Victor Hobson will not be back in 2008

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by wewantsapp, Jan 13, 2008.

  1. AMJets

    AMJets Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2003
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    Too funny. When will you realize what his job in this defense is? I hope not soon, because it's so great reading this stuff.
  2. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    welcome back predator, where have you been?
  3. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    Laugh all you want, but it's your stuff that is funny. You just don't understand the salary cap and the relative value of players. You subscribe to the theory that not much is expected of Ellis because he is a 3-4 end and is not expected to sack the QB or make impact plays.

    Under your theory, the logic becomes circular. Can't you see that??? If Ellis is not a pass rushing DE, he did not deserve the big contract in 2004. He was given the big contract because he had 24 sacks from 2003-2004. He didn't get the big contract because the Jets saw a future for him as a role playing 3-4 DE. You don't pay a man $30-40 million over three years to be a role player or to occupy blockers in a 3-4. Don't you see that???? You can get almost anybody to do that for a fraction of that money. In fact, Ellis got the big contract because he was perceived as an impact player. Instead, he has been a bust in that role, whether it has been in the 4-3 (2005) or the 3-4. You don't pay a defensive lineman that kind of money for 12 sacks, three tackles a game and a couple of forced fumbles in three seasons. There are 2-3 lineman on every NFL team that put up numbers like that. If Ellis deserves thta money, so do the 60-90 other DLs in the NFL. And Hobson, Barton, Robertson, Mosely, Pouha, and a cast of other Jet defenders all deserve a big raise for playing their "roles." Ellis has been an average DE since 2004 and he has been grossly overpaid. Your failure to see that is funny, and ridiculous, IMO.
    #63 Joe Willie White Shoes, Jan 15, 2008
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2008
  4. AMJets

    AMJets Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2003
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    And like I've said, that's a slight on Tannenbaum for not making him renegotiate more, or give back more money. It's not Ellis' fault.

    Oh, and by the way, Richard Seymour, a 3-4 DE who averages barely over 5 sacks per season (31 in 96 games = 5.167 per 16 games), recently signed a 4 yr., $30M extension with $24M in bonuses, and was the highest paid player in the NFL for 2006. Why? Because he's very good at doing his job. Ellis isn't quite AS good (Seymour's one of the best in the game), but he's solid to say the least. Maybe he's slightly overpaid, but it's not his fault.
  5. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    JWWS, I find you to be a very intelligent guy and someone who can have a really great perspective on a lot of issues, but your thinly veiled agenda against Ellis is just as bad as your blind defense of Chad was. You have made no secret that you hold against Ellis the contract he got that you think should belong to Abraham.

    And no, Ellis hasn't IMO lived up to the exact details of his contract, but the guy was adaptive this year and was one of the only defensive linemen we had this year that had to be accounted for on offensive adjustments all year, Every single time he was lined up in a different place than his accustomed RE spot this season there was an audible called and a player moved to deal with him.

    When defensive coordinators respect a player like that, then I can understand the impact he has on their gameplan and that trumps your stats.
  6. deviljets7

    deviljets7 Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2003
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    I never even mentioned Ellis. Plus you're comparing two completely different positions here. A 3-4 OLB is expected to get to the QB more than a 3-4 DE. This is not to say that Ellis has been worth his contract, but his salary/production has absolutely ZERO to do with whether or not Hobson is worth the money.

    We all get that you hate Shaun Ellis and want him off the team. There's no need to consistently bring him up in threads about other players.
  7. Johnny4

    Johnny4 New Member

    Dec 28, 2003
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    You mean other than being our best and most consisitent D lineman and the leader of our D? I still remember the playoff win in San Diego where he got hurt, had to leave the game, came back and played his ass off. He was and is the anti-Abraham. He plays hurt and NEVER complains. He is a highly respected player on the team and around the league.
  8. The Predator

    The Predator Active Member

    Dec 12, 2004
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    Not really posting anymore, I check the forums every other day or so, though. I'm sure once the offseason gets into full swing and I can get excited about this team again I'll be back more. :grin:
  9. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Yes, the further we get from actually playing games, the easier it is to be a Jet fan.

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