Since you seem to be a Nats fan from this post, would you mind telling us more about the 2 players the Mets acquired and why you seem to like them so much? Thanks. Or are you kidding?
Omar is such a fucking piece of trash. I encourage you to listen to this bumbling moron's interview on WFAN from earlier today. He believe that Church, at 29 is going to improve since last year was the first season he "got regular playing time". I guess that doesn't apply to the 23 year old Milledge. He also said the reason for the deal was because Schneider was one of the best defensive catchers in the game. I guess the stats that say he's only thrown out 30% of baserunners against him the past 2 seasons is some sort of mistake. Then he talks about how he likes the team how it is "right now". Say hello to your mediocre 2008 opening day lineup with no pitching added. As bad as this trade is(and will be moreso in the future) what's worse is the direction this franchise is heading. The Wilpons do not care about winning, or Omar and his partner in crime would've been bounced after the season. The organization seems to be more concerned with having "quality guys" on the roster and "veteran leadership" then actually winning ballgames. Omar also pathetically stroked himself about the Benson deal and the fans "not knowing" who John Maine was. This snake oil salesman makes me sick.
Mets probably could've had Blanton for Milledge, or at least + one lesser prospect, I'd have rather done that.
When we got Omar I was terrified. His record on trades was just horrible prior to coming to the Mets. Seems like unless he's throwing around money to free agents he gets abused by other gm's. There have been a few exceptions but he's no genuis. Why did he give Luis Castillo a 4 year contract? Did anyone else notice his knees are shot? Why did he give Mota a contract after he tested positive? When was the last time we developed a young pitcher? Pelfrey blows and Humber is completely unproven.
Yeah that's the sad part, this isn't even his worst trade as a GM. Back in 02 he traded Grady Sizemore, Brandon Phillips and Cliff Lee for a couple months of Bartolo Colon.
CABRERA ----------SPLIT G-----AB-----R------H----2B-----3B----HR-----RBI----SB-----BA----OBP----SLG Season-------150----545---66----149---24------8------8------73-----13-----273----327-----391 CHURCH ----------SPLIT G-----AB-----R------H----2B-----3B----HR-----RBI----SB-----BA----OBP----SLG Season------144-----470---57----128---43------1-----15-----70------3-----.272-----349---.464 CRISP ----------SPLIT G-----AB-----R------H----2B-----3B----HR-----RBI----SB-----BA----OBP----SLG Season------145-----526---85----141---28------7------6-----60------28-----.268-----.330---.382 In less at bats, Church put up much better stats than Crisp and stats very comparable to Melkys.
I know how pathetic this sounds, but the A's do need a catcher...could there be something? I'm just saying.
I'm probably totally off, but for some reason I see this as a precursor to Santana. Think about it, many "baseball people" have said Omar's been wanting to do something big and has been saving the farm to do so. He wouldn't trade for Ramon Hernandez and others because they wanted a solid prospect back. So why would he trade Milledge? Here's why: The Twins want a CF. They've asked for Melky from the Yankees & Ellsbury & Crisp from the Red Sox. They seem inclined to take Crisp, whose 28 compared to Church's 29, so age clearly isn't an issue. Melky & Crisp are proven, and Ellsbury's a top prospect, so possibly they wanted somebody more proven than a Milledge or Gomez. Church is under control for 4 years, so they wouldn't have to worry about losing him to FA any time soon. So Bill Smith gives Omar a list of OFs he would be interested in, and Omar goes out and gets one. Now, since the Mets don't have any decent mid-level guys under the "Big 6" + Guerra, so to get Church he knew he'd have to overpay. He's also been searching for a defensive-minded catcher, as evidenced by his quick move for Torreabla and his lack of interest in Estrada or Lo Duca. So deciding to kill two birds with one stone, he deals Milledge, because he wants to save his pitching prospects for the Twins and likes Fernando & Gomez better than Milledge. If the Twins are willing to accept Crisp/Lester/lower prospect or Melky/Kennedy/lower prospect, an offer of Church/Pelfrey/Mulvey puts the Mets right in that ballpark. Church is better than Crisp yet worse than Melky because of Melky's age. Pelfrey is not nearly as good as Lester/Kennedy but placing in Mulvey could even that out. I know this is highly unlikely, but it sort of makes's the only explanation I can think of right now. I just can't see Omar wanting Ryan Church and Brian Schneider that badly that he'd trade a top prospect to get them. The Mets had turned down Milledge for Blanton at the deadline last year according to reports, and there's NO WAY Milledge's value deceased that much in the 2nd half of the year that would make him equal to two average players. I know I'm probably setting myself up for disappointment, but maybe something else is brewing...
I think you could be right. But perhaps Church is a better bargaining chip than Milledge. This fact is, Milledge WAS shopped and there were no takers. His value is what it is.
pipe dream pinpoint.....a melky or an ellsbury are so young and could get better and is what he is already....hes just a decent outfielder....the twins are looking for more than that......and your pitching prospects arent even as good as the ones you compared against the yanks and sox prospects.....AND from what we know so far neither of those yankee or red sox packages was even enough.....the trade is an isolated trade...for better or worse it is what it is
My only issue is that when you hear the twins want Hughes in any discussion, that automatically destroys any offer the Mets can put up. also a package of Kennedy/ Melky/ Horne and/or Jackson tops the mets top offer IMO as well
The Sox won't trade Ellsbury, and Church is better than Crisp and almost the same age, so if they would accept Crisp/Lester/that SS prospect like was rumored a few days ago, I think Church/Pelfrey/Mulvey is a better package than that. Pelfrey isn't rated that much lower than Kenedy and Lester, and many consider Mulvey the Mets best pitching prospect but Jon Heyman said that the Mets are reluctant to trade him. As for a Yankees package, if they add Hughes everyone else is done, but if those reports aren't true the packages are pretty equal.
Brandon (RVC,NY): Should I be worried as a Met fan that the Mets won't have the ammunition to get top starter this offseason? Keith Law: Ridiculous. I've seen that mentioned in some NY papers, and it's absurd. Carlos Gomez is very highly-rated within the game. Fernando Martinez (who seems to be their one untouchable) is still one of the top 10-12 prospects in the game. Pelfrey hasn't even turned 24 yet, and he's still mid-90s with plus sink. I have no idea why it's fashionable to bash the Mets' young players, but they have plenty of assets to go get another starter. Whether they choose to part with them or not is the question. Joe (San Diego): What do think of a Gomez, Pelphrey and a couple of lower level prospects for Santanta? Keith Law: I think that puts the Mets right in the neighborhood. The Twins love Gomez. He can run. They love anyone who can run. They just gave Carl Lewis three years and $30 million, plus the right to sing the anthem twice a month. I don't see why the Mets would trade Milledge if they're going to trade Gomez, but, you get the point.
Most definitely. I dont think you guys should over react and say your screwed for the offseason w/ this deal. This was not a good deal by any stretch of the imagination but let the offseason play out (I know you have no other choice)
Sure it was a raping. We stole Estrada from you guys. Not our fault our GM would rather have Schnieder and Church than Estrada and Milledge.
I was kidding. The Nationals suck, I do live in this area though. I think it was a good move by them. I did like Schnieder seriously, but he isn't that good. haha.