yesterday, he seemed to do some really good and really bad things again. When he got the blocking in the back penalty at the end of the game, did you see eric give him a verbal lashing? I think I saw 4 F-bombs come out of his mouth in the span of six and ahalf seconds. Do you guys think this kid is young enough to learn from his mistakes or will his intensity always be his best attribute and worst flaw?
If they're going to keep him in there, he better start to learn from his mistakes and progress.... He disappoints me by being a numbskull week after week.....
Abram Elam should NOT be starting. He could turn out to be a decent special teams player and a mediocre fill in at times when the starters are tired, but he shouldn't be a starter. He's a backup. It was nice to see some intensity out of Mangini...he was really pissed and he WANTED to win. I think he did an awesome job last year, with basically the same team. He will build his defense and they will become dominant...I don't know how long it will take, but he'll do it.
can you be more specific as to why Elam shouldn't and probably will not mature into a starter? I know very little about him.
At First i really liked his fire and swagger he brought to the D but now its like every game he's making a pretty stupid mistake that really pisses of Mangini and im starting to wonder.
Wanna bet on that? Elam is one of those players that makes things happen around him. Take one of BenRoths sacks for example , he blitzed , over persued and forced him into the Ellis and Bowens (I think) for the sack. Outside of the elite WRs, they won't like him because hes an exocete. The better WRs will however just spin, duke or simply fake him out. Do I think hes a starter? Yes at the moment. I comfortable for him to be there because Rhodes is alongside him. Yes Mangini is pissed with him because it was a dumb mistake and we also know how much Eric loves pens don't we?
I didn't look to closely at our safeties but Smith got a lot of time in the secondary according to his stat total. I like Elam's blitz ability and Smith's coverage ability....hopefully they can both be used as the situation dictates.
Because he's terrible.... Controlled aggression is great in football, but he doesn't control it, at all... He continually overruns outside running plays (although he did step up and make one pretty nice play on an offtackle Sunday), he never breaks down at the point of attack, and continually whiffs on easy tackles, giving up extra yards that, as a bad team, we can't afford to give up. Even on his 'pressure' on Sunday, he flew in and didn't break down at all, and ran right by Roethlisberger. As opposed the the other sacks that Roethlisberger avoided, all he had to do with Elam was step up, because Elam was coming so fast and out of control, he could never adjust in time... And then there's his pass coverage.... The guy seems to have NO ball instincts... He has ALL this aggression on STs and playing the run, but when he's in pass coverage, he doesn't even seem to notice a pass is thrown underneath him until the WR catches the ball..... Never jumps a pass, or closes on the WR fast... I was hoping he'd improve a little bit with PT, but he's just getting worse and worse
You're not going to see Erik Coleman much anymore. It seems obvious the CS is not thrilled with his play. Hence bringing in Elam to rotate with Smith. You can add him to the list of players that will be gone next year, one way or another, along with Vilma and Pennington. As for Elam, I like his intensity and aggressiveness. But it seems like he lets his excitement and adrenaline control his brain. IMO, he has to learn to focus and channel that intensity on the field, that will come with experience and/or coaching. It does beg the question "Is he uncoachable?"