Coles, Pennington could go out like they came in ... together

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by gustoonarmy, Dec 23, 2007.

  1. gustoonarmy

    gustoonarmy 2006-2007 Best International Poster of the

    Jan 30, 2004
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    Laveranues Coles, Chad Pennington may be finished with Jets

    NASHVILLE - They came in together as rookies and grew up together in the Jets' offense. Now there's a chance that Chad Pennington and Laveranues Coles, close friends, could be leaving together.

    If that's how it turns out in the offseason, this weekend could be remembered as the end of the Pennington-Coles era.

    Saturday, the Jets placed Coles on injured reserve, shutting him down with a month-old, high-ankle sprain that limited him to one play last week. Sunday, Pennington could make his farewell appearance for the Jets.

    With Kellen Clemens (rib, left shoulder) banged up, Pennington is expected to start against the Titans - his first start since Oct. 28. Eric Mangini is on record as saying that Clemens remains No. 1 on the depth chart, meaning Pennington will go back to the bench for the season finale if Clemens is healthy.

    Pennington's future became an issue the moment he was benched. Even though Pennington is under contract through 2011, it's unlikely he will be back. Publicly, Coles' future never has been a question, but there's a growing belief that his return no longer is a slam dunk. Coles' well-documented dislike for Mangini's rigid and demanding program may prompt the talented wide receiver to request a trade. Coles, who turns 30 on Saturday, believes Mangini's style could take years off his career. At the very least, Coles will take some time in the offseason to consider his options.

    That Pennington appears to be on the way out also could fuel Coles' desire to play elsewhere. Coles offered a cryptic response the other day when asked if he sensed this would be his final season with Pennington.

    "Chad and I love playing together," he said. "It's not just the football, it's (the chance) to see each other every day because we're good friends. That's the most important thing. We'll let things play themselves out and see how it goes."
    Coles' contract also could become an issue. He's signed through 2009, and is due to make $5 million in 2008. The Jets may want him to renegotiate, which could get sticky.

    Mangini has a high regard for Coles, widely considered the toughest player on the team. In recent weeks, Coles played in severe pain, risking further injury. He said he spent more time in the trainer's room this year than in his seven previous seasons combined. Before being placed on IR, he expressed concern over whether the club had his best interests at heart.

    "You always hope for the best, but you can't ever say so," Coles said.

    Coles is no stranger to sour goodbyes. He criticized the Jets, mainly then-coach Herm Edwards, for allowing him to bolt to the Redskins in 2003 as a free agent. After two seasons in Washington, there was a public spat with ownership, resulting in his trade back to the Jets.

    The reason he wanted to return was to reunite with Pennington, who was so excited that he offered to take a pay cut to create cap room and help facilitate the trade talks.

    "If anything, Chad has made my career," said Coles, who finished with 55 catches and 646 yards in 12 games, career lows as a starter. "My best years have come with Chad at the helm and him throwing me the ball."

    Not coincidentally, they enjoyed their best seasons in 2002, when an unproven Pennington came off the bench and found instant chemistry with Coles. After a three-year separation (Pennington was injured for most of 2005), they rekindled the magic last season and led the Jets to the playoffs.

    Now Coles is done for 2007, and Pennington could be after today.

    "I don't know what the organization's stance is, and I'm not really concerned about it," Pennington said. "I know whatever happens, something good will happen for me."

    Said Coles: "I'm glad he's getting a chance to go out there . . . and have fun and do what he loves. I know it was tough for him, standing on the sideline."

    If Pennington doesn't throw a touchdown pass Sunday, and never plays again for the Jets, the record book will show that his last two scoring throws went to Coles, Oct. 21 in Cincinnati.

    KICKING IN: To fills' Coles roster spot, the Jets signed punter Jeremy Kapinos.
    Hmm maybe Graham could be on his way too???
  2. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Coles career has been limited by Chad more than helped by it. What he should really be looking for is to go someplace with a good receiver opposite him and a live arm throwing to him. Maybe Dallas, Green Bay (if Favre returns), Seattle or New Orleans.
  3. VickBlows

    VickBlows Active Member

    Oct 17, 2004
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    Coles full potential will have never been realized because of Chad yet he will still fight to the death for him. You’ve got to respect that.
  4. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Ship them both out, they both dead weight. Coles body can't take it anymore.

    Get some draft picks and free up some more cap room.
  5. Beamen

    Beamen New Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Ah, this is going to turn into another MrElectric Coles-bashing thread....

    I doubt you've ever put your body in position to be punished like Coles does for anything, yet, he does it week in and week out for your entertainment as a Jet fan, and you bash him to no end for it....

