Latest Yanks news: Betemit signs 1 year deal with Yankees Bronson Sardinha signs with M's
It's a 4 year contract with options to buy out two years of free agency. Good deal.
Probably the best news of the off-season. I hope he sits with the bleacher creatures for Opening Day again. More Cone, less Justice = always a good thing.
McNamee's lawyers are speculating that Pettitte will discuss Clemens during his testimony
Andy never liked Roger, anyway.,0,1123522.column?track=rss Smart move by Pettitte's spin people.
the red sox didnt either. i think its pretty obvious that both organizations thought the twins were asking for too much.
Twins GM played this terribly. He was too greedy with the Yankees and Red Sox, so when Steinbrenner decided to listen to Cashman, and the Red Sox pulled Lester off the table, all the Twins were left with was an average package from the Mets. If we could've gotten him without giving up Hughes or Jackson/Tabata, I would've been fine with it. But it doesn't look like that was going to happen. I'll gladly take a step back in 2008 (although I think they'll still make the playoffs) to gear up for 2009 with the Big 3 ready to pitch a full season of innings, the other young guys ready to contribute (Sanchez, Melancon, maybe Jackson or Tabata), and a whole lot of money to work with going into the off-season.
Some dummy coming down on Cash for not pulling the trigger for Santana: And if he did, all they would say was how this was the same old Yankees, blowing up the farm for high paid stars. Thank you for sticking to the plan, Cash.
Cashman once again proved why he is one of the best GMs in the sport this week. I got down on him a bit last season, but he has done a fantastic job of sticking to every plan. Hughes, Joba, Santana. Cashman doesn't give an inch. Given our top of the food chain, that's critical to our long-term success.