I understand where your going with this, but... Pete Kendall cant even sniff the panties of Alan Faneca... As rookies it was great that Ferguson and Mangold had Kendall in the middle As 2nd year players, it was great that they had a below average LG in the middle (The lack of talent can only make these guys stronger) With Faneca in the middle... Ferguson and Mangold should really Shyne as 3rd year players.
It seems like us Jet fans are turning on Faneca before he even becomes a Jet due to his way of signing the contract, honestly... I dont blame the man, he worked hard his whole life in football... Football has been his life... This is his 3rd and last contract ever, he deserves the right to wait on options... I dont blame him, I just wish he would sign... No matter how long it takes
Oh would you hop off of his dick for just two minutes? Faneca and his agent have been very coy and played hard to get for no reason. The Cardinals have no shot of clearing enough room to pay him and nobody else has anted up like we have. He is just being a drama Queen. If and when he signs, I will be happy because he is a good player, but I would like to see less dramatics out of my LG...
...We all knew from the beginning that Alan Faneca was going to sign a minimum salary contract with the Patriots.
yeah, that seems to be the concensus. i mean, it's a big decision and if he really is still deciding, fine. but i'm wondering if he has already decided and he's just like, "i'm gonna wait until 5:30 to make a public announcement to the football world. in case you didn't know, im kind of a big deal."
Yeah, maybe he'll be sitting there with three caps in front of him, and dramatically take one--no, not that one, the next one- and put it on. Then they can cut to a shot of his mother crying because she wanted him to go to the "other" place.
He aint signing with us he's gonna go to either St Louis , Arizona or San Fran. I Do hope its us though lol.
Is he going to put the Jets hat on and everything? Will he fake to a Rams hat, then throw it in the trash, only to reveal a Jets T Shirt he has on under his dress shirt? Will his entourage all simultaneously rip off their shirts to spell out "New York Jets" on their chests in green paint? ooohh, the drama.
hahaha. i remember in wrestling when guys would turn on their alliances... maybe he'll be wearing a Cardinals T-shirt and tear ot off to reveal a Jets shirt, then cue the Degeneration X music while Faneca says, "Suck it!"
jesus h christ, whine whine whine. this site is really becoming full of a bunch of pretentious old men who have nothing better to do then complain about everything that ever happens just because their life didnt turn out how they wanted it to. grumpy old men.