Pats are biggest crybabies & taunters in the NFL!!

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by rickjet, Dec 16, 2007.

  1. dubagedi

    dubagedi New Member

    Sep 10, 2007
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    I have to disagree, seeing how good Brady is, it must have been at least a little evident that he was at least solid from the way he had been performing at practices. The way that season was playing out up till then Bledsoe had about 2 more starts before getting the bench and Brady getting a shot. Maybe they wouldn't have won the super bowl that year, but chances are given how good he has turned out to be they would have realized it eventually. Anyways, back to the topic...

    I'm not particularly worried about the Pats offense. There was heavy rain throughout the game, with pretty strong winds, and give the Jets some credit- they were putting out some pretty exotic packages at the line. If this trend keeps up, then maybe I might get a bit concerned, but given the fire power the Pats offense has put up this season I'm willing to chalk up 10 offensive points to bad weather, solid opposing defense, the style of the game (lots of running) and a small sample size.
  2. NYMagpies

    NYMagpies New Member

    Aug 12, 2005
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    i just saw hold after hold on the pats, but no calls...whatever, who gives a shit.

    fucken hate those pricks
  3. BillBelichick07

    BillBelichick07 New Member

    Dec 9, 2007
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    Winston, based on recent posts; we're going to make you an honorary Pats/Red Sox/Celtic fan. Whilst you cannot - of course - fully enjoy the full fruits of Boston sports team's success (you are not from here!) you will be allowed a moment of savoring what winning is all about. Be proud - we don't offer this reward to many fans and never to a fan of any NY team.

    Keep up the good work. It's good to see that at least one Jets fan doesn't have his head buried completely up his ass.
  4. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    I grew up a Mets fan but I became a Yankee fan when I lived in Boston. I used to go to Fenway and cheer for the Yankees just to razz my Boston friends. Thanks but I'm fortunate enough to have seen my teams win Champoinships in Hockey, Basketball, Baseball and Football. I prefer to wait it out and hope.

    I was fortunate to live through the period when we had an owner, Sonny Werblin, who got it.
  5. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    I did see Drob get held and it didn't get called. It was when Brady ran to the right,had Drob not been grabbed by the back of his jersey he would have been sacked. It was early in the game. It was very visable,in front of a ref and didnt get called.
    #65 typeOnegative13NY, Dec 16, 2007
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2007
  6. BillBelichick07

    BillBelichick07 New Member

    Dec 9, 2007
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    It could be a long wait.
  7. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    It's been 39 years so far. It's good motivation to stay healthy, work out and eat right.
  8. BillBelichick07

    BillBelichick07 New Member

    Dec 9, 2007
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    Tell me that you're not some of these other delusional Jets fan who think that they're about to turn the corner. I don't see it. Lots of holes on the Jets.
  9. ollie

    ollie Right Wing NutJob

    Nov 2, 2003
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    It must be wonderful being the all knowing in sports championships... especially since you didn't see your first until 2002...
  10. The Lord

    The Lord Active Member

    Dec 19, 2005
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    Why do you have to come in and be such a jerkoff...just because your team is superior to ours, does not make you a better person, better fan, in fact, based on my observations, it makes you less of those things.
  11. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    We do but I think we are in great cap shape and may be able to unload Pennington and Vilma for value in next years draft? We need to get it done in FA and have a spot on draft or two and hope that Clemens is a franchise QB. I don't see any of that happening but if all of it does we could be in the mix in 2 years.
  12. BillBelichick07

    BillBelichick07 New Member

    Dec 9, 2007
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    I just call them as I see them. What do you want me to say "Oh... you guys are great! Mangini is a genius! You'll win the SB next year! RAH RAH!"? Wake up. Jets have 5 or 6 years to go - and they need a new head coach. That's my opinion.
  13. ollie

    ollie Right Wing NutJob

    Nov 2, 2003
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    Because he's from New England... that's how they act.... that's why they're called Massholes....

    This has been posted several times but it explains the Boston idiot fan to a tee

    The KSK Guide To Being An Insufferable A--hole S--thead F--kface Fan Of Boston-Area Sports Teams

    With the Red Sox advancing to the World Series, Boston College still undefeated, KG moving to the Celtics, and this year?s Patriots in the process of becoming the best team in the history of the NFL (and you?re deluding yourself if you can't accept the reality of that), we are on the verge of witnessing a perfect storm of douchebaggery emanating from the greater Boston area. We?re talking the absolute zenith of self-important fuckfacery. The sky will turn pitch black and rain vinegar upon us all.

