I know, that was directed to you. (Not that it matters anymore. The Giants, since signing Rowand, are out of it I just read) No one would disagree that Cashman hasn't done a decent job in rebuilding the farm. Of course it only took two years to do it. Really 1, last year when they lucked into both Joba and Kennedy. However, they still can't get out of round 1 in the playoffs. Having a farm is nice but winning is what they want and Cashman has been absolutely horrible when it comes to putting pitchers on the field whether they be starters or relievers. So I'm not quick to accept his judgement now. BTW, why do you think Chamberlain would be gone? Again that was a Steinbrenner edict that he would be starting next year.
Then why did you include it in a response to me, saying, "you said this morning"? 1. He also held onto Cano and Wang... not to mention Hughes. 2. You must not be very familiar with the scouting on both Joba and Kennedy if you think he "lucked" into them. It's not like they were 20th-round picks. 3. I think the fact that the farm was restocked so quickly is more a credit to Cashman. It's not just the two you named. It's also the players you'll be hearing about for the next five years... or the players we'll be able to acquire because of the talent in the farm. You think we'd have had the pieces to even be considered players for Santana three years ago? No way. Not getting out of the first round of the playoffs has had little to do with the overall quality of the players that Cashman has acquired.
He lucked into them both being available when they were on the clock. Simple. There was no one worth trading either Wang or Cano for..certainly not Gagne last year. That was a no-brainer. Restocking the farm probably has far more to do with the scouts then Cashman.
2005 was when everyone was asking about Wang and Cano. And just who do you think was in charge of the scouting overhaul the Yankees experienced? Who do you think redirected the Yanks toward high-risk, high-ceiling prospects? Your bias is clouding your judgment.
Ya think? Seriously Don, Cashman is responsible for the Yankees actually competing over the past few years, and into the future. If he were really as bad as you make him out to be, don't you think one of the Steinbrenner clan would have kicked his ass to the curb by now?
What does a photo of a Braves player and a Phillies player (clean ones, I might add) mean to me? Furthermore, what the heck does your post have to do with the roidy Yankees signing Hawkins?
Figure it out. I'm sure people are going to get miles and miles of (in my opinion) ill-placed schadenfreude out of this incomplete report. Makes no difference to me. I stopped being surprised a long time ago at the freaky things that get people off.
The first question was rhetorical. Alas, there is nothing for me to figure out, slappy. As for the second, again there is nothing for me to figure out.
I felt the implied answer to your rhetorical question was overshadowed by the chance that the initial post sailed right over your head. Good for you, though.
What is there to possibly sail over anybody's head? First of all, some research is required to know why I made the post about LaTroy Hawkins last night. The post was made in good fun. I was prompted by a Yankess fan. You felt that by posting a picture of One Third and Jamie Moyer you'd somehow offend me. It's not hard to understand. You were trying to annoy me. You should watch that because a mod gave me a warning for doing such things back in October when the Yankess were blowin' another playoff series.
Yes, I was obviously trying to offend and annoy you. Nice catch. Why is it that people who dish it out (allegedly "in good fun") can seemingly never, ever take it in return. Sheesh.
:rofl: Yeah seriously. Then again, they're also the same people that insist on using the same joke, a wholly unfunny misspelling, over and over and over, again. I guess when you lack originality...
You do realize that you got offended by what I wrote, right? Otherwise, you would not have fed this "troll."
I know you're pain being a Jets fan & it must be doubly painfull being a Mets fan as well... the second part, I'm sorry to say, I can't empathize with...