J Russell could be Manningesque

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by Raiderjoe, May 26, 2008.

  1. Raiderjoe

    Raiderjoe Banned

    Jul 5, 2003
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    Jamarcus Russell: could be Peyton Manningesque.
    by steve tripe (Scribe)
    May 24, 2008

    What, Peyton Manning?! Are you crazy?

    I can see the Raider haters now. Colts fans are screaming how dare you compare Jamarcus to Peyton, that's insane. And your right Jamarcus is his own man, and could be better than Peyton, what are you crazy as they hurl their insults at me again lol.

    Well although nobody can predict the future you can look at the process at least. let me show you similarities to what Jamarcus has quietly been doing in comparison to Peyton.

    First off, if anyone cares Jamarcus scored a 24 on the wunderlic test and Peyton a 26. Hmmm... pretty darn close there.

    Now the work ethic.

    Jamarcus has been studying like crazy and proving it to his offensive coaching staff. He is also the first one in and the last one out during offseason workouts.

    Which means, your leader, the QB, should be leading the way and he is doing that in hard work.

    When someone on NFL access talked to Kirk Morrison he said that Jamarcus has been running with the LBs and everyone else and has been the hardest working Raider this offseason.

    When the offensive coaching staff gives him scenarios from the plays hes been learning, he will tell them exactly what needs to be recognized or done and then tells them this is old news give me new stuff, and this happens consistently. His mindset is completely different with much more confidence and decision making.

    Now not only is he working as hard as Peyton ever did, but Jamarcus has far more gifted abilities. Hes bigger and stronger, much more mobile, and has an arm like no one else, maybe ever.

    Now we throw in a great running game due to Tom Cable with a potential superstar homerun threat in Darren McFadden and the sky is the limit. Oh yes, and the Raiders have been quietly adding many tall, fast, athletic, physical WRs this offseason. They have about 8 WRs, veteran and drafted, that range from 6'2 200 to 6'4 225 and one is 6'3 240. And they are fast and physical especially a few of the bigger ones. There will be plenty of competition this year for the WR positions.

    One thing i like about Kiffin he definitely has the attitude of commitment to excellence. It doesn't matter who you are, just about your hard work and commitment. and it seems to be at least reflecting in Jamarcus and others have followed. When was the last time during an offseason workouts for the Raiders that you heard they were too intense like we heard last year. Actually a prominent coach who went around to the different mini camps said the Raiders were the most intense and focused. And then someone complained, which was probably Lamont Jordan cause according to Sapp he gets lazy.
  2. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Steve Tripe - http://www.bleacherreport.com/users/15711-steve_tripe

    This queer is a Raiders' fan...of course he's going to compare Russell to Manning. Oh wait, he's not a Raiders' "fan", he's a "strong observer", because he's more "logical and reasonable" than most Raider fans. It's very logical to compare a second year quarterback that hasn't done ANYTHING in the NFL to Peyton Manning, who is arguably the NFL's best quarterback.

    Come back with a legit article next time jeaux...
    #2 Mr Electric, May 26, 2008
    Last edited: May 26, 2008
  3. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    Joe I swear you ran your rant through spellcheck and then authored it under a different name....
  4. AMJets

    AMJets Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2003
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    I think jeaux realizes, after years of incorrect predictions, there's no chance he's going to regain any credibility. He's going kamikaze. He'll just throw all the crap he has against the wall and hope at least one thing sticks, no matter how insane it may seem.
  5. Raiderjoe

    Raiderjoe Banned

    Jul 5, 2003
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    just an excerpt re: 2nd year QBs and JaMarcus:

    Around the NFL: Can Russell make a difference? History is murky for No. 1 QBs
    Monday, May 19, 2008
    By Steve Doerschuk

    By the time he lines up within range of the Statue of Liberty, JaMarcus Russell may have revealed whether he's up to liberating the Raiders from their latest free fall.

    The New York Jets will be Russell's opponent in Game 6, assuming he still is Oakland's No. 1 quarterback.

