Please don't be true.... do you have a link? We've lit him up like a Christmas tree everytime we faced him... I don't know who would want him...
I'm sure everyone has seen this by now but here is the link for the Hawkins signing:
Not only did we sign Hawkins, but Vizcaino turned down our offer of salary arbitration. I doubt he'll return. I know a lot of people were down on him, but when he gets a normal amount of rest, he pitches well. Torre was just a fool with his mismanagement of the pen, but we all know that already. Our pen is in bad shape. Yet another reason we need to stop worrying about Santana.
His last two years in Minnesota were great but he has been crap ever since. Those years in Minn he had an ERA under 2 over more then 140 appearances. Maybe they think they can "fix"
Viz wants a 3 year deal and Cashman is on record that he will never give a reliever more then 1 year ever again. (I guess unless you name is Rivera and you happen to close) In that same article it said he refused to give Rivera a third year and Posada a 4th year too. If it wasn't for Steinbrenner overruling him they would both be somewhere else now.
Well, Brian needs to wake the F up. It's not everyone else's fault he brought in guys like Farnsworth or Pavano. If you want quality relief, which you do if you want to actually win, then you have to make decent offers. If he's not willing to give young guys multi-year deals, what does he expect to bring in? As for Mo and Posada, he'd have deserved the boot had he not brought them back, regardless of what they were asking for. Sometimes he impresses me (determined to keep the kids at all costs) and sometimes he has me cursing him.
They were saying on WFAN that Matsui wants more money to waive his no trade clause. Also that the Yankees and SF haven't agreed on players but it does sound like this could happen. That would free up some bucks for you know who (who only makes 13 million next year)
lol he isnt god awful....hes average. better than farnsworth or villone or any of the other jokers in our bullpen
Still some rumors that they may use Chamberlain to set up. I can't see how without another quality starter. I guess they would go with Mussina and Kennedy at the back end.
He's a short reliever. Don't forget they still have Ohlendorf, Veras, Henn, Ramirez and maybe even Sanchez if he is ready in April. Everybody forgets what Sanchez is suppose to be. The guy has a mid to high 90s fastball and was Detroit's leading pitching prospect when we got him in the Sheffield trade.
My sister called me from a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday night. "Goose Gossage is standing in front of me signing autographs." The kid was a big Yankee fan and his parents hired the Goose to come in and meet everyone and take pictures and stuff.
goose ? thjeres a jewish joke in here but I aint sayin it....but uh how much could the goose cost at this point? hahahahah ummmm j/k hhhahaha
I'm sure that it cost a bundle. Goose flew in from Colorado Springs and was at the party at the same time that the church shooting were going on in his hometown.
I'm beginning to think (again) that Cashman should be removed. He is once again bringing in NL pitchers who we all know suck in the AL east. First it was Albaladejo, then Hawkins and now they are talking about trading Matsui for a scrub from SF. Next I hear they are interested in Corey fuckin Patterson to play CF. WTF is up with that? I know they want to keep Cabrera available for a Santana trade but still? In the meantime wth is playing first base, Giambi? It can't be Betemit and who else do they have? They let Phillips and Menky walk. Let Vizcaino walk. Trade Clippard for a scrub and now getting ready to trade Matsui for another one. The team is getting worse by the day, not better. All of this while he has this hair up his ass about making a trade for Santana. He is giving up offense and replacing it with crap pitching. What's his point? In his own words "prospects are suspects".