OL Ranked 11th at Rotoworld

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by MarionBarber31, Jul 10, 2008.

  1. The Uniform Bomber

    The Uniform Bomber Spivey's Agent

    Jan 22, 2005
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    right. this is coming from the guy who perennially makes assanine predictions and whose arguments are based on forty times and hypocrisy.

    dude, don't you get it yet? your opinions are worth less than nothing here.
  2. Raiderjoe

    Raiderjoe Banned

    Jul 5, 2003
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    Why don't you try and disprove what I said. Easy would you consider Dbrickshaw Ferguson, Alan Faneca and Damien woody to be good pass blockers? NOw is Dbrickshaw Ferguson a very good run blocker? So tell me why you feel Jets Oline should be ranked that high.
    I told you the reason wehy no one would rank them that high. Especially they haven't played one down together yet. Lets hear your case.
    #22 Raiderjoe, Jul 11, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2008
  3. The Uniform Bomber

    The Uniform Bomber Spivey's Agent

    Jan 22, 2005
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    firstly, i definitely consider Brick to be a good pass-blocker who's still learning. this will be his 3rd year, so if you think the verdict is in on him, then you just don't know football, plain and simple. furthermore, he took a step backwards last year having to compensate for a hole - an actual hole - next to him at LG. having Faneca beside him this year will only help improve from a good pass-blocker to a very good pass-blocker.

    as for Faneca, he may be better renowned as a run-blocker, but don't make it seem as if he can't pass-block at all. playing between Ferguson (who should improve, as just stated) and a very solid player in Mangold, will allow Faneca to concentrate on himself, which should put him in a better situation than he was in last year with the Steelers.
  4. Raiderjoe

    Raiderjoe Banned

    Jul 5, 2003
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    Correction Dbrickshaw Ferguson had the reputation of being a good pass blocker coming out of college. The fact this guy has given up more sacks the last two years than any LT. Sooner or later you have to stop blaming a Clarke, and accept the fact that Dbrickshaw Ferguson might be a bust.
    Explain to me , LT for ther most part are left on an Island. Tell me how Alan faneca- has been having pass blocking problems himself going to make Dbrickshaw a better pass blocker.

    Alan Faneca- Hey Brick watch that guy he likes to Bull rush Olineman. Thanks Alan rolls eyes < NOw what do I do.

    Alan faneca gave up two sacks to D robertson for crying out loud.

  5. Have you actually WATCHED Ferguson in pass protection or are you just hanging onto that stat for dear life? B/c if you actually watch him closely..he is a highly talented pass protector. He is inconsistent, as are alot of young O-lineman...but he is well on his way to being a top 5 pass protector league wide.

    As for Faneca...I think you're vastly underrating his pass protection ability. Yes he is better known for his pulling in the running game and off tackle traps...but you don't go to as many pro bowls as he has and gain the reputation he has w/o at least being a decent pass protector. Ive watched some tape on him recently and I've concluded he's a good-not-great pass protector. Nothing to blow out of proportion like you are currently doing.

    So how is Faneca gonna help Ferguson in pass protection? Watch some tape on D brick last season. There were many occassions where his first motion, whether it be a step or hand punch was inside to his right. Why was that taking place? B/c Clarke had short arms and extremely slow feet...he couldnt pass protect to save his life. This allowed outside pass rushers to get at least one extra step/move on the corner..which often created a seam and hung Brick out to dry.How will Faneca help? Again...he's good in the passing game. No longer will Brick's first move routinely be to his right. Instead he should be able to concentrate solely on the outside end. Pretty simple stuff if you ask me.

    The Woody concerns I can buy. He's always been more of a mauling interior type w/ good compact power and hand punches..but he lacks great feet. W/ that said...he earened his contract based on the last quarter of last year, when he was thrown into emergency RT duty due to injuries..and was highly impressive against some stiff competition. I'm not sure if that's the real Damien Woody at RT...but I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
  6. Raiderjoe

    Raiderjoe Banned

    Jul 5, 2003
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    Tell me one respected person who believes Dbrickshaw Ferguson is well on his way to being a top five pass protector. The guy beeen a major dissapointment so far. There is no way a guy should give up supposedly 24 sacks in two years - especially in a short passing attack. At least you didn't try and give me that bogus stat of how Dbrickshaw Ferguson did against the top pass rushers. You don't think Jets were covering up Dbrickshaw Ferguson by scheme aaginst those pass rushers. Than i have a bridge to sell you. What will be the excuse this year when Dbrickshaw ferguson dosen't have A clarke to blame. Dbrickshaw Ferguson alot of times I saw just got bull rushed by pass rushers. (thats not a clarke)

    Go to any steeler board and they will tell you Alan Faneca strength is run blocking ,and he used to be decent pass blocker. Not any more as his pass blocking has really started to slip ther last couple years. D Robertson I believe had two sacks against faneca.