    By then, he will have had a chance to prove whether he can be the next generation's state-of-the-art QB. Four of his five games before the Meadowlands are against teams that missed the 2007 playoffs — the Broncos, Chiefs, Bills, Chargers and Saints.

    As to those defenses, it's a mostly favorable schedule for Russell.

    For now, one can only guess how the No. 1 overall pick of the 2007 draft will fare as a second-year pro.

    What we do know is how a slew of recent No. 1 overall QBs fared in their second seasons. For now, that's what we have to go on regarding what Russell might do.

    Russell's growth chart mirrors Peyton Manning's — in Al Davis' dreams.

    Manning was a second-year pro when he passed for 4,397, 31 TDs and nine interceptions. His quick success was the reason the Colts improved from 3-13 to 13-3.

    The comparison doesn't work, though, because Manning passed for 4,040 yards as a rookie working through growing pains. Russell barely saw the field as a rookie, throwing for 373 yards.

    Tim Couch, Cleveland's pick at No. 1 overall in 1999, went 2-12 as a rookie starter. He seemed to break through in his second year. Through three games, he was 2-1 with a passer rating higher than Manning's.

    Couch's third game was a masterpiece against Pittsburgh. His next game was a disaster at Oakland. After three more losses, he broke a thumb in practice and went on injured reserve.

    The next QB drafted at the top was Michael Vick in 2001. Forgetting Vick's current nightmare and focusing on his second season should encourage Russell.

    Vick played a bit more than Russell as a rookie but mostly sat and watched. In his second year, he passed for 2,936 yards and posted a QB 81.6 rating. Those numbers have stood up as his career bests.

    The Falcons went from 4-12 to 7-9 behind Vick's breakthrough.

    A look at other quarterbacks drafted more recently at No. 1 overall:

    • David Carr, 2002, Houston. He started all 16 games as a rookie on a first-year expansion team that went 4-12. He made 11 starts in his seconds season, winning two of the first four before crashing. He was 1-6 after that.

    Here is another invalid comparison. No one has ever seen Carr in the same talent showroom as Russell.

    • Carson Palmer, 2003, Cincinnati. Palmer didn't sniff the field as a rookie, arguably a mistake. The Bengals went 8-8 behind Jon Kitna. The second year, Palmer lost five of his first seven starts and had single-game passser ratings below 70 in all but two.

    Russell saw substantial action in four games last December. He started the season finale against the Chargers, going 23-of-31 for 224 yards. That's not much, but it's an advantage Palmer didn't have. It's an advantage Cleveland didn't give Brady Quinn last year, incidentally.

    • Eli Manning, 2004, Giants via San Diego. Here's another example of a team getting a payoff from giving a rookie franchise quarterback lots of work. Manning started seven games in his first year, when the Giants were going nowhere, then started all 16 games for an 11-5 team in 2005.

    True, the Giants got smoked, 23-0, by Carolina in a playoff opener. Still, Manning's more recent success makes him the model study for developing a No. 1 overall pick.

    • Alex Smith, 2005. This guy got plenty of grooming as a rookie, making seven starts and winning his last two. He started all 16 games in his second year, playing fairly well in stretches. His record was 5-5 at one point, with three single-game ratings above 100. He faded badly after that and had a miserable third year.

    As with Carr, Smith isn't in Russell's talent class.

    Later in the year, Russell is scheduled to be in a duel with New England's Tom Brady. Feel free to speculate whether he's up to the challenge.


    The mother of all second-year quarterback stories comes from Miami.

    Dan Marino was the 27th pick of the 1983 draft. As a second-year Dolphin in 1984, he led his team to a 14-2 record and a Super Bowl. Yes, it was mostly him. He passed for 5,084 yards and 48 touchdowns, pretty fair numbers for a 23-year-old.

    Russell, for what it's worth, is almost the exact age Marino was in that 1984 season.

    Whereas Russell is bigger and more athletic than Marino, it is hard to equate their second seasons. Marino played a lot as a rookie, passing for 2,210 yards and 20 touchdowns in 11 games. Russell played much less.

    Marino was part of an established team coached by old pro Don Shula. The Dolphins were 12-4 when Marino was a rookie.

