We are witnessing the greatest highway robbery in United States history since the days of the Wild Wild West.
Since the teams excuse for psls is the cost of the stadium, both teams should have to provide an accounting of every dollar it cost to build the stadium to every person that pays a psl....with copies of checks, bank statements, etc etc. I see no reason why legally they should not be forced to do this. Maybe one of the psl payers accountants will catch the teams committing fraud.
Being in the development industry, I've seen this before, they could merely present a myriad of cost estimates and bdgets they used for the initial financial and proformas that were substantially less than the final construction cost to justify this. Not that they ever would though
The whole thing sucks buddy. I would much rather pay $150 per game, twice the current price, then this upfront shit. FU Jet and Giants, why should I pay your mortgage you SOB's. Give me 1/80k ownership douche bags. Its like me buying a house with 0% down and asking my family who visits us to pay my mortgage. Unfreakin believeable. I feel sorry for anyone who's been a season holder . BTW, how much are your tics per game. I thought mine was the lowest at $75
Great idea. I want to see all the activities on my stinking money from the moment it hits their account to when its used to pay the bills. I want to vote on something, maybe te names of streets, sections in the lot. I want a say in something for my money you bastards. Trust them as much as I trust the " Bush Crime Family"
You don't? I live in Florida. Last winter I had one of those credit card swipes installed at the front door
Man that is a great idea..... maybe even with somebody that doesn't have tickets like me. I'd go 50/50 with somebody that already has tickets but is in danger of losing them due to the psls. The bets part is I live 2500 miles away so you'd just buy the tickets from me at face value except if I came home for a game.
And although my tickets have increased in cost (only 3 times in 7 years - only a 37% increase) since Gillette Stadium was built, still no PSLs. Say what you want about The Kraft family and the Patriots Organization (on and off the field), but at least they have kept tickets reasonably affordable for most long-time STHs.
The other thing that softens the blow is those 3* Super Bowl wins...... I don't think Jet fans would have as much a problem if the team was having lots of success but we know that hasn't happened in over 40 years.
I can pretty much agree. I need to see the Plays, formations etc. and you don't really get that downstairs or at least a good view of it. Source please. I said it before. I am not going to worry about PSL's until I hear something so please provide a link. Thanks. BTW, Do you sit around your computer all day searching for PSL stories? :lol: You have been obsessed with PSL's.
MY PSL jones has been satisified. Sorry if you were bored of the subject but going to games is one my favorite things in the world and I might not be able to afford it anymore and so this subject gets me going. I do remember you saying IF they happen its not for another 2 years so who cares. Well guess what? Tic holders might need to make a desicion in a couple of months so ITS A BIG DEAL after 28 years. Do you have seasons and for how long?
I know your story. I wasn't trivializing your anger on the issue but I just wanted a link where you got the info from. I do care as I'm a season TIX holder going on my 5th Year but I've been going to the games for over 15 years now as I used to buy my season off of someone who had 4. and going to the games is big for me also. But yeah, I was curious as to where you got the quote from because I'm not going to worry about PSL's until I hear something concrete.
I'm with you. My father first got season tickets when the Jets were still the Titans (read: 1960). My tickets have been in the family for almost 50 years. It's a horrible situation all around. Definitely can't afford to shell out $40,000 + $14,000/season to sit in the new "Coach's Club". I think the reality is most of you Upper Deckers will be forced out if you do not have a 20+ year tenure. You almost certainly will not have your current seats. Personally I don't want to sit in the Upper Tier. I love seating up close in the mid field. I think there will be a lot of people like me that will either give up their seats all together or will sell their rights to purchase rights (Kind of like a PSL for the PSL...the irony) for cash or the right to buy tickets to a game or two. The bottom line here is that everyone is going to get screwed.
Well almost everyone....... Woody and Mara are going to be sitting in their mansions laughing all the way to the bank.
The truth is that the Jets let the giants fly the trial balloon. Week to week it is very hard to find "face value" giant tickets but still relatively easy to find jet tickets at face. This is true even when the giants are terrible and the jets are good. Unlike hockey and basketball, the lower level seats are not 3x what the upper deck seats cost. So there are alot of "regular" people in the 100's. I dont think a regular guy will pay 10k per ticket to keep the 100s.