Since we didn't want to trade for Santana maybe we can strike a deal with Minnesota for Nathan. He could be the setup guy for Rivera for a few years and then take over the closer role. I'm sure we would have considered that if they knew for sure what they want to do with Chamberlain.
he's a FA in '08 and would not re-sign to set-up for Mo. So it would be a one-year rental.... not worth it
Ugh, keep him. I wanted him badly when he was a free agent, but after the way he's pitched, he's proven he was always overrated. We've got a guy in the rotation who doesn't throw hard already (Mussina), and one waiting in the wings (Kennedy). I don't see how Zito could improve our pitching staff more than losing Matsui from the lineup could hurt us.
Yeah, I know but he is a New Yorker and if he got paid enough he may wait it out. The thing is he is probably too old.
Yeah, I agree. Who is going to replace those 100 RBIs and .300 BA? We are probably looking for relievers anyway and not starters.
fuck the nippon I say far as him being lefty Alio- the whole team is fucking left handed as far as him being a DH- the whole fucking team is a DH he has power- the whole fukin yadda yadda his bat is slowing down by the minute- hes beyond awful in the field and he hits into 7 double plays a game....even after the game is over and everyones gone home...he c omes back out with his loooong ass ears and hits into a couple more DP'S........shoot him or trade him...dont make me watch him hes probably 4 years older than he claims to be....he looks about 42
He grounded into 9 double plays all year. Compare that to Jeter's 21 and Arod's 15. I think you are delirious. In fact I can't find anybody on the team that played regularly and grounded into less DPs then Matsui did. Ahh, Damon did. Only 4 but it's hard to lead off and ground into double plays.
those numbers cant be right......if they are then every double play he hit into was in a gigantic spot.....either way...tell me how many times he rolled his wrists over and grounde to first
Unless that prospect is Hughes (or maybe Kennedy), the Yanks aren't getting Cain or Lincecum. The Giants supposedly turned down Lincecum for Delmon Young and Lincecum for Alex Rios. If that's the case, Matsui at his age/salary isn't anywhere close to being enough.
I don't think they keep stats for that but here, you can check out double plays for anybody.
I still dont like him. and I think hes begun the decline phase...todays pearl harbor day...great day to trade him
It doesn't give numbers, but here's a look at how often Matsui grounded out to the right side. Hint: It was a LOT. And that's just at Yankee Stadium.