Why we shouldn't draft McFadden

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by MyFavoriteMartin5, Nov 7, 2007.

  1. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Darren McFadden is not an "unmissable" talent? Not as good as Adrian Peterson or Reggie Bush?

    1. McFadden is faster than both of them. (4.38 as a senior in high school, and this past weekend he made South Carolina's Captain Munnerlyn, who runs a 4.35, look very slow on that 80 yard that ripped off)

    2. McFadden is bigger than both of them. Peterson is a lanky 215, but he still runs with a head full of steam. Bush is probably around 205 now. McFadden is 210 NOW, but will more than likely play at around 215-220 in the NFL. McFadden is honestly a combination of both Bush and Peterson. He has great cutting ability to make guys miss, but he can also run guys over if they stand in his way.

    3. McFadden plays on a MUCH WORSE college team than both of them.

    4. McFadden was a 5-star recruit, like Reggie Bush and Adrian Peterson, but he didn't get the hype because he played high school ball in Arkansas, not Texas or California. D-Mac was ranked 23rd on the Rivals100 as a recruit, he's neck and neck with Jonathan Stewart of Oregon as being the BEST player of the 2005 recruiting class.

    5. Adrian Peterson is a beast, but look at his offensive line. Minnesota has invested tons and tons of money into it. Bryan "Mount" McKinnie and Steve Hutchinson are two of the best blockers in the NFL. They have much to do with his rookie success.

    6. You can say a lot of McFadden's success comes from Houston Nutt's Wildcat and Wildhog formations, but he also runs a lot of Singleback, and I-Form sets. Arkansas uses their fullback Peyton Hillis the right way - he paves the way for McFadden and Jones.

    7. Adrian Peterson's success is "poisoning" the Jets fans' minds? Making us think that McFadden is better than he really is? The guy just ran for 321 yards on a pretty good South Carolina defense. Not taking anything away from Felix Jones, but McFadden won that game by pushing himself play after play to get to the endzone, no matter what. He ran faster, over, and around USC's defense. McFadden CAN do what Peterson is doing, especially if we fix up our O-line with a free agent guard like Floyd "Porkchop" Womack.

    8. I know that we have A LOT of holes, and I wouldn't be upset if didn't trade up for him, but if he falls into our laps at pick 2 or 3, and we don't take him, that's just moronic. I'm all for drafting someone like Chris Long or trading down and stock piling more picks, but not if McFadden is there.

    9. Who's coming out next year that's better than McFadden? Jonathan Stewart is most likely going to leave early, and so is James Davis of Clemson. Chris Wells from Ohio State will most likely be the highest rated running back, and he has fumbling problems and he doesn't have that big play ability. C.J. Spiller can't carry the load, he's basically a poor man's Reggie Bush -- great in the return game, solid in the backfield, but also can't pick up the tough yards. McFadden's teammate Felix Jones is also thinking about leaving early, but if stays, he will probably tear it up, make a Heisman run, and be picked in the top 15, but he's still not Darren McFadden. None of these guys are.

    10. We should take Darren McFadden if he falls to us, and we build or offense around HIM. We might struggle early on, but he should always be at least a 1200 yard back if he stays healthy. I want a player on the Jets offense that's exciting and can win games for us. I think Kellen Clemens can do that, but with Coles aging, McFadden could come in here and be a crutch for Clemens when things get ugly. McFadden's playmaking ability could put the Jets back on the map, for a LONG time.
    #21 Mr Electric, Nov 8, 2007
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2007
  2. HardHitta

    HardHitta Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2007
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    Passing on McFadden is a tough call especially since Thomas Jones isnt getting any younger but then again we have so much needs at O-Line and D-Line we might have too. Definately a call i wouldnt want to make.

  3. The very best post in this thread.

    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    Your on to something here!
  5. fake_crs

    fake_crs New Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    I will bet my left nut that there will be a star caliber RB in the 2009 draft who everyone is comparing to Walter Peyton. And I really hope we can get him somehow!!

    for now I just want a SCARY pass rushing LB, a HUGE NT, and some Olinmen that will start for us for 10 years.

