Natural 3rd baseman, hit 36 homers in 2005. Stats fluctuate wildly from season to season. Guess they want to see him play 1st, though I don't think he's played 10 games there in his career.
It's a minor league deal, which is good. Evidentially he turned down a major league deal and guaranteed playing time with San Francisco for a shot at being a backup on the Yankees, so I like that. He'll probably end up as A-Rod's caddy, and they'll hope he can do some spot work at 1B. There was a rumor that Cashman wanted to sign him after he was cut loose by Houston last year, but Torre said he wouldn't play him.
Fernando Martinez is an exellent player, im glad we didnt trade him. I bet the yankees wish they had him
Why did you edit what you previous said? For the record, neither make sense. If the Mets were going after Ensberg, and then the Yankees got him, it would work. But they didn't, so you'll have to wait for a thread when the Yankees get someone the Mets were going after so you can attempt to hijack the thread, just as you viewed the Santana thread being hijacked. Even though it wasn't, it was just good baseball conversation.
the Santana thread was fine until it became a "im glad the yankees didnt get him/Phil Huges oral sex lovefest" I was just making a point on how fast the mets thread turns into a yankee zone
You know what, I've let it go all along because it was just you whining in that single thread. But now you're spilling out into more, and I'm finally going to blow it up. Your fellow METS fans have been stinking up Yankees threads since the baseball forum was BORN. Hell, they were even doing it when it was still in BS. You can bitch all you want, but I was pointing out repeatedly last season when METS FANS were shitting in Yankees threads, and I'd go and look at Mets threads, and guess what? No Yankees fans in sight. So quit your bitching already. 1) We didn't hijack the thread. We were having a rational discussion, which other Mets fans were even getting involved in. 2) Even if we DID hijack it, it would be thanks to your own fellow METS FANS doing it for so long to us. Now drop it.
Whoa! Pot meet kettle. Please do not make me post every thread on the Yankees over run by Mets fans. I thought we were over this? Last year was pretty civil after a rough start. Aside from a few Mets trolls vs a few Yankees trolls, I think there is great baseball talk on both sides.
Totally untrue. Jeter's clutchiosity is at least 3 times better than ARod's. Plus, if ARod was the better fielding shortstop, why wouldn't the Yankees have moved Jeter to third instead?
And Jeter's IARP* is off the chart. I like the Ensberg signing. Good, low-risk move with a lot of potential. I also wouldn't hesitate to put A-Rod back at SS, move Jeter to first, and let Ensberg man 3B. * -Intangibles Above Replacement Player
You know I thought about this. I would be for moving A-Rod to Short, Jeter to 2nd and Cano to third. I know I will get blasted