Official Bench Chad Pennington Thread

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by jetfan51, Sep 30, 2007.

  1. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Like I said, anyone who thinks the problem is the QB doesn't have a clue about the game of football.
  2. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    You might want to go back and review the play by play of the last 7 minutes of that game......
  3. Sundayjack

    Sundayjack pǝʇɔıppɐ ʎןןɐʇoʇ

    Sep 5, 2003
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    It's a genuine problem when our two-minute offense takes four minutes to run.
  4. Greatful Jethead

    Greatful Jethead New Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    I would be curious to know if all these Bench Chad people were benching him for Bolinger a coupla years ago. That worked out pretty well....LOL
  5. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    Actually no because at that point we didn't know how limited Chad's arm would be. Interesting that you bring that up because Chad's winning % when he was healthy in 05 was 33% the same year Bollinger a carreer back up won about 22% of his games with the Jets. Chad was clearly much better than Brooks in 05.

    The fact is BB isn't a quality NFL starter so if you want to compare Chad to BB I would argue that you are under rating Chad a bit?
  6. GreenHornet

    GreenHornet New Member

    Oct 3, 2005
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    I hate to see this kind of thread, but as fans we are very disappointed. Bottom line is that Chad has no mustard on the ball and I can't remember the last time I saw him throw more than 35 yards. You can't be a playoff team with this going on in the NFL. I think the shoulder injuries have taken their toll, I am sad to say.
  7. Russ Reign

    Russ Reign New Member

    Jun 21, 2005
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    I'm probably one of the biggest Chad haters on this site, but honestly I don't think we can even blame yesterday's loss on him really... I have to pin it on Mangini... the play calling was atrocious (albeit partially because the book is limited due to Chad's lack of arm strength and mobility), and the REAL BASE REASON we lost the game was because we were playing the 3-4... WHEN IS MANGINI GONNA REALIZE THAT THIS ISN'T A TEAM STUFFED W/ 3-4 PLAYERS????

    It also didn't help us that Trent Edwards looked like a yound Brett Favre out there... WOW... that guy has some promise... he looked like a ten year yet with guile and and a gun for an arm...

    That being said, it's time to start Kellen... let him get his growing pains out now... Our schedule is HARSH this year... we have no chance to make the playoffs, and are 3 points away from being 0-4... Maybe Chad can become the Bears backup in the offseason, but I'm afraid his feasible time here as a starter should be over...
  8. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Thats where his defenders lose sight of the true discussion (and I see you are not one of them).

    Yesterday was only exhibit 7.12. It has nothing to do with yesterday.

    Part of the example was yesterday. Having a QB with no arm in a two minute drill with one timeout and completing all of those passes and come up about 10 yards short of having a realistic chance at kicking a winning field goal.

    If Johnny drives his car 10 miles an hour and Billy drives his car 3 miles an hour..whos going to get there first.

    So let the defenders keep losing sight on the real problem we have with Pennington. Let them keep pointing out all of the wins he has...the high percentage of completions.

    They bring up Brooks Bollinger, Browning Nagle etc. Its such a childish arguement.

    All we want is a qb that will allow the running game to flourish and stretch the defense. They will never understand that part. So be it.
  9. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    How mature Junc.

    Your backing of him shows your true colors and you real knowledge of the game (which I happen to think is pretty damn good).

    Your blind love gets in the way.

    For the record...just drop the blind love for a second....but do you not see teams stacking the line because of a incredible..unheard of at this level of the NFL...lack of respect for his arm?

    Are you and I watching the same game?

    I really need you to finally answer that question or discussions with you are impossible...truly impossible.

    Can a decent fan of the least see how that kills our passing game and kills our running game by allowing the defense to kill two birds with one stone by stacking the line...putting more pressure on the qb because he will not beat you long...stopping the running game because..hey...THEY ARE THERE ANYWAY.

    Do you at least admit that the above paragraph could never be argued by even the dumbest fan of the game?

    TUJETSFAN New Member

    Oct 30, 2006
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    Two of my reasons to start Kellen:

    1. This team needs a spark and benching a QB gives that to them. Kellen isn't going to be perfect, but neither was Chad in 2002. One things I did notice in the Baltimore game was that as he improved, so did the defense... so did the offensive line. Yes, he UNDERTHREW Coles in the endzone... but he hit JMAC on the hands twice. Also, look at the Browns... you think trading Frye was sending a message to the organization?

    2. On Chad's last INT, Mangini said he was trying to throw the ball OUT OF BOUNDS. That's right OUT OF BOUNDS!!! All he had to do was throw the ball off the field and he couldn't do that.
  11. The Uniform Bomber

    The Uniform Bomber Spivey's Agent

    Jan 22, 2005
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    if i know Junc, he'll respond with some statment about how Clemens didn't help the run game vs. Baltimore.
  12. Beamen

    Beamen New Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    With him, the issue is that he was VERY visible yesterday...

