How good can this 2008 Jets team be?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by TampaBayJetsFan85, Jul 3, 2008.

  1. TampaBayJetsFan85

    Apr 22, 2007
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    We really lost alot of close games last year, can the new additions bring this team over the top and land the Jets back into the playoffs?

    Can the additions of Calvin Pace, Kris Jenkins, Vernon Gholston, Tony Richardson, Alan Faneca, Damien Woody, Bubba Franks, and Dustin Keller lead this team into the playoffs? It will be exciting, thats for sure.

    Players like David Harris and Revis will also have an extra year under their belt while knowing and understanding the game "That much more" and if Kellen goes down as the starting QB, It's nice to know that he has last years disaster in the past, and should also know "That much more" Interms of being a starting QB in 08. Lets also hope that Justin Miller can have that breakout type of year that fans have been dreaming of.

    I'm always am excited and pumped up about the Jets but this offseason, I have a kind of "Serious" feeling when I think about the Jets. I think they can really be the underdog team of the leauge while being a special team. I just get a "serious" type of feeling inside when talking about these Jets.

    Ferguson-Faneca-Mangold-Moore-Woody on the O-Line? That O-Line has potential with youth and veteran leadership.

    -Ferguson can turn into a "Franchise LT" playing next to Faneca. It may be safe to say that Ferguson may give the Jets their moneys worth in terms of living up to the expectations of being the Jets #4 draft pick... Lets hope he can learn a thing or two from a superstar LG

    -Faneca... Enough said. He's a veteran leader, a solid pass blocker and one of the best run blocking guards to ever play the game

    -Mangold, He has the talent and potential and has already shown that he can be a top 5 center for years to come. He's legit

    -Moore, lets not forget that Moore was just about a rookie when he was the Jets starting RG (While Curtis Martin rushed for the rushing title) I think Moore can be a stand out player for this O-Line with solid talent around the man.

    -Woody.. I dont really know much about this guy, but I do know that he's a veteran from a previous Patriots superbowl winning team. And how can he NOT BE an upgrade over Clarke? That guy was horrid for me to watch as a fan.

    We know what we have in players like Coles, Cotchery, Leon Washington, Thomas Jones and Chris Baker (They are all playmakers in my eyes) Players who can get the job done on any given down.

    But what about players like Bubba Franks, Brad Smith, and Dustin Keller? Maybe they can bring alot of energy to this 2008 Jets team? Also what about Marcus Henry? This kid is 6'4 or 6'5, I remember him from watching a Kansas game, if he makes this team... He could be a Keyshawn Johnson type of red zone target. And I mean that.

    Our Defense is REALLY what has me excited and feeling good about this team. I know it starts up front with the top 7 but our secondary has potential greatness.

    Kerry Rhodes- Has became a leader for this Jets team while being talked about as one of the best safetys in the game today

    Revis- He proved (As a rookie) That he has what it takes to be a "True" #1 CB for years to come. Shutdown? Is there even a such thing anymore? Revis may be as close to a "Shutdown Corner" That we may see for a long time.

    -If Miller can learn to turn his head and play the ball, he can be a hard hitting ball hawk who has amazing speed and quickness. I cant really ask for to much from a #2 CB. If he fails, we still have players like Poteat, Coleman, and Lowery may even step up and man the #2 spot, I really like Lowery. Overall, Im confident with our CB positions

    -Abram Elam plays the game with heart and I love that. Last year was his FIRST year starting. Working with Rhodes over the offseason, he should learn alot and be that much better for 2008. He can hit, he has speed, he can play the ball, it's just sometimes I seen him over play the ball in coverage. We also have Darnell Bing, who knows, he may be a breakout player from USC. Overall, I think Elam can be the "Key" For this secondary.

    -The front 7 should be the strong point of this Jets team. With Kris Jenkins replacing Robertson. With Gholston and Pace replacing Hobson and Thomas from the outside, I look for a nasty pass rush with a 3-4 NT who will demand double teams while players like David Harris and Barton find space to make plays in the open field. Also, with Jenkins as the Jets NT: Harris and Barton should fill the holes and attack the lanes like never before (Compared to 07). The key players are Eillis and Coleman in my eyes. If they can have solid seasons, our front 7 should be lethal because we now have a "Mangini 3-4 Defnese" For the 1st time ever.

