What makes it any more fair to the lower deck people than the upper deck people? My tickets have been in the family since 1973, and our seats (section 120) were the ones my family got after the team moved to Giants Stadium from Shea, and have had ever since. My father, having fallen totally to the dark side, no longer wanted to go so passed his tickets on to me. Now you're telling me that because I've gotten to sit in the lower deck but now can't afford to fork out $5,000 per seat I suddenly should just drop my tickets so that someone who has been going since 1998 can keep their upper deck tickets? Somehow it is more my fault than the guy in the upper deck that there is a new stadium with outrageously priced PSLs? You really are a piece of work.
account # are in order of longevity of season tickets. my account #18*,*** my waitlist #2,17*,*** so what is everybody elses? please dont post the whole thing
Account # 01**** Is that possible? I never knew your Account # tells your longevity. Got my tickets in 1977 from a guy who bought them when the new stadium opened.
This is the way the Giants are doing it: "All final seat allocations will be prioritized by three factors. They are current stadium location, tenure as a season ticket holder and expressed preference in the new building."
so i read into it as a)where you seat now if you pay that PSL you stay in that area. b)people who have been season ticket holders longer and agreed to stay in their section will get best seats. c)those who do not want there original seats from the old building that have a high PSL in the new bld will than fall into the left over seats in the uppper deck
I don't know. It's still hard to tell the exact priorities from this because they're still general. It does not mention what happens to you if you do NOT go along with the program (which will probably be my case). I will opt to NOT pay $20,000 X4 = $80,000. I wonder what happens to me then? I guess I wait for the music to start and play Musical Chairs.
They are going to need to spell out what happens if a ticketholder does not want to pay the PSLs in his section. You might have a point here, in that if you have been in the Uppers and someone from downstairs (or even me, for that matter) comes along who opted out of his/her section because they couldn't pony up, but has less tenure than you have, maybe they will have to take their chances and sit behind you if you have more seniority. This is what they're going to have to spell out in detail, otherwise all hell is going to break loose. A guy like me needs to know where he stands if he can't come up with $80,000. I'd like to kick all their asses for every dreaming up this cockamamie "shared stadium." Shared for what? For what benefit? They can't sell enough in advertising and cornerstones and merchandise and "upscale" food to cover the freakin' costs? What was the point then? And why were we sold this bill of goods? There's gotta be a freakin' Class Action suit brought, I tell you. I feel like this whole program was fraudulently sold to the general public. And it's the public (the taxpayer... i.e., me and you who live in NJ) who are footing the bill for all the peripheral roads and curbing and parking and utilities and lighting etc being brought in, and we we sold this (and Governor Cody signed off on it) based on this "Shared Cost" bullshit keeping the costs down. Now that's all forgotten and they're crying about having to pay off the stadium in 5 years. Well, that's there f@cking problem. No business pays off it's real estate in 5 years... nobody I know of. And what happens then if they do pay it off? They own it free and clear, so the ticket prices will come down then, right? Not on your f@cking life. Somebody's goota come up with a C/A lawsuit and I'll be the first one to plunk down a C-note to get it started.
It's pretty simple, dont pay for the PSL's. Imagine opening home game for the Jets with no one there,it would never happen, but it would be awesome!
What makes it more fair is that's where you choose to sit. You could have moved to the upper deck anytime you wanted to. Why should someone who already sits in the upper deck be forced out of their current seats. I hate to see any current season ticket holder have to give up their ticket because of 20k PSL but it aint' right to force upper deckers to move or leave because long time holders can not afford THEIR CURRENT SEATS. I wish you no ill will, just my opinion
I never chose to sit anywhere. I inherited the seats where they were. To my knowledge, you can't simply change seats just because you want to. The whole entire stadium is sold out, and someone in the upper deck wouldn't give up their seats to me because I wanted to move there, regardless of if there are PSLs or not. Even still, I already had the cheapest seats in the stadium (I have what are considered to be the worst lower deck seats you can have). The difference now is that with the PSLs coming, a lot of people are going to give up their seats, even if they are in the upper deck. Combine that fact with the fact that there are going to be even more seats in this stadium than Giants Stadium, AND the ticket prices themselves are going to be much higher than they were in Giants Stadium, it is unrealistic to think that everyone with seniority would get the best possible seats if there were no PSLs. Anyone paying 110 per seat who has to move up to 165 per seat may think twice about doing so. That is most certainly my case, PSL or not. Hell, I may not even get to keep my tickets even if the upper deck is available to me, depending on the ticket itself.
Nahh, you can...I sent the Jets a letter last offseason asking for better seats, and for this season im lower down and closer to the 50.
Even still, I can't imagine the Jets received many letters prior to the PSLs that said, Dear New York Jets, Thank you for providing me with outstanding seats in an outstanding venue with an outstanding team. Thanks to the incredible product you provide me every Sunday, along with the excellent parking situation and the courteous Meadowlands staff I get to deal with every week, I have decided to "take one for the team" and downgrade my seats. I know this will not provide me with any savings on my tickets, but am happy to forfeit my better view of the field for another one of your loyal customers. Yours truly, Gullible the Jets Fan
I guess it's all opinion. If I were you, I would have asked to move to the upperdeck the second I got those seats.
It's a little different for me I guess. I was sitting in those seats since I was 5 and they didn't become mine in name until I was 22. I feel like those seats are a part of me and even if I do end up getting tickets in the new stadium I'm going to miss those seats.
That's how I felt, I had my original seats since I was about 6(I'm only 19 now). But they're in corner and they're fine steats,I see everything, but we wanted better. So we got moved 2 sections over and a few rows down. It will def. be different going to the Week 2 game and watching it from a different angle.
Moving up a few rows 2 sections over and going from lower deck to upper deck is a world of difference. Then again I think it is going to be a world of difference no matter where you sit in the new stadium, assuming your lucky enough to get tickets.
The point isnt that im moving over two sections,I would have taken seats on the other side of the field, as long as it was closer to the 50.
Question for all.... How the hell does this stadium cost 1.6 BILLION dollars? 800 million over the projected pricetag! The Pats put up Gillet Stadium for 400 Million. Anyone that would like a lower level PSL, let me know. I will give you mine. I am going to try for the cheapest seats in the house, if I can not get that, So long Meadowlands.