lets pick Mcfadden

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by JETSJETS, Mar 8, 2008.

  1. Tight

    Tight Active Member

    Nov 25, 2005
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    As we saw by tiki barber these things can be coached... If he learns to hold onto the ball hell be even more special....
  2. IIMeanDeanII

    IIMeanDeanII Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2006
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    DMac is not going to be the BPA at the #6 spot in this draft. He is a very fast runner, that can work the open field. After that, what else does he have to offer? Honestly..

    With the position we are selecting at, it is crucial to trade out or draft BPA. DMac is not the guy.

    He is not a patient runner. He has a hard time following his blockers and allowing them to open gaps for him. He relies on his speed to excell in the run game. This can be a very good instinct to have, if you also aquire the other neccessary tools to succeed in the NFL as a RB. He will try to hit a homerun on every down, which is unacceptable. Sometimes you have to settle for 3-4 yds, other times it is just neccessary, for the situation, to only achieve those required yards.

    He is heavy on the outside run and lacks talent/skill to earn those yards inside the tackle. We just signed a 3 time pro-bowl fullback to pave the way for our RB, this sorta defeats the purpose. Especially when we already have a speedy RB in, Washington.

    He has to much baggage that he will be bringing with him. This is not a huge concern but a concern none the less. This strikes me as something we need to avoid, especially with our start in our quest of being a contending team in this league. We dont need all of that drama.

    Fumbles.. This, also, is not a huge concern in my eyes. Yet, a concern. Putting the ball on the ground 15 times throughout a 12 schedule season is a concern. Sure, it is teachable/fixable.. I agree. Should you need to be teaching a RB how to secure the ball, especially if you are going to be selected in the Top 10 of this draft? I think this should never be an issue if you are going to be picking a Top 10 player who will command top dollar.


    DMac isn't even close to being on the same level as AP. AP got selected at the #7 spot in last years draft, look how amazing he is. He didn't even go at or before the #6 spot. This is not a very relevent point but it is a point.

    My point..

    DMac has upside. Yes. That upside is just not good enough in my eyes to warrant being selected at the #6 spot in this draft. It just isn't. Our team is obviously making moves for the now, so dont you think we should be taking a guy who is as close to being NFL ready as they come?

    Obviously no college player can ever be completely ready for the next level but you can be as close as possible to it.
    #62 IIMeanDeanII, Mar 9, 2008
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2008
  3. Tight

    Tight Active Member

    Nov 25, 2005
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    I see what your saying, but hes still faster then 95% of the defenders in the league without question man.... if he gets in the open field at ANY level nobody is catching him. He is definetely faster then A.P and you see what happens when A.P hits a hole...
  4. Attackett

    Attackett Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    and again I ask you, what does Blair Thomas have to do with the 2008 Jets or their draft plans?
  5. IIMeanDeanII

    IIMeanDeanII Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2006
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    I think he might be suggesting that Blair and DMac are similar prospects? Which, I dont see. I think they both had very different run styles, from one another. So, I dont really understand the relevence either.
  6. D. JETSon

    D. JETSon New Member

    Mar 6, 2007
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    DALLAS PLEASE TRADE DOWN WITH US..... for those of you that wouldnt take two 1st rounders and possibly even Chris Canty.... your fuckin crazy, i wont even debate it....DAL would be retarded to make that deal...we get a good 34 DE and 2 picks to get a big target WR with soft hands and hops and a quality CB.... then go ILB or a G for depth and to compete with Moore, why not groom a good physical G while Faneca is around.....maybe the Jets draft a T and move Woody inside but i think he will start at RT... he wont be the first G to play T in NY (David Diehle)....

    the jets spent alot of $$$$$ and they shoul trade down because they can sign both picks and their 2nd rounder for less than DMC...Then we resign Rhodes.... a FS would be nice as well but if we dont get Utect we should draft a TE bc we can utilize them more now with the revamped OL also if Coles acts up we can use the TEs ...what do you think???????
  7. KRhodesMVP

    KRhodesMVP Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    I agree- get Dallas' 2 first roudners and their second rounder- Use our first four picks on a CB, DE, OLB and WR- Use our fourth round picks for BPA at OL, DE or LB
  8. vinsjets

    vinsjets Active Member

    Sep 9, 2003
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    I think one question mark, would suffice in the future.
  9. D. JETSon

