Plan to Complete The Defensive Makeover

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by KRhodesMVP, Mar 1, 2008.

  1. KRhodesMVP

    KRhodesMVP Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    Heres my simple and realistic plan, which if executed, would allow the Jets to enter the 2008 season with an absolutely dominant defense:

    1. Sign Randall Gay to play opposite Revis. While hes unproven as a starter, he is a cost friendly option who is familiar with the Patriots and familiar playing in the Jets system. He also has a good relationship with Mangini.
    2. Sign Calvin Pace. Miami is at least a few years away from being a "contender" and Parcells is well past his prime. As long as Tannenbaum & company make Pace aware of these facts, The Jets will be able to sign Pace (assuming they show him the money).
    3. Use their round 2 selection on a linebacker. This draft class is said to be deep in terms of starting caliber talent. The Jets should be able to easily draft a starting caliber linebacker with their second pick.
    4. Trade their number 6 overall pick and a 4th round pick to Parcells for his number one overall selection and a 7th round pick. Use the number one overall pick on Chris Long. He is said to be a "can't miss" prospect and would give the Jets exactly what they're missing- an elite end rusher. This scenario will likely depend on the Jets ability to trade Dewayne Robertson because it will provide them with around 9 million in salary cap relief. In the event that this trade can't be worked, the Jets can simply trade down in an effort to get good first round value for a 3-4 defensive end.

    Heres a look at what the Jets 2008 defense could look like:

    Secondary- Darrelle Revis, Kerry Rhodes, Abram Elam, Randall Gay
    Linebackers- Bryan Thomas, Calvin Pace, David Harris, Their 2nd Round Pick
    Defensive Line- Chris Long (or whoever they draft in round 1), Kris Jenkins, Sean Ellis

    This defense would be a dominant unit and would have the potential to be the best defense in all of football. This defense wouldl re-energize the fan base and would allow the Jets to enjoy a real homefield advantage that they haven't enjoyed since the days of The New York Sack Exchange. This defense would allow the Jets to compete with the Patriots and return to the playoffs in 07. Lets make it happen Tannenbaum.
    #1 KRhodesMVP, Mar 1, 2008
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2008
  2. GreenMachine


    Sep 9, 2003
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    Why would a division rival trade out of the first pick to a division rival?

    And why would we give up so many picks to get Long?

    And why would Miami get raped on moving out of the 1st overall pick like that?
  3. IrishSteveZ

    IrishSteveZ New Member

    Oct 1, 2003
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    I was with you until you started with the crazy trade pick trades....
  4. KRhodesMVP

    KRhodesMVP Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    Scenario number 4 is completely reasonable. Miami is rebuilding and wont be winning the division this year. The thought of Gholston and a 4th round pick for Long could appeal to Parcells. In addition, Parcells and Mangini have a good relationship. Its a valid point as far as Parcells not wanting to trade within the division. I just think if the offer is good enough, considering their relationship, the trade could happen.

    Even if they arent able to work this trade, they could still draft Gholston number 6 and have a dominant defense in 08. Gholston is said to be undersized but he could probably easily put on 15 pounds of muscle. The fact that he was the only player this season to line up against Jake Long and sack the quarterback convinces me that he can be a premier defensive end.
  5. GreenMachine


    Sep 9, 2003
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    Ty Law is a freaking 98 in Madden
  6. The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    GM your signature is sweet. :eek:fftopic:
  7. inSANITy

    inSANITy Banned

    Mar 14, 2006
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    vernon plays lb not de wow
  8. GreenMachine


    Sep 9, 2003
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    Thanks NYJ2K06-08:smile:
  9. Jetfanmack

    Jetfanmack haz chilens?

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Actually, if he were to be listed at a position, he would be a DE. Since we run a 3-4, he'd be an OLB.
  10. KRhodesMVP

    KRhodesMVP Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    Maybe im missing something, Vernand Gholston cant play defensive end in a 3-4?
  11. Miamipuck

    Miamipuck New Member

    Sep 3, 2006
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    No he can not! Unless there is another Vernon Gholston that is 6'5 and 300 plus pounds because the one that is supposed to be drafted this year is way too freaking small to play DE in a 3-4.

    Too sum it up there is no way in hell Vernon Gholston plays DE in a 3-4 no fucking way.................

    Edit: Also not to piss on your parade but scenario #4 is so far out there that Nasa may have to investigate it. No way on gods green earth is Parcells trading picks with a division rival (Jets).
    #11 Miamipuck, Mar 1, 2008
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2008
  12. KRhodesMVP

    KRhodesMVP Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    Well if thats the answer then Gholston is a no go. It just seems hard to believe that any system is so inflexible as far as requiring a weight minimum for a specific position.

