing.
You have absolutely no clue what I would say if Clemens were the QB of that game, so don't try and put words in my mouth. IF he were the QB and it played out the same way I guarantee you I would not be posting up the records of QB's in foxboro and tooting Clemens' horn for being one of the only QB's with winning record, blah blah blah. For the record I have about the same opinion on Clemens as you right now. I think you're placing too much emphasis on the QB play of that game and that your 2-1 stat is meaningless. You seem to think it indicates that Pennington is somehow better than most current NFL QB's. Is that true?
Are you kidding me or what? We played four teams with winning records in 2006 and lost to three of them. We beat the Pats in a Monsoon and got stomped by the Jaguars who were 8-8? Get real with the schedule was slightly better in 06. We lost Pete Kendall not Alan Faneca! O-line had nothing to do with Chads game ending pick six's! To say we had a slightly better schedule in 07 is assinine. The same cast of Characters got stomped by real competition last year. Period! Those S/D and Indy teams are not the same as they were back then. Sorry to say they are in a different Class than our team. If you think we are then your in for a rude awakening. I thought the Giants Defense could win three or four playoff games in a weak NFC. Eli is way better than Chad get over it and accept the fact that he made the game winning play in the Sb that Chad can not or never could make with that pass to Tyree. I notice Kc's play and there is room for improvement. Im sickened by Chad's play. He is the most overrated player in New York Sports History. Other fans laugh at us when we even speak of him as our Qb. CHAD PENNINGTON IS A JOKE THAT IS NOT FUNNY ANYMORE!
Here?s a thought. In our quarterback Competition/controversy, we should at least have some for of measuring stick to see where we are now and for the future. First: Chad Pennington, albeit he has a weak arm, he has been a professional and led this team to victories through intelligence, smart play and moxy. I know his arm strength tends to lead conversation but I would like to look at his strengths to format the measuring stick of who is a better choice. Second: Kellen Clemens, Good Arm Strength, Good athlete, mobile and has all the tools but not much else when it comes to showing how he finds a way to win and still with many questions. So here is my assessment: Should Pennington show that with all his positives can over shadow his (huge) weakness, then he would be my pick to lead the 2008 Jets season. Should Clemens show that he has sped up his learning curve and can now find ways to be smart and win games by strengthening his weaknesses then he should lead the 2008 Jets. The way I look at it is: If Kellen can?t show he is ready to take the team away from Chad (with all his talent) then why anoint him the future. We can look all over the NFL with guys that have tons of ability and talent but never turn out to be winners. Until the coaching staff sees something different go with what can and has worked, and learn to help strengthen that person?s weakness. IM humble O
It indicates that I'm sure NE has respect fopr Chad where you think they do not. Only 2 QBs have won more than 1 game at Foxboro since 2002. I don't care what the circumastances were that's pretty damn impressive that Chad is one them. We played both SB teams and were competitive in both games, we also played 3 of the 4 conf finalists and won one of those games. We played 7 .500 or better teams, last year we played 9. That's not that big of a difference. The Giants weren't very good when we played them and we lost, the skins lost 52-7 the week before they playes uas and would lose 4 straight after they beat us, Miami was a joke, Philly lost the week before they played us and the week after, Cioncu was 1-4 when they played us and then lost 2 straight after they beat us, the only playoff team Pitt beat was Seattle, the only good team Cle beat all year was Seattle. The schedule was NOT the reason we stunk, we stunk b/c our OL was abysmal and that affected every other part of our offense. Our D cstunk the first half but was very good the 2nd half, if we got anything out of the O the first half we could have been in the race and made a move in the 2nd half. The giant D had always been chokers, you are a liar if you thought the giant D could win 3 or 4 games in the playoffs especially w/ Eli at QB. You are only fooling yourself w/ that statement. The giants D was 17th in points allowed and you thought they could carry the giants to a SB:rofl:
you just indirectly proved my point: i watch the player's performance; i don't go by stats from three years ago, win/road records blah blah blah. Chad has all these great Playoff victories and near-Playoff wins, yet he's never won a title, never even made it to the big game. Eli - as you pointed out - doesn't have that stuff on his resume, yet HE WON A SUPERBOWL because he's capable of doing so with a good arm and guts. i know what i see. from watching games, and watching the players. it's clear as day what Chad's limitations are, and we've clearly seen them when he's played stout Defenses. Eli doesn't have those limitations.
It would be foolish not to respect your opponent. I don't think NE is any more worried about CP than any other QB in the division or any of the QB's who are 0-3 (or whatever their record is) in Foxboro. I'm am 100% positive that NE is more worried about other NFL QB's than CP.
Oh please, Eli never showed anything to suggest he could do what he did last season. Chad has been the better QB of the 2 during their careers. Chad has never had his teammates perform like Eli's did either. If he would have had the help he could have won a SB too.
so what you're saying is, had Chad been behind center for the Giants last year, the Giants still would have won the Superbowl. with Pennington. that's what you're saying.
Again, I don't think NE is worried about any QBs but Chad would be up on the list if there was one. When you are one of 2 QBs to accomplish something that tells you he has the ability to be a good QB. Those days may be over but he gets bashed way too mcuh around here for all the good he has done for our team.
Did it ever occur to you that Mabye Chad has played more games in Ne than most other Qb's since 2006 because he is in their division? Do you think we win the mudbowl if not for bad weather in 2006? The mere fact that your impressed with anything Pennington is a classic example of Our Jet fan affair of mediocre players. The Giants weren't very good but Chad lost to them, He lost to the Mighty Bills twice who weren't good, lost to the Eagles who weren't good, Lost to the Bengals who sucked more than us as well. That's five losses to teams that weren't good with Chad at the helm in 07 minus the future HOF tackle Pete Kendall! Chad had his same supporting cast from 06 for the majority of the games he started on Offense. MINUS KENDALL! Apparently you missed how the Giant D was playing the second half of the year or the game they had before they played us with all those sacks. By the way the Giants did not sack Chad once and he still lost to them!
Chad had the Future HOF Running back CURTIS MARTIN And A Sb ready team when he took over in 2002!!!!!!! He folded like a deck of cards in Oakland!
Not the way Chad played last year but typical Chad that we saw in '02, '03, '04(pre-injury) and '06? Absolutely no doubt about it.