    D. JETSon New Member

    Mar 6, 2007
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    thanks...so what do you thin B? C+?
  10. notjustQBs

    notjustQBs New Member

    Dec 24, 2007
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    Well, Guys, now that we have Jesse Chapman, who do you think we're going to draft at No. 6?
  11. notjustQBs

    notjustQBs New Member

    Dec 24, 2007
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    Thought you guys would like to know this:

    "...Tim Graham, of the Palm Beach Post, reports the New York Jets will attend the personal workout of Ohio State University DE Vernon Gholston Monday, March, 10. .."
  12. KRhodesMVP

    KRhodesMVP Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    Leodis McKelvin- Hell give us a dominant secondary and an unstoppable special teams- We'll dominate the field position game
  13. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    To those who say the Jets lack a playmaker, thus need DMac:

    1. Do you consider Tomlinson much better player than DMac?

    2. How did Tomlinson fare when his line regressed?

    Tomlinson is obviously 100000000000 times the playmaker that DMac will ever be, but even the great Tomlinson can't make all the plays when his lines are not doing their job.

    So, please cut that 'We need playmaker so we need DMac' crap. The Jets DO NOT need him.
  14. GreenHornet

    GreenHornet New Member

    Oct 3, 2005
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    I am starting to lean in this court; McFadden is very, very risky. I think there is better out there for us; whatever we decide to do.

    I know on draft day, if McFadden falls to us, there will be many who have their heart in their throat with anticipation, and there will be many shouting to trade the pick; it will be nothing short of wild. Just don't be at all surprised if the Jets bypass McFadden; and even if McFadden does somehow emerge successful in the NFL, I do not think I could fault the Jets thinking here, especially when you factor in the baggage, tackled fairly easily, prone to fumbles (Curtis Martin only had 19 in his whole career in the pros to put it in perspective). I think I would say there is at least a 70% chance we bypass McFadden if he is there at #6.
  15. KOZ

    KOZ Totally Addicted

    Jul 21, 2003
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    I think that your 70% chance just shot up to 95% chance that we don't take this clown, since we just landed the guy from Miami via a 1 year deal. Unless of course we want to carry 4 rb's, 1 for each down I suppose.
  16. Attackett

    Attackett Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Find me one player in the draft that is not a risk. Forgetting about his character concerns because none of us really know anything about his character. After extensive interviews the CS will know if he is a character risk or not. If he is available at 6 he is probably the least risk of anyone else they could take there because he is the most talented.

    Outside of Mike Mayock I have no idea where this he gets tackled fairly easily comes from. This guy runs hard and breaks tackles and takes it the distance. His fumbilitis is in my eyes is the biggest concern but that is very coachable, you brought up Curtis but he had a fumbling issue in college. He didnt anymore once parcells got ahold of him.
  17. ANJI

    ANJI New Member

    Apr 14, 2006
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    LOL, WTF you talking about......... he still won the rushing title. That's what great runningbacks do. LT in a year where "he couldn't make all the plays", he won a freaking rushing title and ran 24 yards south of 1500.

    And you better believe his running while Rivers was stinking up the joint for most of the season is why that team even got to the playoffs.

    So if you look at the Jets do you see Brady or Manning(lil or Big Bro) on this team??? How do people expect to win with nothing that approaches elite on this team at the any of our offensive positions??? If Mcfadden is there the Jets have to take him.
  18. KOZ

    KOZ Totally Addicted

    Jul 21, 2003
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    So we'll carry 4rbs AND a FB?
  19. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I think Koz is right here. Our F/O has telegraphed a diminshed interest in McFadden by going after Richardson and Chatman. While those moves don't necessarily mean we won't take McFad, they certainly diminish the chances.

    Meanwhile, it looks like we're attending a workout today for Gholston, so that also indicates where Tangini's head is. They're keeping the options open, but I'm leaning with DJETson: maybe we don't need the expense of having to sign any #6 right now, especially with Kerry Rhodes' contract looming and other talk of locker room grumblings. Coles sounds like he's on the warpath again and will be causing a lot of bullshit before it's all over.
  20. ANJI

    ANJI New Member

    Apr 14, 2006
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    Why would have to carry 4 runningbacks. Hell, they signed chatman because they don't veiw washington as an adequate backup. Chatmans 300k isn't stoping anybody from being drafted or a guarantee to make the team. And if he is a better short yardage guy then TJ at 10 percent of the cost, then why not move old man Jones???

    And Mcfaddens proday isn't til the 25th..................they FO will probably attend all these guys prodays.

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