Patriots tied with the Ravens

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by Yisman, Dec 3, 2007.

  1. jetzIII

    jetzIII New Member

    Aug 14, 2006
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    Nobody likes watching those boring ass Patriots in the SB..:rofl:
  2. Going4TheGreen

    Going4TheGreen Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2005
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    So, let me get this straight. HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE makes your body recover quicker. STEROIDS help your body grow?...Human...Growth...Hormone. Harrison is a clown. Who goes and taunts the headcoach, as if Billick did something besides make Boller actually look like a QB against his secondary.
  3. Beamen

    Beamen New Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    1) HGH. Human Growth Hormone. Spend 10 minutes in a gym and you'll realize its effects are very comparable to steroids. Increases performance and muscle growth along with helping to burn fat and slow aging. For an athlete, HGH is actually more beneficial than anabolic steroids, especially an older guy like Harrison...

    2) Merriman had an obvious drop in production? What?! 17 sacks in 12 games last season.... In his final 6 games (AFTER the suspension) Merriman had 11.5 sacks and ended up being a DPOY nominee.
  4. Going4TheGreen

    Going4TheGreen Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2005
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    Yeah, I can't wait for another SuperBowl to come down to Tom Brady getting the last possession, getting some calls, completing 4 unpressured passes down to the 25, and leaving it up to Gostkowski. What an exciting game.
  5. Going4TheGreen

    Going4TheGreen Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2005
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    Another Patriot argument foiled. Just give them the respect they deserve man.:lol:
  6. Beamen

    Beamen New Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    You're a moron. Look up Human GROWTH Hormone. See what it does. Helps slow aging, up physical performance, increase muscle mass and burn fat.

    Also, Merriman DID NOT win DPOY, Jason Taylor did, and there was a widespread belief that it as largely because of Merriman's suspension, as Taylor, among others, publicly spoke out about the danger rewarding a player for cheating.

    BADVIKE New Member

    Sep 13, 2007
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    I know things get confusing for you guys in New York, but just because the word "Growth" is in HGH, doesn't necessarily mean in "grows things." And who said Boller actually looked like a QB against the Pats? His stat line looked like this...

    15-23 for 210 Yards.

    52 of them came on a hail mary at the end of the game. 53 came on a busted play to Darling in the first quarter. Thats 105 yards he "earned." Get your shit straight.

    BADVIKE New Member

    Sep 13, 2007
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    And you rright about the POY. My memory was not serving me correctly.
  9. rillo

    rillo New Member

    Feb 21, 2006
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    That pretty much sums it up.

    BADVIKE New Member

    Sep 13, 2007
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    Have you spent 10 minutes in the gym on HGH? I doubt it. And no, neither have I. But I did take two cycles of steroids (Once anabol, once was D-bol) and I know the effects that THEY have.

    Look, you can read tons of things online. The primary components for HGH helps regrow muscle quicker. So yes, when you work out and tear your muscles (which is how muscles grow in size,) it helps them regrow quicker, therefor giving the appearance of quicker muscle growth. And yes, it is also more advanced then most anabolic steroids. But theres a reasons doctors want to give HGH to older patients, and its not because they want their patients to be able to bench press 350 pounds.
  11. Going4TheGreen

    Going4TheGreen Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2005
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    If you would take a quick glance to the left, you would notice that I'm from a town in Georgia, good call though. Georgraphy has nothing to do with knowledge, anyway. I'll leave it up to you to read the other two posts that have refuted your claims and here's mine. Human growth hormone, in its regular body usage, stimulates the body's bone GROWTH. It is especially fundamental in the transition of the body's cartilage to bones, in which there is a hardening of cartilage zones, thus increasing the bone length. With increased bone length, the muscles become bigger and stronger to envelop and protect the bone.
  12. Beamen

    Beamen New Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Which is why it was more appropriate for a guy like Harrison, who was older. It slows the aging process, helps recovery, performance and muscle building....

    HGH and anabolics are illegal in the NFL under the same rule for a reason
  13. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    You're right, anybody can just take one look at Barry Bonds and tell that HGH has nothing to do with building muscle, it's all about rehab, right? Stick your head back up your ass, it's where it belongs.
  14. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    Its the roids. They make you stupid.
  15. dubagedi

    dubagedi New Member

    Sep 10, 2007
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    Harrison was a dumbass for using HGH but it's questionable whether or not it actually helps that much.

