Interesting...maybe this is why they traded Milledge for Church.
yeah, I'm with the general sentiment here. Awful, awful trade. We trade away one of our most promising young players and get nothing of real value in return. We have no real use for Church and Schneider. I would've been fine with Estrada and Castro. So now we have an extra catcher to trade. Great. But we lost maybe our most valuable movable commodity. It's trades like these that only the Mets can make.
you know, it's pretty stupid to just toss in the towel because of a bad trade or a bad loss, but I can't take the pain anymore. After the Zambrano trade I was so pissed I ranted for days. Now this. Can someone break Schneider's leg so they can have him not pass a physical or something? When did Isiah Thomas become our GM? I can't express my frustration in words.
This whole idea is ridiculous to me. How does Church's name even come up? Maybe this was just a joke the Baltimore GM was playing on Minaya to see if he'd actually do it. This would be like if the Dodgers were talking to the Twins about Santana and offered Matt Kemp and the Twins were like but put Randy Winn in there and we might have a different story! It's too stupid to even contemplate.
schneider is making over $10 million over the next 2 years? Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse...
Any lineup that has Estrada hitting 6th is not a good lineup. You are massively overrating Estrada's offensive abilities. Estrada: 78 OPS+ in 2007 Schneider: 77 OPS+ in 2007
:rofl: no one said he was great. It was a good trade for the Mets because Mota is worthless to us. How do you not get that?
Lastings Milledge has never even sniffed the numbers Ryan Church put up last year. Church is a more liked guy in the clubhourse. He plays much better defense. Plus you get a catcher that plays defense and can actually throw out runners. But its a bad trade. Go Figure!
L-Millz is 22 and much more talented than Church or Schneider. It's an awful trade because it has no upside and a hell of a lot of downside.
Well it would've been Estrada/Castro. For his career Estrada is slightly above league average against righties. Those numbers don't tell the whole story either, Estrada can hit for average and a little power but has a horrendous eye at the plate. Schneider can't hit for average or power but has a decent eye. Someone that's good at all 3 is the ideal but Estrada is clearly the more valuable offensive player and it isn't even close.
Yep, Milledge is a bum, he couldn't accumulate the raw numbers Chuch had last year even though Church only had 2.5x more AB's then him. And it's totally Milledge's fault that he had an idiot of a manager that would rather play Shawn Green then give him a chance to develop. Milledge also played fine defense in RF once he started to get comfortable out there. Oh, and Lo Duca's CS% the past 2 seasons? 24% and 23%. Schneiders? 30% and 31%. He's still living off his reputation from 3-4 years ago .
If anyone wants to be a little positive, 1050's reporting that the Mets are meeting with the O's later about Bedard. Here's hoping something can get done there.
I haven't been able to get to a computer since the trade, so all my thoughts on it have been pent up for a while. So here it goes. [size=+10]FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK[/size] I almost crashed my car when I heard it on the FAN. Seriously. Exit can attest.
Word is it's going to take more than the Twins want for Santana, which, unless the Mets include Fernando, is too much for them.
The Mets are officially a disgrace, who in their right minds would think trading Milledge for nothing is a good idea, let alone a pofessional ML GM..Everyone and their mothers know that the Mets need to trade for a pitcher with ace potential, yet they trade one of their only desirable prospects they have for a platoon outfielder and horrible catcher. Way to go Omar..
The Nats just traded for Elijah Dukes. Perhaps he'll corrupt Milledge's already questionable character? I'm kind of hoping.