    Your Kidding right with your Probowl voting. Alot of time that has more to due with reputation than actual preformance. Why Safety john Lynch keeps getting voted to probowl. Put a fork in Lynch hes done.

    Damien woody even when he was a probowler at Center was never a good pass blocker. Forcrying out loud he couldn't win a job on Detriot Lions OL. How bad is that.
  7. JetsLookingforDWare

    Jan 22, 2007
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    I actually find it funny that we're a very similar team to the Raiders right now...of course people don't care about right now because they're still catching up with '05...but lets see:

    - O-lines that are unknowns, but should be good at run blocking. The Jets have a major advantage because our guys are also good pass blockers. I really we all have to see it to believe it this year to believe these guys will all play well, but I don't see why we can't be optimistic considering we've all seen these guys play well before.

    - Young QBs. Russell has slightly more hype than Clemens does obviously, but they're basically two unproven guys on two unproven teams. Personally, I like what I've seen from both of them.

    - Young coaches. I like both of the young HCs...and both also have sleeper (well not really) coordinators in Rob Ryan and B. Schott.

    - Large stable of pretty talented RBs. Obviously the Raiders have the most talented RB between the two teams, but eh...I'd take our O-line advantage.

    - Our WRs are a way more stable and proven group.

    - Rhodes. Revis. Aso. Hall. Both teams have two stars in the secondary. I'd rank 'em Rhodes, Aso, Revis, then Hall.

    - Both front 7's are loaded with talent and question marks. The Jets, in my always humble opinion, have fewer question marks and more well rounded players. I'm prepared to hear that Howard and Morrison could single handedly cover Moss and Jesus or sack God...and the many other things Raiderjoe should have to say to this one.

    - So can we never talk about the Raiders again until they actually have some kind of significance to us...like when we play them this year...maybe.
  8. JetsLookingforDWare

    Jan 22, 2007
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    How many "respected" people do you know that believe he won't be?

    Just curious as usual.

    I mean...he was the #4 pick in a loaded draft...that should say alot about what the experts (aka "respect people") think of his potential...no? And he's been good enough to start 33 games in 2 years at arguably the hardest position to play in the NFL...

  9. In a roundabout way you basicaly just proved my point about your stance on Brick.It's leaning heavily on stats and your desperate craving for him to bust b/c your deep down sore about Robert Gallery's failure at LT. You tried to make it sound as if there are all these "Experts" out there proclaiming Brick to be this bust. Frankly most media experts don't know jack shit about offensive lineman. And if you really wanna go w/ that theme, the guys at NFL sirius are always very quick to say they believe Brick is on his way to being a very good lineman.I've never heard an "Expert" criticize him. I challenge you to watch the tape on him. Watch his feet, his long arms, his technique..everything. Watch him when he struggled...watch him when he shut down the likes of Jason Taylor. Compare his individual growth (not stats) from year one to year two. You'll likely LEARN SOMETHING about the evaluation of O-lineman and you'll likely come away impressed w/ his progressions. That is...if you werent a bias raiders fan that has some bizarre infatuation w/ constantly bashing the jets.

    Onto Faneca..So let me get this straight...It's OK if these non existent "experts" and mass media proclaim Brick to be a bust based solely on stats and reputation..but at the same time...Faneca wasn't worthy of all his pro bowl appearances b/c it's based on mass media, popularity and reputation?Huh? That's one helluva double standard if you ask me.

    My father happens to be a die hard steeler fan. He watches many of their games..and I often watch w/ him. The Steelers over the last 5 years or so..have had very shaky pass protection as a whole. Starks, Simmons and Smith are all great drive blockers..but dont have the greatest feet in the world. My father has ALWAYS been very quick to point out..that if it wasn't for Faneca..Roethlisberger would be KILLED. From the games ive watched..I happen to concur. Is he an elite pass protector? No. Is he good? Hell yes. How do I know this? I WATCH offensive lineman. I grew up playing the position..I scouted the position for some draft web sites..and it's my favorite aspect of football. I know for a fact that i'd know more about this than you.
  10. Going4TheGreen

    Going4TheGreen Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2005
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    I like to click the back button whenever I see Joe post, but this time I can see where he's coming from. Why should we have reason to hope our O-Line to be much improved? We put two former probowlers in places where there was two players who didn't even get signed to play in the NFL for a team this season. There's no reason to think that these players will help us, and the addition of an O-Line guru truly is a blow, along with Tony Richardson. Toss me a burger, JaMarcus, I'm going to initiate my Jets-depression induced eating binge!
  11. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    ^ I love a good slice of "sarcasm pie" on a friday night. :wink:
  12. Raiderjoe

    Raiderjoe Banned

    Jul 5, 2003
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    Sorry Jets olines is not good pass blockers. DBrickshaw Ferguson, Alan faneca and Damien woody are not very good pass blockers - Myth number 1.
    Lets see if they are able to run the ball also. Unknown at this point.
    Raiders have a potential franchise QB in jamarcus russell, and Jets have a possible backup QB in K Clemens. Sorry But the TOm Brady story dosen't happen too often.