    I want Kellen Clemens to have as much time in the pocket as Drew Brees does. I want out Oline to create as much push as Pittsburghs Oline. And I want our Defence to put the massive fear into opposing QBs league wide.

    At that point during the next draft, I will truely be pulling for some SICK skill position picks. Hell I hope we trade up that year for numerous mid round picks and pull the best WR/RB/TE in the bunch who EVERYONE is just RAVING ABOUT!!!
    #25 fake_crs, Nov 8, 2007
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2007

    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    And there will be a Scary Lb they will compare to Ray Lewis-LONG 2008, A Huge NT-None good enough in this years Draft to take with a top five pick or O-lineman-Can be found in the later rounds next year as well. When you get a top five pick you go for a difference maker. What you want can be found in the later rounds!
  7. ukjetsfan

    ukjetsfan Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2005
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    I don't think a workhorse running back would be described as a luxury pick. A player like Santana Moss was a luxury pick when the Jets drafted him. I've always thought of a luxury pick as someone who you wouldn't count on to produce every single game, but who should throw in a few outstanding plays a season, like KO or punt return TDs, the sort of player a complete team selects just to add a bit more juice to an offense.

    Just my thoughts...
  8. TheDooner64

    TheDooner64 Member

    Apr 5, 2007
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    Is McFadden really that rare if Peterson was in the draft the year before him? What about Larry Johnson, LT, Frank Gore......there are ton's of these awesome backs available every year it seems.

    If McFadden is really what you're all saying he is, then lets draft him.....but I think it's easy to get caught up in the hype.
  9. PinPointPenning10

    PinPointPenning10 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    You can't pass on McFadden...the guy is possibly the best RB prospect to EVER come out. This organization is in no position not to take the best player available, regardless of position. Sign Faneca to sure up the line and hopefully a few years down the line Brick-Faneca-Mangold will be just as good as the Viking's left side.
  10. Miamipuck

    Miamipuck New Member

    Sep 3, 2006
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    I have not really watched McFadden to say he is the guy we should take. I just do not like College Football enough, that being said, I want to explore this luxury pick idea in relation to the Jets...............

    Last year there were a ton of complaints how Revis and Harris were in fact luxury picks. I shudder to think what would have happened if the FO stayed put and drafted guys where they were originally slated and left those two positions vacant. Revis is right now easily the best CB on the team and Harris made Vilma obsolete almost overnight. They certainly are both proving to be anything other than a luxury pick. They are 2 of the best defensive players on the team already.

    My point is the following. The way the Jets are constituted there is no such thing as a luxury pick. If McFadden is the real deal, a once in the generation runner similar to Peterson, then yeah we should take him.

    I am equally cool with the FO getting a ridiculous, once in a blue moon offer from another team, say the Cowboys, for 2 # 1's or in general a bounty of picks, then that is cool too. Hell it did wonders for the 2000 draft. If there is 1 thing Tannenbaum seems to do right, it is draft well. So more upper tier picks the better.

    This FO needs to fill some holes with talent. If I had my drothers the holes filled would be LDE, NT, LOG, ROG, RT, OLB. However the Jets have no luxury picks and pretty much every player can be upgraded save for a few.

    If McFadden is a dynamic game changing player take him. However, McFadden hyperbole aside, if the Jets get a once in a blue moon offer from an aggressive team, like the Cowboys are said to be contemplating, then I think the Jets would be stupid not to at least entertain it.
  11. PinPointPenning10

    PinPointPenning10 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Very good point...where would we be right now without the "luxury picks" of Revis & Harris? They were just the 2 best available players, so we took them.

    The only thing about trading down is that there seems to be no good fits unless some team acquires another first rounder...the Cowboys have the Browns pick, and the Browns are pretty good this year so that pick will probably be in the high-teens, and the Cowboys are a good bet to win the NFC so that would put their pick in the 30s. I definitely wouldn't trade a top-3 pick just to get something like #17 & #31.
  12. Pilotpf

    Pilotpf Member

    Aug 12, 2005
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    Why are the pats so good this year? Because they brought in AT and 3 great WRs? or was it because their front 7 and OL were already great and they just added to that?

