If we're going to offer Gomez to Baltimore, why did we trade Milledge for peanuts? I...I just don't...ack...ack...*kaboom*
that is whats going to happen if everyone keeps listening to the rumors 24/7. At this point i really dont have any idea what the hell is gonna happen with the mets.
http://www.metsblog.com/2007/12/04/buzz-os-turn-down-mets-offer/ To no one's surprise, the O's declined. Wonder what Omar's going to do now.
that one guy doesn't seem to like jose reyes too much. reading metsblog comment section always makes my head hurt.
I don't know why the Mets are so hesitant to trade Mulvey, I've read teams want him much more than Pelfrey/Humber after a nice year in double AA. But I don't think he should be a deal breaker, especially if you can keep Pelfrey/Humber. I'd rather keep Heilman than Humber right now because losing Heilman would hurt the 'pen a lot. I think that Gomez, Humber, Mulvey, and Church would be enough...the O's need a center fielder for next year (Church) and they'd have Gomez down the line in left. Replacing Heilman with Mulvey and adding Church should be enough. I know it's a lot to give up, but that's what it's going to cost for an ace. Church could be replaced with Fukudome or Bradley, you'd still have Pelfrey and Guerra (IMO the Mets two best pitching prospects), and Fernando ready to take over in left after next season.
Anyone else pissed off at Cerrone for getting our hopes up re: the Mets chances for Santana? Only thing is he's not typically prone to throw this type of stuff around without having some kind of inside knowledge - is it possible that he really knows what he's talking about? I'm sitting here thinking maybe they already have the deal in place and the Mets are in some 48 hour negotiating window or something - all thanks to metsblog.
face it the mets never had a chance with santana and they will have to wait until free agency next year
John Heyman is reporting that the Twins were willing to trade Santana to the Mets without Reyes or Wright being involved but the Mets wouldn't include both Martinez and Gomez.
Why are all these teams trying to get Santana for a bargain? The Twins would be stupid for making any move right now. They have every team posturing and grabbed by the balls.
Heyman also says that in his opinion, the Twins couldn't possibly bring Santana back after all this. He also said that he thinks Haren will get dealt because the A's farm system is bereft of talent, and that he thinks MacPhail and co. in Baltimore don't have it in them to trade Bedard.
Why is it that the Twins seem willing to discuss Ellsbury or Lester + lesser prospects or Hughes + lesser prospects yet when its the Mets, they want the whole farm system? Fernando has equal value to Ellsbury and Gomez is far better than any of the 2nd prospects other teams are offering. I understand them wanting both, but how is that a deal breaker? If they asked for that, I can understand, but why must a deal include them?
They do? It seems just the opposite. Nobody wants to give them anything AND pay 150 million to get him.