    I have done all that I can to stop this. I?ve offered bounties, yet NFL defenders remain too dumb, and NFL defensive coaches too incompetent to call for a drop kick right to Tom Brady?s patella. We at KSK have also tried repeatedly hammering the point home that Bill Simmons is a fucking douchebag (see below, or just wait for the next post). It?s a like a political talking point: the more often we say it, the more likely it is to stick in your brain, regardless of whether or not you actually believe it (?Oh, Bill Simmons? Yeah, he?s a douche. No, wait! I kinda used to like him! Damn you, KSK!"). But those efforts have done nothing to stem this growing doucheflood.

    We are left with two options. The first option is to cultivate the hatred the rest of the nation has for these people, so that, even when the Patriots or Red Sox win, they cannot savor the victory fully. After all, if there?s any group of fans that has a ?Why can?t you be happy for us?? mentality, it?s New England sports fans. Not only do they act douchey when they win. But they fully expect you to jump on the bandwagon with them. Witness Simmons? infamous Pats-hater bitchfest from earlier in the year, one of the sorriest sports columns ever written.

    Boston fans fail to grasp a standard rule of sports fandom, which is: Any team that wins a title that is not your team is fucking annoying. It doesn?t matter how the other team won. They?re not YOUR team, so they can eat a fat dick. Fuck this ?appreciating? other teams shit. Normal fans don?t do that. At least Cowboy and Yankee fans have a solid understanding of just why people can?t fucking stand them. But Mickey from Natick? Nope, he?s not gonna grasp that concept. In fact, he?s not gonna grasp much of anything.

    So that?s one option. But there is another option, and that is, of course, to join them. Is this a lame thing to do? Oh, yeah. Total fuckhead move. But hey, maybe you?re a Dolphins fan and you?ve abandoned all hope. Maybe becoming a dipshit asshole cumguzzler like Jimmy Fallon is your only way to stay happy. I don?t approve, but I?m not here to judge. We at KSK are here for the people, so we?ve come up with a few rules, listed below, of just how to turn yourself into one of these fans. One bonus of becoming an insufferable Boston bandwagon fan is that it gives the rest of us extra ammunition to want to gut New England fans with a paring knife, which I?m more than okay with. Hate feels good. It really gets me through my day.

    Lest you think these rules are farcical, I assure you they are not. No one knows the psyche of New England sports fans quite like I do. I went to dipshit prep school in New England. I went to college in New England. My parents have lived in Connecticut for the past 17 years. You might even call me a ?total fucking hypocrite,? which is more than fair. I?ve been in the heart of the douche. I?ve worn the fleece. I?ve heard all the God Street Wine songs. I know what it?s all about. I had plenty of opportunities to join the brood. Despite my own history of wanton douchebaggery, I resisted. But I?m still enough of a preppy dicksmack to help you reach your goal. Here now, is how you become one of ?them?:

    1. Use Manny Ramirez to justify all your stereotypes about Latin Americans, but do NOT use David Ortiz to refute any of them.

    2. Bitch about Dane Cook ?representing? you while, at the same time, rocking his exact same haircut.

    3. Boast about Bill Belichick?s strategic genius as if it is somehow indirectly your doing. You?ll see plenty of New England fans, when seeing another coach fuck up, say to you, ?Now, would Belichick do something like that? Hell no. He?d do it totally different.? You see, pointing out Belichick?s acumen is a way of trying to pass it off as your own. He?s smart, which makes you smart! Talk about Belichick the same way a proud father boasts about his child prodigy. You won?t be any more intelligent. In fact, you?ll still be a fucking eggplant. But you?ll feel more intelligent, and that?s nice.

    4. Own $1,000 worth of Red Sox merchandise, but no Patriots merchandise whatsoever. The lone exception: The Wes Welker jersey. Pats fans love Wes Welker because he?s white. Just like them! They also love Tedi Bruschi, because he?s kinda white. And hey, that?s not bad either.

    5. Be sure to boast about all the hot chicks Tom Brady gets to nail. Because that?s totally something for YOU to brag about.

    6. Complain earnestly about how many ads Peyton Manning appears in while continuing to brag about the Pats' O-line being Brady's five layers of protection. Lord knows Brady's never been in an ad for Stetson, or Movado, or Gap, or any of that shit.