    How come Indy's rusher Addai was able to fill right in for Edge? was it because he had the same experience and the same talent or was it their OL?

    Games are won and lost in the trenches, not because of who your RB is. Make the front 7 and the OL stronger this year and the stars that we do have on this team will start to shine brighter. Then in the 2009 offseason go get those elite players, to send us over the top.
  13. DraftaFullBack

    DraftaFullBack Active Member

    Nov 4, 2007
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    McFadden is the best player in the draft, Chris Long is too small to play 3-4 in the NFL.

    The only other logical option other than McFadden is to trade down. But then who do we take? The incredibly overrated Frank Okam. You could take Quentin Groves, but Shawn Crable is the same type of player and he may fall to the second and we can take him there, and trading down to take a right tackle is just stupid.

    Tack McFadden, we could get Shawn Crable in the second, and we could take a Guard in the thrid
  14. ANJI

    ANJI New Member

    Apr 14, 2006
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    Edge, Manning, Harrison, the elite players were in Indy and New England first, you can get the grunts (especially on the OLine) later.
  15. xxedge72x

    xxedge72x 2018 Gang Green QB Guru Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    The fact is we can still get good linemen beyond the first round. You don't rebuild your team with one pick. If you get an opportunity to take a rare talent like McFadden you do it... then after that, you use every single pick in the rest of the draft on o and dline.
  16. Laszlo Kovacs

    Laszlo Kovacs Active Member

    Nov 4, 2007
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    You have to look at the rest of the draft class. How many of the of the top-20 prospects do actually suit the Jets?

    Jake Long? Would be awesome as RT, but paying top-5 money for a RT wouldn't.

    Chris Long? Too small to be 3-4 DE in the NFL.

    Kenny Phillips? Would love to see him together with Rhodes, but we need pass rush and run defense.

    Quentin Groves? Sure, he can't be worse than Bryan Thomas.
  17. luckiestman

    luckiestman New Member

    Feb 16, 2006
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    i would trade the pick

    how many SBs does LT have? how about barry sanders? walter payton has 1.

    we dont need a RB. we desperately need guards, a rt, dlineman, and linebackers
  18. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    How many does Emmitt Smith have? A lot of people are comparing Darren McFadden to Bo Jackson and Emmitt Smith -- Both GREAT SEC running backs.
  19. MikeSLTJ23

    MikeSLTJ23 Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2005
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    this team really can't dream of a super bowl yet...they're looking for progress, and mcfadden instantly provides that. case in point, look where the saints ended up last season with the addition of bush. i mean you can make arguments for both sides. Dallas had Emmett. The Pats had Dillon. Thurman Thomas led the Bills pretty far a number of years if I'm not mistaken. Westbrook took the Eagles far for a number of years.
  20. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    McFadden is "that rare", he's 6'2 210+ and the guy most likely runs a 4.2something 40 yard dash.

    Larry Johnson's success in the NFL was mainly because of the former Chiefs offensive line that had two HOFers (Roaf and Shields)...He was a solid runner in college for Penn State, but if he wasn't running behind that o-line/getting 350 carries, his numbers would be average.

    Ladainian Tomlinson is arguably the best player to play his position and he is a VERY rare runner. You don't find a guy like him "every year"...it's more like every decade, if that. Frank Gore was a late round pick, because he has terrible knee problems. Sure, he had a great fantasy year last season, but what's he doing now? His team is at the bottom of the league, just like the Jets.

    Adrian Peterson was dominant in college on a great college team. Now, he was drafted by a team that didn't necessarily "need" him, but WANTED him because he's so talented. Their offensive line is one of the best in the league, probably the best to run behind.

    My point is Darren McFadden plays on a below average Arkansas team and he still gets the job done. So what if we draft him and we don't go to the Super Bowl in one season. The Vikings aren't going to the Super Bowl either...If he's there, even though we don't "need" him because of Thomas Jones, we still WANT him because of his talent level. He IS that good.

    You DON'T get players like this every year. At least we don't...we're now in the position to take an elite offensive weapon. We shouldn't pass up this opportunity, because the next guy that comes along probably won't be there to fall into our lap.

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