    I could understand if he were no longer effective, ala Chad, being annoyed by him staying in the lineup. But when a guy takes pounding after pounding for your team, and remains an effective #1 target when healthy, he deserves to be praised, not bashed...

    You can get back to me when you're half the man Coles is
  6. youraveragejoe29

    youraveragejoe29 New Member

    Dec 20, 2006
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    i kind of disagree... chad and coles have consistently shown some of the best qb/wr chemistry that ive seen on this team when they are both healthy. obviously chad has some physical limitations, but if there was a perfect reciever in the nfl for him its probably coles.
  7. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    If Coles feels that way about Chad I'll take his word for it. Considering his experience and the fact he's been out there year in and year out weighs a lot more heavily than any arm chair quarterbacks we have suiting up online.
  8. DeathByJets

    DeathByJets Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2005
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    Coles is as tough of a Jet as there ever has been. He is also a very good player (notice I didn't say "great"). He can still play, but realistically he is not part of this team's future. They need to get younger and faster at WR. This is as good a time as any to move him out...especially if they can get something for him.
  9. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    I played running back in high school and took my fair share of hits, especially in practice as a sophomore on scout team and I respect him for playing hurt and being a tough guy, but no I will never take the same punishment as Coles and neither will you or anyone else on this board because we're not professional athletes.

    He's not an effective #1 target ANYMORE. He was. Coles hasn't done anything with Clemens and Cotchery has clearly taken over as the #1 option.

    Coles can't play at the same level anymore, and he wore down at the end of the year and all of the "punishment" that he's taken over his career is catching up with him. Pennington helped his career, but he always shortened it by getting him killed with the ducks and floaters that he throws.

    I like Coles and I'm not insulting him for being hurt. I think it's great that he gets up after every hit and plays in every game, but he can't do it anymore.

    I'm not bashing him, I just think it's time to move on and get younger and change some things up because nothing in our offense works. Nothing.
  10. Beamen

    Beamen New Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    O RLY??????????????

  11. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Nice job going to other threads.

    Did I bash his play? I based him for being a douche bag in training camp, and the fantasy stats thing was a joke, but the Patriots thing wasn't. He didn't help much in that game did he?

    Everyone defends him for taking hits and I'm tired of it. He plays a sport for a living and a big part of the game is hitting and tackling. Football's a violent sport, guys get hit, and Coles is a small guy, so the hits are going to look worse on him.

    The hits are catching up with him and because of it, his playing ability and speed have dropped and he can't help this team as much as he has in the past.

    How is it bashing him by saying the hits are effecting his body and career?
  12. Jetman36

    Jetman36 New Member

    Feb 24, 2004
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    And this is a typical Jet's fan right here. 2 players who bled green and white and left everything on the field get called "dead weight". While I wouldn't be against them leaving the team, especially if we can get value for them, I recognize what they have done for this franchise over the last few years...
  13. PJ4Ever

    PJ4Ever Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    How can you bash these guys? They had amazing chemistry and were one of the best QB to WR combos in Jets history. C'mon people. Don't overlook the great years they had together.
  14. dbatesman

    dbatesman New Member

    Dec 28, 2004
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    Do you want a winning football team, or a team of guys that you personally like?

    Coles is aging, constantly injured, and unhappy with Mangini--and he'll be more so when we trade Pennington. The best thing for both sides is to ship Coles out too. This is a business. Get over it.
  15. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    I respect all that they did for this team, but they CAN'T do it anymore, especially Pennington.

    Coles is one crushing hit away from calling it quits. His body has been through hell and back and it's time for this team to get younger.

    I am not a typical fan. I want what's best for this team, and it's best to get rid of these guys while they still have some value.

    Constantly injured and useless players should be called "dead weight" -- they just hold teams back.
  16. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    I'm with you, unfortunately there are some who are "what have you done for me lately" fans and don't appreciate how much some of these players give or how much heart they have. Granted they are making some big pay checks to go out there and play, but they could always play it safe and these two guys have put it all on the line more than a time or two for the team. When they are gone I will have been proud to have cheered for them.
  17. GreenHornet

    GreenHornet New Member

    Oct 3, 2005
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  18. IrishSteveZ

    IrishSteveZ New Member

    Oct 1, 2003
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    You said it perfect, Chad held Coles back and made him a one dimensional WR. One could only wonder how good Coles could have really been with a real QB.
  19. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    I guess Coles is just too dumb to know better, huh? Too bad one of you know-it-alls here didn't email him and smarten him up before Chad ruined his career. :rolleyes:
  20. IrishSteveZ

    IrishSteveZ New Member

    Oct 1, 2003
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    If you could not see that Chad held Coles back in a big way. Then I don't know what to are blind....

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