That's a very confusing article, he was willing to accept a 1-year $4.5 mil contract? And no incentives? Nonetheless, as much as we dislike Torre...No need to call him a scumbag.
The fact is, he knew damn well he wrote his own pink slip this season, and wanted to turn the tables on the Yankees so he'd look like a saint walking out of town, perhaps duping one more team before he hangs it up for good. That lower contract was in the beginning of the season, before his exposure as a fraud in October. You're right though, we shouldn't call him a scumbag. Douchebag is actually a more proper term.
does anyone know what kind of draft picks we will get from losing arod? that might be an interesting thing to consider.
I don't think this is any surprise but Pettitte reaffirmed that he will either play for the Yankees or retire. He will not play for anybody else. I hope he comes back for one more year. He certainly was good enough to believe he won't fall off in '08.,0,7597234.story
Yeah, I saw this on the news this morning. I'm really hoping he returns. If he doesn't, it creates a huge hole in the rotation. I can deal with Moose for one more year, but having both Moose and Kennedy, who looks like a young copy of Moose, anchoring the 4 and 5 spots, makes for a long season.
Girardi was introduced officially as the Yankees manager. Sad to hear about the Alzheimer's though. That's tough on the family of the one suffering.
ok, apparently if any of the following teams sign arod, mariano, or posada then we will get their first round draft pick: 16. Brewers 17. Blue Jays 18. Braves 19. Cubs 20. Mariners 21. Tigers 22. Mets 23. Padres 24. Phillies 25. Rockies 26. Diamondbacks 27. Angels 28. Yankees 29. Indians 30. Red Sox obviously the number corresponds to the pick we would get. the bottom 15 teams in the mlb have their picks protected, so we wouldnt get a first round pick if the dodgers, giants, ect. were to sign any of these guys. at best we would get a 2nd round pick
Well, Giardi wore #25 when he played for the Yankees. Giambi has it now and molina has 26. 27 is as good as any other number.
Why? Because we can't stand Joe? Please. He took a club constructed by a totally different regime to the World Series, then couldn't manage the highest payroll in baseball past the wild card round. While from some posters the sentiment is "how can you blame Joe for the lack of success the past half decade, while not crediting him for the previous half decade," my sentiment is "how can you give him credit for leading a team that wasn't his, then not blaming him for the one he totally mismanaged?" Sorry, but Torre was not a good manager. He may have been loved by his players, but he couldn't lead ants to a picnic. Actually that's not true. He could lead them there, but he'd have no idea how to get them to actually eat when they arrived.
But Joe didn't have a formal role in the construction of EITHER team. His job was to take the team assembled by upper management and win a championship. He did that regularly in the first half of his tenure, and while they fell short of a title over the last half, he still had them in the playoffs every single season for 12 years (which is more than you can say for any other team over that time period). And correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't there at least a couple occasions where personnel moves were made despite Torre's objection (or weren't there at least rumors to that effect)? Fact is years from now Yankee fans will, or at least should IMO, look back on Torre with admiration. I can understand why there might be some hard feelings right now, but I think it's unfair to discredit his role in the Yankee dynasty as a result.
If you can't get a team with the talent level the Yankees have had over the last 12 years into the playoffs then you shouldn't be managing at all. The real issue is why that team couldn't win a single WS in the last 7 years.
So, Torre got hired by the Dodgers. 3 years 13 million. Less then the minimum (per year) he would have gotten from NY. The only difference is they probably don't expect him to win. He can sleep all game, every game now and be closer to his house in Hawaii.
Don - which deal would you take? 5 million guaranteed for one year, or 13 million guaranteed for 3 years?