    Russell's team is coming off a 4-12 year, with a coach barely old enough to shave.
    #5 Raiderjoe, May 26, 2008
    Last edited: May 26, 2008
  6. Raiderjoe

    Raiderjoe Banned

    Jul 5, 2003
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    NOw I Like to look at Big Ben. What Russelll has that BIG Ben had was a consistant running game to lean on. (why Big Ben was able to shine as a rookie) He dosen't have to carry the offense, which wil help in his development .
  7. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Roethlisberger made good decisions...that's why he was successful as a rookie. He also had Plaxico Burress, Hines Ward, and Jerome Bettis as weapons, and he had an extrememly talented offensive line in front of him that could run block AND pass block.

    The Raiders do not have a proven running game. I know they were ranked towards the top of the league in rushing, but they only won 4 games. Most of the rushing yards their backs picked up, were in garbage time. They failed at passing the ball, so they ran it, and ran it, and ran it. That's why that team has so many yards. No one that has a rookie running back and a brand new starting tackle has a PROVEN rushing attack. It has potential, but it's not proven.
  8. xjets2002x

    xjets2002x Active Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Forget spellcheck...you couldn't get an A on this from a 5th grade grammar teacher. I realize that the internet, for the most part, has no regard for practical grammar, but this guy should take a little pride in his work. If you go through life writing like this, no one is ever going to take your opinions seriously.

  9. Raiderjoe

    Raiderjoe Banned

    Jul 5, 2003
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    Its obvious you didn't watch too many Raider games.
    You don't know what you talking about. Do the research. Go to NFL.com play by play for each game. Yes its tedious but at least you will get your facts straight. Just because you keeping making up why Raiders wewre sixth ranked team rushing the football, dosen't make it right. Just makes you look like a bigger fool than you are.\\
    Sorry but you don't have time of possessin on offense if your not moving the ball consistantly on the ground.
    Also J fargas and his 5.4 average yards per carry is Raiders starting RB. Kwame Harris is a dominating run blocker, with questionablwe pass blocking. Thats a bigtime upgrade to B Sims.

    Listen want to put your money where you mouth is. Jets really upgraded their OLine this offseason. The bet is which team Raiders or Jets have more rushing yards next year. My money on the Raiders. Do we have a bet ?
    #9 Raiderjoe, May 26, 2008
    Last edited: May 26, 2008
  10. Raiderjoe

    Raiderjoe Banned

    Jul 5, 2003
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    This isn't an English class, but a football board. Bring your football knowledge . You can't so you have to come up wiith stuff that dosen't have anything to do with topic.
  11. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    The Raiders only had the leading rusher in half of their games, and they lost 5 of those 8 games anyway...like I said, it doesn't matter how well they can run the ball if they can't win.
  12. Raiderjoe

    Raiderjoe Banned

    Jul 5, 2003
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    MR Electric- IM Waiting, do we have a BET? Lets see how confident you are in yuour oLIne and running game.
  13. Raiderjoe

    Raiderjoe Banned

    Jul 5, 2003
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    So your basically saying you were wrong. Sounds like your changing your tune. Are you still contesting Raideres sixth ranking. Raiders proved last year it didn't matter who the RB was, they were going to have success running the football(thats with teams loading up to stop the run) That darn impressive. Raiders didn't get consistant Qb play last year- alot of trouble protecting the football. With upgrade on Oline(Further strengthing their run blocking and with Addition of M Bush and D Mcfadden look out.

    Lets see Averge to good RBs + behind Raiders Oline ( Denver blocking system) = 6th rank rushing offense.
    What will a stud RB (Mcfadden and Bruiser M Bush)+ do behind a better run blocking oline= Dangerous offense.

    The explosive weapons on offense now from last year is like day and night.

    again DO we have a BET. Comeon man get a pair. You upgraded that Oline and have L Washington and T jones. Raiders runnning game a mirage. Its easy money.

    Let me break the formula down MR Electric - a consistanrt running game + a very very good defense= at worsat you should be battling for a playoff spot.
    #13 Raiderjoe, May 26, 2008
    Last edited: May 26, 2008
  14. Quack

    Quack New Member

    Mar 19, 2007
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    You're RaiderJeaux. He is not.