    If Vilma is quiet, and racks up 6-10 tackles, but doesn't do anything special, people leave him alone....

    He was flying all over the field yesterday, similar to what he did in 2004 and 2005.... The difference was that Lynch beat him to the corner a few times, and those plays were out in the open for the fans to see...

    I really liked what I saw out of Vilma yesterday... It means the DL is starting to do their job a little better in the running game... And Buffalo has a couple excellent OL as well....

    He forced that fumble, and he came up with that big hit on the goalline on 2nd down after Lynch punked him.... He's a step late on some plays now, but if he continues to stay clean on running plays, he'll get his flow back, and we'll start to see the same play-making Vilma we all missed so much last year
  13. Beamen

    Beamen New Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    You know how much easier it is to stop the run when the safeties can come up, and play 6-7 yards from the LOS? Do you know how hard easy it is to ply in pass coverage when you know you can give the WR a little room on the sideline, because any throws coming that way you'll have a little time to catch up to and jump?

    Chad's physical limitations make playing defense much, much easier....

    Just as our Defense makes the biggest scrub QBs look like superstars, our QB makes the biggest scrub defenses look like the 85 Bears
  14. OSUJetFan89

    OSUJetFan89 New Member

    Jun 25, 2007
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    I dont understand how Chad can use the excuse that he was trying to throw out of bounds but the ball came out funny?! are you kidding me?! i think i looked like one of his usual lofty arcing passes prime for a pick. When Chad throws the ball, I feel like he's playing 500, he tosses the ball into the air, the defense swarms to the ball and we see who comes down with it, and our receivers are usually destroyed in the process
  15. duketogo

    duketogo New Member

    Nov 14, 2004
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    Man, you just turn into a whiney baby when the going gets tough, don't you? Why don't you share your last post in the game thread with everybody, genius? :lol:
  16. jetglass

    jetglass New Member

    May 9, 2005
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    There are a lot of more bogus stats on this team, especially the D from last year. We sucked bigtime last year but all everyone says is "well, we are 6 in scoring defense." Last year we didnt give up a lot of points but we gave up a lot of rushing yards which took handfuls of minutes off the clock leading to a few less offensive series per game. Our defense was atrocious last year, and we didnt fix it. Therefore, its worse this year since we are playing better teams.
  17. jetglass

    jetglass New Member

    May 9, 2005
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    Well gee, I wonder why our defense was able to somehwhat stop the run yesterday. Could it be that our run defense is so bad we had to put exta guys in the box which left our passing D out for pickings? We cant stop the run effectively with the amount of defenders that need to stop it. We will never go anywhere with Chad, clemens, tom brady, or even peyton manning as our qb as long as we have this defense. Even Peyton manning cant win it all when it counts with no defense. He cant do crap in the playoffs and then all of a sudden the D plays well last postseason and he finally wins it all. You think Brady would have any superbowls if he had the Jets defense?
  18. Beamen

    Beamen New Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Probably not, but I'll tell you what, Brady wouldn't have thrown 2 picks yesterday.. Brady wouldn't have checked down TWENTY-SEVEN times yesterday when he's facing two backup CBs, and eight-men in the box, with two perennial Pro Bowl WRs...

    And Brady CERTAINLY would have led this team further than 35 yards in a 2 minute drill, as he also CERTAINLY would have put up more than 10 points (that's all our D allowed without Chad's first pick) and beaten what was supposed to be the worst team in football...
  19. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    And we could have Tomlinson or Johnson as our RB and they would have had 35 yards yesterday too. So I have to laugh when I hear people say our OL is getting better. It sucks more then ever. It's even worse then last year and last year it was atrocious....but we have a stud CB now (who gets thrown at constantly)..doesn't that make you feel better?
  20. NYJ 13A

    NYJ 13A New Member

    Jun 20, 2007
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    Dude...I know you're taking enough heat as it is already, but think about what you're saying. Chad's arm strength was and is the reasoning behind the Paul Hackett type Jet screens that give us an astounding 3 yards. Aside from Cotchery getting absolutely CRUSHED yesterday, because Chad gave him a nice lob for him to jump for, the late interception pretty much had an invitation with it. How can we expect to win games or even get in field position to tie them, when our man at the helm can't throw a bullet to the sideline? I realize there were a lot of other things we didn't do well as a team, but, like Baltimore, our Special Teams and D performed when they needed to in order for the JETS to drive down the field for the tie / win.

    I don't care how you look at it, Kellen Clemens is the answer and Chad doesn't have the power. We have LC, Cotch, and now looking like Brad Smith, who can all go deep, but don't and make great catches to help out Chad's rainbows.

    This is bullshit and yesterday at the time of the interception, it was silence more than craziness because we were right there and it hit the fan.

    This sucks...

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