Matt Estrella. Up close and personal

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by gmfidelity, Sep 12, 2007.

  1. MK1

    MK1 Member

    Aug 23, 2007
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    what happened you couldn't take all the crying on the Pats board so you had to come here?
  2. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    The initial reports I read on Monday and Tuesday all read the Jets sidelines. None of any of the reports said the Pats sidelines. The above report also smacks of inaccuracy in my mind because it states the tape was seized in the 1st Q, yet I clearly read accounts of the camera not being relinquished until after halftime. The reports i read said Estrella entered the tunnel, where he was confronted by NFL Security. A heated, one-hour confrontation ensued and necessitated the summoning of NJ State Police Officers, who finally convinced Estrella and whoever was surrounding him from the Patriots, to surrender the camera to them.

    So, I don't know now. Either the first reports were inaccurate or the above report is.
  3. gmfidelity

    gmfidelity New Member

    Sep 12, 2007
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    sorry i couldnt clarify...
  4. RichKotite

    RichKotite Banned

    Sep 12, 2007
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    You're missing the point. Ward is saying that the Pats seemed to know what the Steelers were going to do offensively.The offensive plays are called in by radio. You can't video tape radio signals. Get it?
  5. ollie

    ollie Right Wing NutJob

    Nov 2, 2003
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    Did you miss the allegations about the multiple frequencies and the jamming of the offensive coaches headsets? keep ignoring it sweetie pop until it smacks you right in the face
  6. gmfidelity

    gmfidelity New Member

    Sep 12, 2007
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    thanks beat me to it
  7. MK1

    MK1 Member

    Aug 23, 2007
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    Last year the Lions played the Patriots in Foxboro. At one point their coach, Rod Marinelli, phoned up to the press box, "There's a camera pointed right at our defensive coach making his calls. Is that allowed?" A Lions' employee called the NFL booth. No, it certainly was not. So the videotaper was stopped. Then after a while he began again. The same process was repeated and he was asked to stop again. Now that's dedication.
  8. MK1

    MK1 Member

    Aug 23, 2007
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    Marinelli was the defensive line coach in Tampa Bay when the Bucs beat the Patriots in the 2000 regular season opener and did a good job controlling New England's offense. After the game the Patriots' offensive coach, Charlie Weis, was overheard congratulating the Bucs' defensive coordinator, Monte Kiffin.

    "We knew all your calls, and you still stopped us," Weis said. "I can't believe it."

    He couldn't believe it because the Patriots had videotaped all of the defensive signals in their last preseason game, which was against the Bucs.
  9. MK1

    MK1 Member

    Aug 23, 2007
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    I asked the former Patriot, who knows the organization well, if Mangini could in any way be held responsible for being part of a system that encouraged cheating. He paused for a moment to decide how to get this right.

    "You have to understand that organization," he said. "You have to understand how incredibly tight the ring is. Information is not just passed around. Even if you might be aware of something, you're not going to know exactly how everything works. Eric was an employee there. He was not privy to every decision. His own operation was clean. Sure, he knew other stuff was going on, but how was he supposed to handle it?

    "The amazing thing is the incredible arrogance they showed, coming into Giants Stadium, facing an organization with all those ex-Patriots employees, and still trying to cheat."
  10. Greatful Jethead

    Greatful Jethead New Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    i am sorry but that has nothing to do with what I said. If it wasnt going to help them they would not have taken that big of a risk
  11. RichKotite

    RichKotite Banned

    Sep 12, 2007
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    First of all, there was nothing more than a blind accusation made. We've seen no proof what so ever.

    There are hundreds of radios in any NFL stadium, used by the teams, concessions, police, media, fire, security, marketing, etc. There is also an NFL frequency coordinator in each stadium. He is responsible for making sure that every radio in the stadium is on the assigned frequency, and there is no problematic overlaping. They have detection equipment capable of tracking down any radio usage that is not authorized. If a team was doing something illeagal, the league would track it down in short order. Especially if it was an ongoing occurance. It is much more likely that there was simply a radio malfunction, or a frequency issue.