    I think MrElectric wins, regardless of the actual result.
  15. Raiderjoe

    Raiderjoe Banned

    Jul 5, 2003
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    Quack you want to get in on the easy money. I will make the same bet with you also.

    Quack Do we have a Bet. Mr Electric knows what hes talking about.

    BTw MR quack. Mr electric Raider knowledge was Raiders have alot of smurf fast WRs---Oh yes, and the Raiders have been quietly adding many tall, fast, athletic, physical WRs this offseason. They have about 8 WRs, veteran and drafted, that range from 6'2 200 to 6'4 225 and one is 6'3 240. And they are fast and physical especially a few of the bigger ones. There will be plenty of competition this year for the WR positions.
    #15 Raiderjoe, May 26, 2008
    Last edited: May 26, 2008
  16. Raiderjoe

    Raiderjoe Banned

    Jul 5, 2003
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    Since MR Electric and Quack are unwilling toi put there money where there mouths are. Is there any Jet fan that wants to make that bet. Comeon Look at the awesome oline Jets built this offseason.
    #16 Raiderjoe, May 26, 2008
    Last edited: May 26, 2008
  17. SameOldJets2008

    SameOldJets2008 New Member

    Dec 30, 2007
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    If you guys could run the ball so well why did you draft a running back in the first round.

    Face it your team is a joke, you load up on overpaid old fa that wont help your team and then you guys wont be able to resign your young stars.

    Fabian is already gone and Aso will want a bigger deal than hall and theres no way you are going to be able to pay him that much.

    The raiders may have one of the best running games but when you run the ball more than any team you should get the most yards. Even if Jamarcus is good he doesnt have any guys to throw to. Javon "glass knee" Walker is a joke so instead of trolling a jets board, you should look at your own team
  18. Quack

    Quack New Member

    Mar 19, 2007
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    Sir, you are mistaken. Mr. Quack is my father. I'm just Quack.
  19. xjets2002x

    xjets2002x Active Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Good Lord. Buddy, I've been posting on message boards for over five years now. Rule number 1: If you're going to challenge some of the ridiculous points people bring up and the holes in any particular argument, it pays to be coherent. At the very least, use actual sentences.

    My point is completely relevant in this case. The logic in this article is as poor as any I've ever seen. Someone wrote this in an article format and attached their name to it. Because of that, it's totally open to such criticism. It's not simply a message board post. Predictably, the shoddy grammar is matched by shoddy logic. It gets to the point where you really don't want to debate the merits, because you realize the person who wrote it has no regard for logic, reasoning, and applying those two things to argument, meaning it's more than likely they'll just say something like "this guy dosen't know anything about football." It's wasted breath.

    JaMarcus Russell's Wonderlic was two points lower than Peyton Manning's. Apparently this makes them similar. Another quarterback whose Wonderlic was two points different than Peyton Manning's? Cade McNown, who scored a 28, a full two points better than Manning.

    The merits of the argument are as bad as the spelling. The author takes every first round pick who never succeeded and finds a reason why they're nothing like Russell. Then he takes every quarterback who did succeed and finds some sort of encouragement for Russell.

    There's really no sense in arguing something so fallacious. The Raiders can win if he's even mediocre. They have a nice running game and some talent at receiver. They have a couple of nice defensive players. In the meantime, let's stay away from the Peyton Manning comparisons. They're ridiculous. Peyton Manning was christened a Hall of Famer from the moment he entered the league. JaMarcus Russell is a guy who had one very good college year and has excellent physical tools. He may well be a more gifted version of Jason Campbell. The fact is, we don't know yet, and this entire article is beyond over the top. It looks like something Steve Serby wrote about Interceptaverde in a drunken haze one evening.

  20. NYJalltheway

    NYJalltheway Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2004
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    I think all the raider fans on here are far worse than any of us could ever be but I must admit I expect about 3,400 yards and a TD/INT ratio of 28/12 this year for JR.

    If he gets an actual offense around him he COULD almost be as good as PM. (potential wise)

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