You mean week 6? 4+2=6 Win in Buffalo? That's a tough one. Beat the Giants when it's their home game and it's almost a must win for them? I wouldn't bet too much on that. Philly will be playing for their lives. Miami looks to be a game we can and must win in order for the team to hold on to any confidence about themselves. Lose to Miami and they may win less than the 6 games from the quote.
I agree with your last phrase. We MUST beat Miami obviously, or this season very well may be sunk. But otherwise, you should be a little more optimistic. None of our next four opponents have won a game. Just like us. They are no better than we are right now. We've won in Buffalo last year. And don't tell me about the Giants. They look like they couldn't beat Notre Dame right now. All I'm saying is it's not as bad as you think.
Alright, alright, you guys. So I F'd up. I was going to say 3-2 after week five, but then I realized we play Philly after that. Jesus, you would have thought I referred to Lawrence Maroney as the Jets running back or something, sorry.
I have a good deal of faith in this team to rally. But on the point of the thread, the spinoff stories continue. This one from Peter King:
I hope it isn't as bad as it looks, but I won't hold my breath any more. I have been doing that for a long time and I don't have it in me any more. I started rooting for them when I was 7. That was in 1967. I, like many, have seen it all and it is never pretty. Think "Mud Bowl", "Fake Spike" being 8 & 6 and finishing 8 & 8 and missing the playoffs or Gastineau's penalty in Cleveland and you will know what I mean.
I am not sure if Peter King's intention was to "back Belli" on this, but to give a peak on Mangini's perception around the league, and going forward on how he is viewed. Granted I am a little biased, but besides that it was a good read from an "Insiders" prespective..
SNY has a field level cameraman for every game, and their proprietary footage always show the terrible LOS angles that this guy is filming at. I wouldn't be surprised if that were the SNY guy. Given that he films, again, EVERY game, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't feel the need to have his credentials out for every single HOME game where he's well known.
if i'm at work, we all do things that the company frowns on, but nobody would dare to RAT OUT anybody! i think this has some level of truth to the fratiernity thing. in my mind, mangini is a RAT. he could have done the same thing as the packers and lions. instead he hung bb out to dry and i can definitely see why that is a no-no. we are starting to see more and more of the backlash. billick anyone!!! the stories in the press and how mangini turned turncoat!! mangini better be the genious some claim him to be, because the microscope is upon him now also!!!
Anyone who thinks Mangini should have put the interests of the Pats above those of the Jets is insane. Anyone who now dislikes Mangini due to the incident isn't somebody who's approval would be of any interest to him. Other teams looking to employ him don't need to worry about being 'snitched' on if they AREN'T DOING ANYTHING WRONG!!!
What bugs me is the way he makes out like what BB did is minor in comparison to EM's heinous act. F*ck their stupid clique. Belichick's offense was infinitely worse. That's if there is even a comparison between doing wrong and doing right in terms of 'worse'.
What a f*ng tool. The guy is supposed to be a sports journalist, yet ignores the fact that not only do these two teams see each other twice a year, but again in the playoffs, not once every three or four years. Secondarily, how about a little balance...Like, OTOH, you would think that NE, knowing that their scheme was known to the NYJ, would have laid off and just played it straight.....
The problem with this all of this is really symptomatic of our society as a whole. We have become a "Dr. Phil" and "Oprah" culture were blame, shame and responsibility are passed from the individual to society as whole. Case in point with Belichicken: He cheated, but it is ok cause the Jets still would have lost anyway. Plus he wouldn't have gotten caught if Mangini hadn't ratted him (Belichicken) out. Huh??? The guy cheated and got caught. No one put a gone to his head and said "do this or else." He knew what the rules are and he arrogantly violated them. Case in point with the negative Mangini backlash: Mangini is to blame because he called Belichicken's bluff. Mangini shouldn't have ratted him out because Belichicken gave him his first job. Huh??? Mangini's job is to win football games for the NY Jets. He is not there to cover his old boss's ass and allow him to gain a competitive advantage. IF the situation were reversed and Belichicken had ratted out Mangini there would be a completely different spin put on this: "BELICHICKEN AND PATS PROVE ONCE AGAIN THEY ARE THE MODEL NFL FRANCHISE" "NFL'S PATRIOTS SHOW THAT EXCELLANCE AND FAIR PLAY CAN GO HAND IN HAND" "BOB KRAFT: NFL OWNER, BUSINESSMAN AND HONEST BROKER" Give me a