I never said that Kenyon Coleman was great. I said he was above-average. Learn to read. No one cares about the Raiders stay on topic. Thank you.
Well you need to do a better job of watching your team. Obviously yhou don't know what your looking for. BTW- a liitle fact. You can watch every game 10 times and it still not going to change the outcome. If not for Dolphins Jets would have won two games. Thank a Dolphin fan.
Still talking out of your ass. I think you're just a masochist that likes to be abused. The part that rules is that you are too much of a coward to show up on the board when your predictions fall on their face.
And your wrong. You don't look to replace above average players. Now which is it . Your looking for upgrade at DE, or is your Des above average. your saying two diffrent things.
No Here i am again. So obviously your making stuff up again. It dosen't take courage to batle fans who haven't tasted victory for 40 years. Yet every year its going to be diffrent. Yea thats as much believable as K Clemens turning out to be the next TOm Brady.
How many games have the Raiders lost so far in 2008? Zero. That's the only reason you are still here. Once they tank, you will vanish like usual. Coward. By the way. That's the last time I mention the Raiders or you in this thread, because neither are truly worthy of discussion. Both complete losers, every year.
How many games have Jets won in 2008?" Zero Guess we know why your talking pretty tough in May. So whats the Jets record next year.
There is one very simple reason why the Jets defense will be dominant next year. Thanks Raiderjoke for making the prediction that they wont. BTW I took it to the bank that the Raiders wouldn't take Mcfadden, does that mean I am rich now?
Which TGG member pissed in Raiderjoke's gas tank..causing him to hijack every single football discussion? It's really getting old.
Yeah, you say the same thing- and your team consistently fails you. The vast majority on this site are perfectly realistic on where the Jets are at. You think its the Raiders year to return to glory every year, and you look foolish, uninformed, and wrong every year... You have no reputation of substance and no track record to make you a voice to be heard... You're an embarrassment to the team you root for, who are embarrassments in themselves. I hear Raider Fans wanting Davis to take a Dirt Nap all the time, and you bend over for the old fuck. You'll never wake up from whatever fantasy land you live in... I feel sorry for you.
I honestly think Jamarcus Russell could get pissed at his receivers for sucking and eat them as payback... The Raiders are quite possibly the least intimidating franchise in football as of right now. 1. They don't draft well 2. Sure they had the 6th best rushing attack in the NFL. Where did it take them? Another down-the-crapper season. Oh and by the way, Jeaux, if you're going to post, try making them comprehendible. Or has being a Raider fan lowered your IQ?
I am not Miss Cleo. I can't tell you what the Jets record is going to be. I CAN tell you that the Raiders are probably going to have a Detroit Tigers situation; make a couple big moves in the offseason and end up sucking anyway.
ROTFL @ that coming from a Raiders fan. So much irony balled into one tiny little sentence. Mangini >>>>>>>>>> Kiffin More QED from me.
This guy has to be caught in some odd paradox where the more he watches and studies football the less he actualy knows about it.
This entire thread could be packaged and sold as a case study to any university strong in psychology. I'm actually tearing as I read this and laugh.
Well, since the thread has been thoroughly hijacked by tard-boy, allow me to clear something up. You got raiderjeaux lite in this thread. If it was vintage jeaux, he not only would be talking like a caveman, he would be posting the combine stats of every Raiders player he talked about like they made a point for him. Do a search on his post history and you will see what I mean.