    There isnt a single elite defensive end in the NFL who plays in a 3-4 and weighs in at 250?
  13. KRhodesMVP

    KRhodesMVP Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    I just saw that Gholston is listed at 6-3, 262 pounds(not 250). Assuming he can put on some muscle and get that weight up to 280, I dont see any reason why he cant play end in the 3-4. Just because most ends in 3-4 schemes weigh in at 300, doesnt mean every single end must weigh 300.
  14. AMJets

    AMJets Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2003
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    If you just think about what a 3-4 is, you can figure out why Gholston as a DE in the 3-4 would be a disaster. He's like a Ware or Merriman, the perfect 3-4 OLB.

    The job of the DE in a 3-4 is to occupy blockers and allow the linebackers to make the plays. They need to be big and strong, and able to handle double teams (although with a top NT, you don't need it). Even a player that's about 6'4 290 would be considered somewhat undersized. You generally look for guys that are 6'5-6'6, 300-320 pounds.

    Gholston's a playmaker, a perfect fit for the OLB spot. We could get dominated at the line of scrimmage with Gholston at DE, he would be knocked on his ass constantly, we'd probably break the record for worst run defense in NFL history.
  15. AMJets

    AMJets Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2003
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    But that's not the point. He's a pass-rusher. By making him put on 20+ pounds and putting him at a DE, you're pretty much making him an average player. You're taking away his greatest strength.

    It just doesn't make any sense. He's not a big strong mauling lineman who has a history of being good against the run. He's a pass-rusher.
  16. KRhodesMVP

    KRhodesMVP Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    If Gholstons a premier speed rusher off of the end, wouldnt that require the opposition to double team him? Wouldnt he then be occupying blockers in his attempt to get to the quarterback? If Gholston absolutely cant play end in a 3-4, thats fine. I just feel like answers are being reached too quickly.
  17. Miamipuck

    Miamipuck New Member

    Sep 3, 2006
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    Almost all the 3-4 ends were DT's in college and are big............ The smallest ones are on the Steelers and are way bigger than Gholston.

    He is absolutely not big enough to play 3-4 DE on a regular basis, again no way in hell is he going to be able to put on 35-50 pounds and still be effective. These are weights of players taken when they graduated college or from the combine. Forget the notion of Gholston as a DE in a 3-4 it is not going to happen..............

    Ty Warren 6'5" 300 pounds
    R. Seymour 6'6" 310
    Igor Olshansky 6'6" 309
    Luis Castillo 6'3" 290
    Orpheus Roye 6'4 330
    Robaire Smith 6'4 320
    Bryant Young 6'3" 305
    Marques Douglas 6'2" 292
    Aaron Smith 6'5" 298
    Brett Keisel 6'5" 285
    Trevor Pryce 6'5" 290
    Haloti Ngata 6'4" 340
    Marcus Spears 6'4" 298
    Chris Canty 6'7" 300
  18. AMJets

    AMJets Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2003
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    Yes, he could create double teams pass-rushing from the OLB position.

    But at the DE in the 3-4, he's not big and strong enough to control offensive lineman. Do you know how quickly they would get to the second level against him? It would be a disaster.

    Honestly, think about it. What you're proposing makes no sense. You'd want to use our #6 pick on a player who is worth that type of pick because of his pass-rushing abilities, and then make him a lineman whose first priority is occupying blockers and stopping the run. Why? There's no positives to that at all.

    It would be like the Cowboys playing Ware at DE, or the Chargers playing Merriman at DE. They're great pass-rushers, they stand up and play OLB and rush the passer in the 3-4. That's what Gholston would do.

    We just acquired Jenkins because we desperately needed size and strength on the DL, a guy who can clog the gap and occupy blockers. Putting Gholston as one of the three DL would totally nullify the improvement we made in that trade.

    If you want to draft a player to play DE in the 3-4, look at guys like Okam, Bryant, Moore (just off the top of my head).
  19. KRhodesMVP

    KRhodesMVP Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    Well I guess maybe your right. Thank your for the education on the 3-4. Then I guess its settled, we trade for Long and the AFC East is ours.
  20. IIMeanDeanII

    IIMeanDeanII Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2006
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    How many DE's are succesful in the 3-4, under, 285 - 290lbs?

    Gholston is heavily over hyped to begin with, let alone, trying to position him in a scheme he just wouldn't fit. We already know all about players who dont fit this scheme well, and we are finally clearing house with those players.

    Why would we want to start this process again? Defeats all reason..

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