    7. If you put a five into a jukebox at any sports bar, you must play ?Satellite? by the Dave Matthews Band at least once.

    8. Act proudly ignorant of things you already know. Like so: ?Hey, who was that colored guy in that ?Rush Hour? movie? He was all right.? You know damn well it's Chris Tucker, but the casual racism makes you 50% more charming to chicks in Framingham. This works even better if you?re a Boston-area college student. Yeah, you go to Tufts, but you have no fackin? idea who those Maroon 5 faggots are. Sure, buddy. For a walking example of proud stupidity, consult this dumbshit:

    9. Be sure to try and distinguish yourself as a ?real fan?. All ?real? Boston fans must be able to judge their fellow Boston fans' credibility. Never been to Fenway? Poseur. Didn't like the Pat Patriot logo? Bandwagoner. Went to college outside New England? Turncoat. Too young to remember the '86 Celtics? Faggot.

    10. Bitch about the Boston accents in any film or TV show. ?Yeah, ?The Depahted? was fackin? great, but they don?t talk like that in fackin? REVEEEEAH!!!!!? Yes, no film could ever accurately depict just how real, how fierce your hardscrabble Newton upbringing was.

    11. Adopt the attitude that you, yes you, DESERVE this success. ?Hey, we Pats fans know how it used to be back in the day. We earned these titles.? Don?t treat your team?s good fortune as the stroke of good fortune it happens to be. No, no, no. Your championship has to be deeper then someone else?s championship. It has to mean something more. Why? Because you fancy yourself as being introspective. Cockgobbler. Treat it like some sort of karmic reward for Len Bias dying, or some other twisted, idiotic explanation.

    12. Always treat your fandom as membership to some kind of exclusive club of super cool people. Like the whole Red Sox Nation thing. Oooh, you guys all root for the same team? How unique! How special! Fucking die. Be sure to adopt a siege mentality when your team is criticized. ?Hey, you can?t rip on Papelbon! He?s fackin? one of us!? Whatever you need to make yourself feel less alone in the world.

    13. Be sure to grow your hair out under your artificially aged Red Sox hat so that little hair wings sprout out the side. That looks great.

    14. Laugh at your own jokes. You're so funny, guy!

    15. Dip.

    16. Shun Ben Affleck. Embrace Matt Damon. That apples line never gets old!

    17. Finally, bitch about everything: critics, certain players who personally disappoint you, etc. They call it New England for a reason. People in England love to fucking complain. You are the newer, even more annoying model.

    Follow these rules and I promise you that everyone from the nation?s remaining 44 states will want to rape you with a hammer. But hey, you?re a Boston sports fan now. You?ll be completely ignorant to your own jackassery. That?s the beauty of it. You are now just as fucking annoying as a Notre Dame football fan, or a Duke basketball fan. That's right, Pats fan. That's the level you're at right now. Enjoy your world titles, you fucking cockhog.
  14. MayoGate

    MayoGate Active Member

    Jan 6, 2007
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    Ollie.. Don't forget American Football Conference Champs in 85 and 96.. :breakdance:
  15. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    I think you're dead wrong on Mangini. The guy has brought a lot to the team. Unfortunately we have a low paid and week staff below him. He came into a very bad team with a damaged QB neglected OL and DL and very little talent at the skill positions. This team really had very little and we have brought in some very good young players. Mangini future ultimately is going to hinge on Clemens and rebuilding his staff this off season. If Clemens is a bust Mangini is not going to survive.
  16. sayuki

    sayuki New Member

    Nov 6, 2007
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    People from Boston are always complain about new york sports clubs and how the city is bigger then theirs. I think maybe they are racist because boston is almost all white and new york has much diversity.
  17. BillBelichick07

    BillBelichick07 New Member

    Dec 9, 2007
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    oille, that's old.... real old. And it sounds like someone from Boston humped that guys' girlfriend.... hard.
  18. ollie

    ollie Right Wing NutJob

    Nov 2, 2003
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    then got killed in the Superbowls
  19. BillBelichick07

    BillBelichick07 New Member

    Dec 9, 2007
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    Tomorrow or the day after the snow will start getting a little brown, so Boston won't be all white soon enough.
  20. ollie

    ollie Right Wing NutJob

    Nov 2, 2003
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    who cares if it's old... it's accurate... you guys really have no clue how annoying you are, whether you're winning or losing, to the rest of the sports world do you?

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