The latest Joba. Joba, Kennedy, Melancon, and Betances all in one draft. Give Oppenheimer a raise!
damnit, now everyone is going to know about this kid. It was nice being one of the few talking about him
im sorry to reference my dick again but i have another hard on. reading about phil franchise got me more sexually aroused then "one night in paris".
Well, I don't know about anyone else, but I was already at least as excited about Hughes as I was Chamberlain. This is why I didn't want him sent to Minny, even for Santana.
Even though Don is going to be pissed off, I want this done, ASAP. Give Cashman whatever he wants. I got upset with him at one point last season, but that was the only time, and I was wrong anyway. Plus, anyone with the balls to tell a Steinbrenner "No" gets my vote of confidence. More and more, how great was the decision to not bring back Torre, and bring in Girardi? You have to love the empty words when a Steinbrenner claims he's going to be patient with a player. Yeah, sure you are Hank. And Raul Castro is going to introduce free elections. Oi. Let it go Hank. We're okay with our young guys. Trust the people in the organization that know baseball. I'm curious to see the crowd reaction when Pettitte takes the mound this year. At home, he'll probably get cheered. I wonder how it will be on the road though. Umm, I can't recall very well, so someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the Yankees try bringing Mo along slowly a few years back, and it took until June for him to get on track? Obviously his body isn't getting any younger, but I hope we aren't pushing his readiness backward. Anyone know if this is on YES? That should be fun to watch, with all three Young Guns getting action.
I don't know. What I'm seeing is that generally, he's getting credit for at least standing up and taking his lumps with a little bit of class. As for the "full cheater treatment" what is that anyway? The way Bonds was treated on the road? Will he be more or less jeered than Tejada? I don't know. Like I said, I'm curious to see.
He'll have a rough time on the road but being a Yankee he is used to it already. I'm sure he'll handle it fine.