Not saying that I'm ready to throw him out with the bath water. But! if he were to say, GET FIRED!! at the end of a 1-15 season. He obviously would not be high on anyones list for head coach, So, do you think he could pick up the phone, and get in on a 4th ring as a position coach??
No - he coordinated the worst defence in the Bellichicken era. Edit: unless by "old job" you mean ball boy.
Us on this forum have a better chance of seeing christ before Mangini gets his door pass to Foxboro back..
I hope you don't mean the spy thing? What was Mangini supposed to do..let them steal the calls?? Every coach and I mean EVERY one of them would have done the same thing. One of the reasons Belichick hates Mangini for leaving is because he knows he wouldn't be able to get away with that crap anymore and it's one thing if he went to the NFC or even another division but it definately eats at belichick that he can't get every possible advantage against a division rival. The guy is a sick control freak. He could easily have wiped the floor with us without videotaping our calls but he has to win and has to have every advantage so badly that he idd it anyway knowing Mangini would be looking for it. It's a sickness the guy has but it's a sickness thats perfect for an NFL coach.
Mangini has no future in the NFL if he loses his spot with the Jets. The only guy that might be willing to take him on is Parcells and I have no idea if that's still true after Spygate. And no, I don't think Spygate was all Mangini's fault however I do think he's become the lightning rod for it and that's just as bad for his future prospects. What exactly has Eric Mangini done at this point to warrant future NFL opportunities if he flames out with the Jets?
Taking a 4-12 team with the 4th overall pick in the draft and transforming them over the off-season into a 10-6 playoff team. Good example?
Will not mean anything if he flames out with the Jets. Everybody will say that he took the Jets to the record you'd have expected them to get to, adjusted for schedule, if Chad stayed healthy all year.
I think it is impossible for him to get an HC job. As for getting a job with the that a joke? He may get a job somewhere as an assistant coach or something, probably NOT a coordinator. Remember, he had very little little experience when the Jets hired him, relatively speaking. I think he would have to re-establish himself as a viable coach, and that would take several years as an assistant somewhere. IF other teams engage in gamesmanship, whether it's film or some other tactic, then I think Mangini's career may be finished. Noone wants someone they can't trust, if they think he will disclose their secrets after he leaves. mind you, it doesn't have to be proven that Mangini did it, the question of his reliability alone would probably rule him out.
I don't believe the Patriots will ever again have an intern tape the game on the sidelines, so (unless there is a rule change), Mangini's old job doesn't even exist.
This can't be a serious thread. Mangini will have a hard enough time going to New England on Dec 16th. Sorry Jet fans but that game is gonna be a blowout.
I agree with you on this one. The Jets literally do not have the personnel to stop the Patriots from scoring at will if they decide to just run it up. My concerns are more along the lines of how to keep Clemens healthy if Belichik goes head-hunting on defense. I think the Jets may have to essentially surrender the game by running a lot even when they get down three scores or so. I have to tell you that I have never seen a worse Jets defense than this one. The only game that the Jets have held an opponent to fewer points than I thought likely was against Philly and the Eagles have looked fairly bad on offense in several games this year. We've given up 228 pts through 9 games, but unlike last year we have the teeth of the schedule coming up now. I expect this team to allow in the neighborhood of 400 pts by the time all is said and done, possibly breaking the team record of 454 points allowed in 1996.
Taking a 4-12 team, that had been playing with its 3rd QB and many other injuries, and, in two seasons, turning them into a team that seems destined to go between 1-15 and 3-13, despite almost a complete lack of serious injuries? Good example?
overshadowed by taking a 10-6 playoff team and turning them into a possible 1-15 or 2-14 team. you can make an argument that he had enough pieces left over from the 10-6 team only 2 seasons before to put together a comparable season. but leading the Jets to possibly one of their worst records in franchise history -- which is saying a lot -- is far worse and no argument or excuse can be made for that.
Mangini would have to gain a lot of weight to get his old job back. Come on - be serious. First, BB would never talk to him. The only reason there is quasi-luke warmth right now is BB has been beating us. Turn the table and things could get very ugly very fast.
thanks to those of you who had the foresight to project Manginis future were he to get fired.I don't think the spy gate thing would hurt him so much around the league, what would really hurt him, is the fact that he was unproven prior to this job, and would have failed terribly at it. I do think though, that he must have friends somewhere in the league, that if he were open to a DB coaching job or special teams coach, he could work again in the league. I do believe, even if we went 1-15, the players would have to really mutiny in the next 7 games for him to get fired. Although the team is not winning, they are still one the best behaved teams in the league. Were they to start playing sloppy, and getting penalized and generally looking unprepared, he will be gone!
I'd tend to agree with that. But then, there are always the Norv Turners, Wade Phillipses, Dick Jaurons, and even Ted Cottrells that make me believe that "never" is a very long time in the NFL. Just when I KNEW Pete Carroll had coached his last game, he went on his redemption tour at USC and now would be a very hot commodity. I could see him turning up as a defensive position coach and, if successful, working his way back up the ladder.
It's funny how many are still hanging on to last year. If mangina flames out, he'll find it tough to get a gig- maybe as a position coach. Once the football world figures out that you are a fraud (if in fact he turns out that way) it is very difficult to get someone to take a chance on you, especially if you have negative PR. Exhibit A: Lawrence Coker