Although Damon will probably play CF, it'd be nice if they called up Gardner for the first 3 games.
This is exactly right...and if they don't like it, tough. There are going to be problems, especially if they go after our stars," Steinbrenner said. "It's not going to be tolerated. We never have done it to them. It's just not going to happen anymore." The Yankees should protect themselves. They've had more than their share of hit batters through the years. They are making a stand here and Girardi has the full support of ownership, whatever route is taken. The Yankees are not backing down. Alex Rodriguez was hit by pitches 21 times last season, second in the American League, and Derek Jeter was hit 14 times, seventh on the list,
Obviously not but I think we get the point. Ijnstead of watching the Sox and other teams plunk Jeter and ARod and whoever else we might actually respond which we haven't done in a long time.
Billy Crystal taking swings in a meaningless game = disgrace. Encouraging the NY Yankees to get into brawls on the field = exactly right. Where the f**k did things change so drastically to the stupid end of the spectrum?
That's the spirit! By the way, did y'all get to see the projected win totals for the Yanks? Quite interesting. ETA: Here's a link to a page that discusses the PECOTA projections:
oh what was I thining.....why should I have an opinion of my own when other sources already have projected win totals. whew, now I dont feel so bad. And Im not sure what "spirit" you refer to cappy. Is that the "spirit" that says you must always think your team is going to win the championship?
You can have an opinion of your own. It's just the basis for your opinion is rather unsupported in this case. You've explained your "reasoning" for your opinion of the Yanks in the past, and it's a flawed one. The simplistic answer is that you prefer to be a Debbie Downer. In any stochastic function, you can't predict the outcome with exact certainty. You can only know a probabilistic range. Baseball predictions are very similar to this. It is silly to pretend that we "know" what is going to happen. You are welcome to whatever "gut feeling" you have, but it's rather meaningless. There is just a range of probability for any and all outcomes. And it's pretty unrealistic to say "it's going to be a long season" before the regular season has even started, considering that any objective analysis shows the Yankees being a very, very good team. Might they not be a good team? Sure. That's a low probability, though, given an objective analysis of their talent. And given the results of these objective analyses, the only obvious reason for being down on the Yankees is that you prefer to be a glass half-empty kind of guy. Again, this isn't to say that the Yankees might not have a horrendous season... it's just that there's no reason to put your money on that. You'd be betting on the long shot. And seeing as how this is a team that you supposedly root for, I'm hard-pressed to find a reason why someone would be down on the Yanks this year. Incidentally, I don't think the Yanks are the favorite to win the WS.
They are facts devoid of meaningful context. Baseball is a talent and skill driven game, and success is relative. "Aging bats" and "green pitching" are not standards by which one can accurately judge a team. A couple of examples: The Rays have had very young bats for a very long time. How much success have they enjoyed? The Red Sox are the oldest team in baseball. Yet I assume you're worried about them besting the Yanks this year. The Red Sox bullpen was fairly makeshift last year (aside from Papelbon), and they turned out alright.
It's not about fighting, it's about defending yourself. Other teams have been plunking our guys for years and we haven't done anything. You know what is really embarrassing? having a fan like you. I wish you were a Met fan so I didn't have to read your asinine posts.
WTF is "defensing" yourself? You know what's really embarrassing? Reading posts you write. You can't spell. You can't use proper capitalization. Your punctuation skills are suspect. On top of that, you're usually arguing about the most stupid shit any person possibly could. Piss off junc. I wasn't even speaking to you. I was making a comment. This is exactly the issue. The other day you pissed and moaned that I always jump on when someone is arguing with you. At the same time, you take every opportunity to get into an argument with me, usually over the most stupid shit. Just STFU. I'd put you on ignore so I didn't have to deal with you anymore, but I've tried that before, and people just go and quote you anyway, so I still have read your retarded bullshit. And if I were a Mets fan, you'd still read my posts. You're more consumed with the Mets than the Mets trolls are with the Yankees.
It's called a typo. Anyday you want to having a spelling contest let me know. The "s" button is right next to the "d" button. As usual you can't keep up in discussions so you have to deflect towards something that has nothing to do w/ the topic. You are infatuated w/ me until we actually start to debate then you run and hide b/c you cannot handle yourself. of course you always reappear when someone else argues w/ me to jump on their back and try to gamg up on me. I am so sick of you, you bring nothing to this board except whining. You act like winning doesn't matter when you throw out your ARod nonsense then when we don't win you want guys fired or traded. You are a phony. Here's a challenge for you. Since I am so consumed w/ the Mets please find me all of my Met posts. There should be at least a handful a day so it shouldn't be a problem. As usual you have no idea what you are talking about, now run along and hide(at least until someone else comes after me then you can try to gang up on me but you know it it sill doesn't work).
And on a bright note, A-rod got his avrage up to .500 yesterday. Now if Posada and Jeter pick it up a bit it looks like the entire lineup will break camp hitting well..hopefully our pitching comes around between now and then as well.
Okay, let's play "Feed the Animals", starring junc. Okay, well is it also a "typo" when you write "gamg"? Because the letter "g" is nowhere near either the letter "e" OR the letter "m" on the keyboard. Nice job smart guy! BTW: most other people on this site proofread, or at least type intelligently the first time. You do neither. So STFU. When the hell have I ever ran and hid from you? You're such a joke, and so totally consumed with yourself that you have no clue who is or isn't speaking to you. Again, STFU. You're sick of me? So put me on ignore like I told you to. Either way STFU. Phony? Ummm, no genius. That would be you. And it's clear to anyone reading the shit you post. Here you go genius. I only need one to prove my point: End of story. Now STFU.