    Sorry you can't even compare what Raiders have at RB, to what Jets have at RB. Its not even close. You throw in depth they have at FB and its laughable your trying to justify Jets running game as good.
    Again Raiders proved that there voline is one of the better run blocking units.; While you hope the changes you made have similiar results.

    WRs- Healthy Javon Walker and Raiderts surpass your Wrs corp. You only Have two WRs while Raiders depth is alot deeper than that. Raiders have a QB that can get them the ball. While you have one of the worst Qb situation in the nFL.

    I just realized your post was a joke. Okay you got me. No one would compare your average secondary, to one best secondaries in all of football.

    JEts probably start two average at Best DES. Yea every team wishes they were in that boat. Jets have one proven pass rusher. Hes an unknown rookie Vernon Gholston. B thomas anD Calvin Pace are not worthy to be called pass rushers.

    Jets have no depth anywhere. NO playmakers on offense. Weak passs rush and no number 2cb, No safety oppositywe rhodes. Other than that they are good to go.
  13. NJrocket24

    NJrocket24 Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2006
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    So in RaiderJoe's opinion, where are the raiders thin? I know you can't say they are deep anywhere because that would make them one of the best teams in NFL history, and they are obviously not because they went 4-12.

    Since you refute every jet positive claim with the raiders have a top 5 or potential top 5, it may make your head explode to try and think of a spot where the raiders are potentially weak.
  14. Raiderjoe

    Raiderjoe Banned

    Jul 5, 2003
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    Again you have so much faith in this oline the jets have assembled. Why don't you put your money where your mouth is. ITs easy money. Lets see which Oline Your or mine performs better in 2008. Any offensive stat you want to base this on. Next year after this Oline Jets assembled crumbles, maybe you can put your resume in to be the Jets new Oline coach.
  15. JetsLookingforDWare

    Jan 22, 2007
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    Joe, how bout money on which team is better?
  16. JetsLookingforDWare

    Jan 22, 2007
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    Or some sub for money...whatever.
  17. Raiderjoe

    Raiderjoe Banned

    Jul 5, 2003
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    First off fans have to stop harping on what any teams record was the previous year. The Chargers went from a team with ther first pick , to a serious contender the following season. Happens all the time, some teams rise and some teams fall.

    Raiders have legitimate questions of how good there tackles will be in pass protection.

    Jamarcus Russell is a very talented prospect, thats going to go through some growing pains. (biggest positive for him is he has a proven running game to lean on- that speeds up a ijnhexperienced Qb developement faster.)

    Raiders question on defense is can they do a better job stopping the run. Raiders stop the run, and they are easily a top three defense.

    Certain Players were to get injured- The Thomas Howard and N Asomugha . Those guys are just rare players that are impossible to replace. Both do so much . Thomas Howard is the premier cover Lb in the NFL. HOw many Teams can ask of their LB what Raiders do. For example against The Brown in ther hurry up offense. Raiders had the confidence to put T Howard man to man against Braylon Edwards in the slot.
    #37 Raiderjoe, Jul 12, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2008
  18. Raiderjoe

    Raiderjoe Banned

    Jul 5, 2003
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    Okay Im fine with that. Which team has better record in 2008. Head to head game Breaks any tiebreakers. How much do you want to lose?
  19. Gloom N Doom

    Gloom N Doom Member

    Sep 23, 2007
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    Raider Joe,
    Raider Joe,
    What do you say ?
    What do you know?
    If you don't loosen up the buckle,
    on your heart and start to chuckle,
    You're gonna blow your brains out
    Raider Joe.

    (My apologies to John Prine)
  20. You didn't even bother to respond to the points I made. About how you have a double standard w/ your thoughts on Faneca and Ferguson. No matter.

    I'm not in disagreement w/ you about the Jets OL being a question mark. I have alot of concerns about the starters on the right side..specifically their ability to pass protect effectively over a 16 game season. I just think your highlighting the wrong guys.

    D'brickashaw has displayed the talent and ability to be a top 5 pass protector. What he has struggled w/ is inconsistency, inexperience and ineffective personell to his right. This SHOULD be the year all 3 of those things are erased. Afterall, year 3 is usually the year people highlight for things to "click" for young O-lineman.

    Faneca is CLEARLY an elite interior lineman in the league..smack dab in the middle of his prime. You couple him in between an ultra athletic LT like Brick and arguably the best young center in football(Mangold) and the left side of the line is going to be VERY dependable..especially in pass protection. This I have no doubt about.

    Again..i AGREE that the OL as a whole has alot to prove. I just think the players your questioning are poor choices.

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