    Did I forget special teams? Leon Washington? Justin Miller? Mike Nugent? Potential.

    Im pumped
  2. Beamen

    Beamen New Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    If EVERYTHING goes perfectly (and by that, I mean we suffer ZERO significant injuries, Woody becomes a Pro Bowler, D'Brick and Mangold take huge steps forward, Clemens wins the QB job and and plays above and beyond his full potential, Miller wins the #2 CB spot and lives up to his potential, neither Revis nor Harris suffer sophomore slumps, Jenkins takes to, and thrives in the NT position, Thomas and Pace both prove they are not one-year-wonders, Coleman learns how to play 3-4 DE, someone steps up and thrives as the 2nd S, and our 1st round rookies both contribute) we can be a very, very good team.

    For now, I'll say half of those things happen, and we go 6-10 or 7-9 or 8-8- depending on which of those things work out, and which don't...

    Still pumped for the season though!
    #2 Beamen, Jul 3, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2008
  3. Tony

    Tony Bipedal, Reformed

    Aug 27, 2002
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    IMO, this team is as good as teh QB play. The FO made excellent moves, especially on the defensive side of the ball. Fanaca and Woody will shore up the OL nice enough for Jones to be more effective this season (I hope).

    But it comes down teh play of Clemens. The team will go as he goes. If it comes to Pennington, than I believe this team is 7-9 at best.
  4. notjustQBs

    notjustQBs New Member

    Dec 24, 2007
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    Quote: "We really lost alot of close games last year, can the new additions bring this team over the top and land the Jets back into the playoffs?..."

    Apart from the fact that TampaBayCharlie has graced us with a fun and provocative post, this is a salient point in my estimation.

    Along with most of you guys, I have been terribly disappointed with this 4-12 year we've just had.

    But even though an inch is the same as a mile in the NFL as far as your record goes. TB has a point: We don't have to climb Mount Everest to win 12 instead of 4.

    Now, that doesn't mean we're on the beach, either.

    At the same time, if you think the FA grabs, and trades, and draft picks are good so far, this coaching staff doesn't have to move contankerous mountains, just mix up a bit of harmony to change a loss by 3 points to a win by 6.

    I believe we were as close as we were because of serious all-out effort, pure and simple.

    If I were on the NYJ coaching staff I would emphasize how hard we played last year, and how hard we'll play this year, but how smart we need to play to get back from all the effort.

    The Titans' HC Fisher made an arresting point at the Rookie Seminar this past weekend: Just hearing doesn't mean they are listening.

    "Fisher shared a story about a left cornerback he had on his team who, during a timeout of a game against the Washington Redskins in 2003, told the defensive coordinator he understood a coverage the Titans would be using on the next play. But the cornerback actually did not understand his assignment, reacted incorrectly, and that resulted in a wide-open Redskins receiver catching a touchdown pass. The Titans wound up losing by three points.

    "After the game, my owner (Bud Adams) told a reporter, 'We got out-coached,'" Fisher said. "The left corner? He wasn't listening. He was hearing. 'I gotcha, coach. I gotcha, coach.' But he wasn't listening. Don't be one of those guys who says, 'I gotcha, coach.'"
  5. JetsLookingforDWare

    Jan 22, 2007
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    I don't know how to explain this team...the optimist in me says this team reminds me of the '01 Pats...not many big names but a bunch of guys all considered good or solid players...alot of young, unproven talent...good coaching minds at the helm though the track record isnt' there...

    That doesn't mean we'll win a Super Bowl...or contend for a SB even...on paper that Pats team had no right competing for or winning a Super Bowl...but I do think this team will open alot of eyes this year. We'll play hard, we'll be disciplined, we'll be well coached, we'll be significantly more talented than we have been in the past 3-4 years...

    This years biggest thing will be to bring respectability to both this franchise, what we're doing, and just how talented the guys we've got running this franchise really are...I expect we'll get *that* done.
  6. MayoGate

    MayoGate Active Member

    Jan 6, 2007
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    I got to admire your passion kid ..:up:
  7. JetsLookingforDWare

    Jan 22, 2007
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    Well I do take into account that Ted Washington and Richard Seymour alone give you guys a nice little advantage...but I like our LB corps...and our secondary has potential.