freakin break... Belichicken would once again have been lauded for his cunning in snagging his old protege. Mangini would have been fired because he would have been outed as a cheat and would never get another coaching job. Kraft would have been celebrated for running the "ideal" NFL franchise in today's new NFL where there is no room for cheating, drugs or criminal behavior. BUT instead, the Patriots are exposed for what they are: CHEATERS***, but it is all the Jets fault for calling "bulls&%t" on there gamesmanship. The only reason why BELICHICKEN wasn't fired was because despite the embarassment, the guy has won 3 Super Bowl rings...any other coach is gone the next day. The facts of the matter are that both Belichicken and Kraft have continously demonstrated by their personal behavior that winning at all costs is more important than any of the BS they sell to the public: FACT: BOB KRAFT TAMPERED WITH BELICHICKEN WHEN HE WAS THE "HC OF THE NY JETS." FACT: BOB KRAFT "THE HONORABLE OWNER OF THE PATRIOTS" BROKE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT IN ORDER TO GET A SWEETHEART STADIUM DEAL IN MASSHOLECHUSSETS. FACT: BELICHICKEN SIGNED A CONTRACT TO BECOME "HC OF THE NY JETS" ONLY TO QUIT. FACT: BELICHICKEN STOLE A $1 MILLION BONUS IN GOOD FAITH MONEY FROM THE NY JETS. FACT: BELICHICKEN CHEATED ON HIS WIFE AND STOLE ANOTHER MAN'S WIFE AND LIED ABOUT IT IN COURT. FACT: BELICHICKEN WAS CAUGHT CHEATING BY THE NFL IN SPYGATE. FACT: BELICHICKEN'S PLAYERS HAVE BEEN SUSPENDED FOR STERIODS. FACT: KRAFT, INSTEAD OF UNILATERALLY SUSPENDING HIS COACH, REWARDS HIM WITH A 5 YEAR CONTRACT EXTENSION. The fact that the league didn't come down harder is because they need the Patriots to counterbalance the Colts in the NFL. They need that rivalry like the Giants-Redskins and Cowboys-49ers in the 80's and 90's or the Raiders-Steelers in the 70's. It is those types of rivalries that keep the league going and they continue to foster because it makes everyone a lot of $$$$$. So enough of this revisionist BS theory about it being Mangini's fault and the Patriots were doing what everyone else is, etc etc. The only thing in the NFL that matters is winning. IF Mangini turns out to be a winner in the NFL, this will be just a small footnote in hopefully a very happy period in NYJets history. IF Mangini turns out to be Kotite or Walton in the NFL, this won't matter at all. WHY? BECAUSE WINNING IS ALL THAT MATTERS TO NFL OWNERS AND IF MANGINI IS A WINNER THEY WILL HIRE HIM. That is why RANDY MOSS HAS A SECOND CHANCE. That is why TERREL OWENS HAS A SECOND CHANCE. That is why all these ass-clowns, who would normally be flipping burgers at Burger King, still have jobs!
Seriously, STFU. This wasn't just something "the company frowns on", that wasn't any of Mangini's business. This was Belichick cheating to gain an advantage over MANGINI'S TEAM. He was warned to stop, and he didn't. So he shouldn't have said anything? That's like watching your best friend rape your little sister and refusing to call the cops because you don't want to rat him out. Or, to use your work analogy, you work hard, close a huge deal, and a coworker takes your bonus check for himself. Would you let him keep it rather than "be a rat"? If so, you're an even bigger douche than your post indicates.
I like how King convienently leaves out of his biased article that the Jets also caught the Pats doing this last year and like the Lions and Packers simply told them to stop. I like how King convienently leaves out how Chicken in his narcicistic ways did it again only to be caught. There is very little backlash that King writes about. Lets see there is a laundry list of guys that have come out to be on our side with alot more credibilty than King. Guys who actually played the game and in some cases are Hall of Famers. Guys like LT, Steve Young, Ron Jaworski, Mark Schlereth, Mike Tomlin, and even the number one Jets hater of them all Don Shula thinks what the Pats did is wrong. As far as his quote with an unnamed coach, that's the beauty of journalism. He could be making it up and by attaching unnamed coach it could and likely is made up. That's right I'm calling out the integrity of Peter King in this article. I'm saying that nobody made that comment. This guy clearly has an agenda in this article and because his beloved Patriots are now known to be cheaters and the leagacy is tarnished he is creating backlash with a non-story. What Mangini did was right regardless of what some fat donut chomping Pats homer claims and makes up in his story.
my my my you do get irrational at times. RAPE??? STEALING A BONUS??? that has nothing to do with what i said. just a wild irrational rant b/c i didn't post something positive about a rat being a rat. the point i was getting at is, if mangini was indeed part of this sherade while he was with the pats, then he is indeed being a rat. if he knew it was going on, he should have picked up the phone and called bb and told him point blank, he would not tollerate it happening in the upcoming game.