    I can't post the link but I found it off Slate and I suppose you'll just have to trust me that it's a real article: (I only put in parts of the entire article)

    Now Harrison was using a banned substance that he thought would help him so he's really just as guilty as Merriman in terms of cheating, but I think it's pretty clear that steroids are way more powerful than HGH.
  16. hiker

    hiker Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2005
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    A couple of observations from last night, and things I had time to think about today.

    I may be in the minority, but I thought Gaffney's TD was a good catch. Part of the rule about possession is to "make a football move" before you are tackled or step out of bounds, and it looked to me like he was tucking the ball and not bobbling it.

    I feel confident in saying that we will hear much about the Ravens giving the Steelers (and other teams) the cliched "blueprint" to defeating the Patriots. God, did I get sick of hearing that about the Eagles all week. Like the Steelers aren't going to blitz and pound the ball anyway. What really upsets me about the way the Ravens took it to the Patsies last night is that it took another team that frigging long to figure out what to do. Its just basic football, no gimmicks and gadgets, no 50+ passes and thinking you have to outscore them to win. Take a look back, remember how the Jets beat NE last season: it was the same way the Ravens played them last night. Its obvious, it will be done again, and the Steelers offense can make the Ravens offense look downright awful by comparison. The biggest drawback is that somebody else did this to NE before we do. Now, they know they aren't invincible, and will be ready for what they know is coming, which doesn't help our chances of taking them by surprise.

    And fuck Kornheiser with his constant "air of inevitability" bullshit. There was nothing inevitable or preordained about the Ravens losing last night the way they did. A couple of pivotal plays and decisions went against them, which is the result of human error and not some kind of destiny of NE to succeed. Don't worry, the Patsies will not go undefeated. The longer the ride lasts will make it that much sweeter for us all when it comes to a crashing, crushing defeat around their ankles. In fact, I'm rather conflicted: would I rather they go undefeated for the regular season, only to lose in the playoffs/SB, or would I rather see them lose at least one in the regular season and go into the playoffs realizing they aren't really the greatest of all time.

    Oh, and for this week, I'm getting a terrible towel ready. Break his leg like a fucking chickenbone, and no apologies for saying that :beer:
  17. BlairThomas#1

    BlairThomas#1 New Member

    Jan 15, 2004
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    The "blueprint" for beating the Patriots is the same as the "blueprint" for beating most other teams down the stretch.

    1. Don't get down by multiple scores early - the Pats are good against the pass, but not the run. It is going to be incredibly hard for a team to beat the pats if they are playing catch-up the entire second half

    2. Use an effective running game - as demonstrated last night

    3. Get physical at the line of scrimmage with the WRs and don't get beat deep

    4. Get pressure on Brady with only 4 guys

    5. Don't turn the ball over

    As much as Belichick is a dick, you can tell he knows what he was doing. With Seymour out for 6 weeks, Harrison out for 4 and an aging LB corps, he knew that defense wasn't going to get them many wins in the previous grind-it-out style. So, he decided to build the greatest offense since the 1999 Rams to get out in front early and outscore opponents. Having then loaded up on WRs in FA, he drafted a DB in the first round to contribute to the pass defense as he knew that teams would be throwing a lot because they were down points.

    BADVIKE New Member

    Sep 13, 2007
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    nice work digging this stuff up. See Douche bags? This is what "research" is, instead of just regurgitating the news you hear off of ESPN. Once again, gotta love JETS fans ;)
  19. BlairThomas#1

    BlairThomas#1 New Member

    Jan 15, 2004
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    I just love how you are lauding a part of an unsourced article posted on an internet message board (allegedly "regurgitated" from Slate) as "research" while at the same time calling people "douche bags" for what you perceive as "regurgitation" of new heards from a recongnized sports news source.

    (not that i am saying ESPN is gospel.)
  20. The only douche bag is you.

    You represent all the B.s classless nonsense your pathetic fan base is all about. It may take 20 years...but when you crash and burn...make no mistake...We will all be sure to be just as abrasive and classless toward you, as you currently are.

    I hope the absolute worse for the Patriots. I hope when this ends the front office falls into financial ruin, the team has constant injury bugs, the tickets become too expensive for you morons to buy, and the team moves to Boise Idaho.

    And then I hope your precious Tom Brady pools all his endorsement money, buys his fav. baseball team(the yankees) and leads them to 10 straight world series wins.

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