    In addition to that, the game in question was played in the Jets stadium!! The Patriots, like all visiting teams, were using coaches headsets that are supplied by the NFL and maintained by the Jets. Those huge communications boxes that you see behind the benches are not moved around from stadium to stadium, they stay with the home team. Visiting teams use the home team's equipment!!!!
  12. Baron Samedi

    Baron Samedi Banned

    May 4, 2007
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    It's a good question and worthy of a quality answer. First, I have to stipulate some things...

    1) Given the time between plays, the person decoding the signs will have seconds to translate them....say 10 seconds, give or take.

    2) Any DC who's code can be broken in that time has a short life expectancy in the NFL, he is not qualified.

    3) Any DC, who does not change his signal calling in the course of the game, or at least recognize in short order that his code is broken, is not qualified to be an NFL DC.

    To use the poker analogy.....when I am sitting at a table, I knonw nothing about the other players, how they play, or their tendencies.
    I will play conservatively, fold a lot, and observe the other players, see who folds a lot, who plays a lot of hands (loose), who raises and reraises a lot...see if they have any tendencies that might clue me in about their intentions before it is their turn to act.....
    Then, as I learn, I will know when player A raises, he has a strong hand, but player B, who is always in there raising and reraising, is likely to be pushing a week hand, so I will play accordingly....fold to player A if my hand is moderate but not strong, and call or reraise player B knowing that he plays a lot of weak hands.

    BB films these guys to get a profile of their tendencies, what D do they call with a 3 or 4 wideout set, what they do with a short yardage, 1 back set, when that back shifts to the weak side line of scrimmage, and so on. Over time, you understand the system, and how that DC is likely to play a given offensive set.

    This information is useful for game preparation, if you can anticipate what they are likely to do when the offense shows a certain set, you can exploit it the next time.

    So why film Green Bay and Detroit? Two reasons.....

    1) You might play them again next year...who is better to be prepared and not need it than not have it.

    2) The Pats are playing San Diego this weekend. What good is watching last years film? It is a whole new set of coaches and coordinators.
    On the other hand, if you have film of the coaches and coordinators when they were with other teams, then you have something. So what if the coordinator was on a different team? It is more valuable than watching film of Marty Schott's team last year, is it not?

    This is a more reasonable and logical explanation, is it not?
  13. MK1

    MK1 Member

    Aug 23, 2007
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    Now all the stories come out


    may have to start questioning those super bowl wins LMAO
  14. GreenMachine


    Sep 9, 2003
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    It is not the equipment, it is the number of frequencies they used. Yet another league violation.
    Spin away...

    The report also states that the league is reviewing a possible violation into the number of radio frequencies the Patriots were using during Sunday's game and that the team "did not have a satisfactory explanation when asked about possible irregularities in its communication setup." In other words, besides watching and taping the coaches, the Patriots also may have been listening in.
  15. Baron Samedi

    Baron Samedi Banned

    May 4, 2007
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    :lol: :lol:

    You think Mangini is going to say "yeah, I did it too"? Don't you realize this source IS Mangini?
  16. ollie

    ollie Right Wing NutJob

    Nov 2, 2003
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    Why let a lil' thing like facts get in the way when you're defending a crooked organization?
  17. RichKotite

    RichKotite Banned

    Sep 12, 2007
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    You obviously have no idea what you are talking about. You do not use a frequency to "listen in." You use a frequency to transmit.
  18. smelly_joe

    smelly_joe New Member

    Apr 27, 2007
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    whatever they were using it showed they had irregular communications goiong on, i.e. they were sending signals somewhere that they werent suppose to or dont want people to know about- give it up- belidik is a cheater- and you support a proven cheating organization-
  19. 3rdandlong

    3rdandlong Member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    An explanation for why the Pats prefer to cheat then earn their victories?
  20. Baron Samedi

    Baron Samedi Banned

    May 4, 2007
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    No, an explanation for why he films the coordinators. It has nothing to do with what happens in the course of that game.

    He violated the rule that no video equipment on the field can be used that is directed at the opposing team's coordinators.

    My point was, it's not about stealing signs....there is nothing against the rules about stealing signs! Every team tries to steal signs. If you manage to do it, it is within the rules of the NFL to do so!

    The use of video to film coordinators is what has been violated here.

    It's not really that complicated guys.

    If it turns out that they were using a video feed to use that film in the course of the game, that is considered a more serious violation.

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