    And of course theres that whole...QB thing...
  8. kennyo07

    kennyo07 New Member

    Oct 1, 2006
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    Don't leave out J Chatman and or Musa Smith, both of these guys are fantastic depth and the best insurance policy you could as for if something happens to Jones or Washington. I see one of these guys being the goaline bruiser we have not had in a while - what we were hoping cedric houston would be before he lost his head.
  9. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    This Team is as strong as our weakest link!!!!!
  10. Jtuds

    Jtuds Active Member

    Dec 5, 2004
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    Now that we're getting Brett Favre, unstoppable!!!
    #10 Jtuds, Jul 3, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2008
  11. Gloom N Doom

    Gloom N Doom Member

    Sep 23, 2007
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    Until the QB is finally settled (And I don't think it's someone currently on the roster....unless Ainge takes off) the jets are 8-8 at best.
  12. vilmatic

    vilmatic Active Member

    May 28, 2004
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    I think Justin Miller holds a big key (not as big as the QB question, but still) to our success. The vets we signed SHOULD do their job, but if Miller puts his godgiven talent together with a perhaps non-existent intellect, our secondary will be very tough to match up with. That could be the difference between 7-9 and 10-6.
  13. xxedge72x

    xxedge72x 2018 Gang Green QB Guru Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I agree with this though I'd feel a lot more comfortable with real backups on the oline.
  14. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    The Jets have some proven talent and some unproven potential. The NFL is over all a bunch of teams that are a perennial work in progress, much like a Renaissance era Church except most of them are likely to be torn to the ground before they are every completed great works of art. Like all period pieces this team will be measured by the other works of art of its time. I suspect this team will have its admirers but won't become a classic with any long term intrinsic value. I look at the Pats as an Andy Warhol Campbells soup poster and this years Jets as a Madona nipple piercing. You can't help but stare neither of them are very pretty but I would rather have the Warhol on my bathroom wall.
  15. flgreen

    flgreen New Member

    Mar 4, 2008
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    I think all your points are valid, but I think much more then half of them will come to pass.

    No injuries....This is true
    Woody doesn't need to be a Pro Bowler, he needs to play solid, and I think that is a very real possibility

    Same is true with D-Brick and Mangold. Mangold is solid, D-Brick needs to be able to hold his weight. From the pictures I have seem of him, he looks bigger. Should happen

    Clemens should win the QB spot, he doesn't have to play above and beyond his potential, just at it.

    Miller was the starter when he was hurt last year, but is a big question mark. If he can play to his potential, the jets would have 2 shut down CB's

    Don't see why Revis or Harris would take a step back, if anything will improve.

    Jenkins was born to play NT. I think he will be back to his Pro Bowl status

    Thomas is in a produce or pack up situation. he has the skills, and is being challenged. He'll perform. The Jets overpaid for Pace, but he is going to be an excellent all around LB

    IMO Coleman did an excellent job as 3-4 DE. needs to do it again.

    Also thought Elam was a very pleasant surprise last year. Think he will have a breakout season this year.

    Think both rookies are very good fits, plus I like two other players from the rookie class.

    It's all a matter of perspective. Glass half full..........Glass half empty

    11-5 finish a close second to the pats
  16. ouchy

    ouchy Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2007
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    We could still win a lot of games with avarage QB play if our defense matches the potential it has on paper.
  17. Johnny4

    Johnny4 New Member

    Dec 28, 2003
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    If I could push the button for 10-6, I'd take it.
  18. ColoradoJets

    ColoradoJets Member

    Apr 6, 2006
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    They'll be just good enough to tease you into thinking something good will happen, then they'll rip our hearts out at the end.
  19. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    I'm no i will base my assumptions on "significant injuries".

    if the Jets don't suffer any significant injuries, and with the strength of their schedule..I think we're good enough to go 10-6 and have a chance at a WC spot. However, if we suffer some significant injuries....we go 5-11....3-13, if Pennington ends up starting for us.
  20. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    It wouldn't be football season without that every year. I'm starting to enjoy my Jets-induced aorta massages at this point.

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