ESPN: Hot Seat

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by JeTsFaN_in_SoUtHFloRiDa, Sep 12, 2007.

  1. 3rdandlong

    3rdandlong Member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    actually it's the pats haters and the NFL employees investigating...what's that one's guys name? Goodel....goodelll? gudel?
  2. VickBlows

    VickBlows Active Member

    Oct 17, 2004
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    You know – sorry guys – the Pats cheated and that sucks and there are a few trolls running around the board trying to piss everyone off but Jets fans are starting to sound like a bunch of whining bitches.

    Who could possibly know the impact the cheating had and truthfully, who really cares what sanctions are laid on the Pats at this point. We’re 0 – 1 which is pretty much where most Jets fans probably expected to be; our goal is pretty clear to me – beat Baltimore on the road.

    I hope Mangothornswaggled isn’t letting the team piss and moan around the locker room all week like the fans.

    BTW – SD is going to beat NE’s ass this weekend.
  3. DevTeam

    DevTeam Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2005
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    It doesn't matter Jackhole. IT'S AGAINST THE RULES. That's all that matters... break the rules, pay the penalty. Your argument is baseless...
  4. GBA

    GBA Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2007
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    I didn't watch any of that, but Sean Salisbury is a joke. Every time he opens his mouth you have wonder what's lower, his career QB rating or his IQ. So the Pats blatantly cheating is an overblown story just because they were playing a worse team? Get outta here.
  5. fenwyr

    fenwyr Active Member

    Jan 3, 2003
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    Actually, that was Jaws, whom says some dumb shit sometimes, but I still like quite a bit.

    Salisbury is a useless sack of flesh.
  6. Serphnx

    Serphnx New Member

    Dec 25, 2005
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    "Everybody does it" just like everybody does steroids, speeds, and does drugs. But try getting out of any of those with that claim, the officer or your employer won't buy it for a second.
  7. sackexchange

    sackexchange Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2003
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    I've really come to hate ESPN and all of their so called "analysts". Seems like all they do is fawn over whatever team is flavor of the week. Right now the Pats are the "it" team so all you're going to hear about is how they can do no wrong.
  8. RDriven3

    RDriven3 New Member

    Dec 15, 2005
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    I stopped watching NFL countdown, and most of their shows, it's become an annoying network, even MNF sucks, I hate Kornhole. It's like they went away from great sport coverage to your typical sensationalize the news crap.

    Check out the losers stats:

    How the hell did he even get a job, dude was a scrub.
    #68 RDriven3, Sep 13, 2007
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2007
  9. Jets41815162342

    Jets41815162342 New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    Typical criminals

    As someone who deals with criminal types for a living, I can say that the reaction of Patriot organization and even the fans themselves have been that of some shitum caught red handed. Start up the excuse machine. "But sir I don't know how that got in there, I just borrowed those pants".

    As far as league reaction. Here's something we can relate it to ...

    How many "good respectable citizens" have smoked Pot at least once in there life. They may have messed around with it in HS or College or maybe experimented when they got older. Some may be regular users and still live a productive normal life otherwise. They KNOW its illegal and would never admit to it on record, but in the back of their minds they are thinking, no big F-in deal. Nevertheless, they know there are consequences if they get caught.

    It is likely that the same holds true in the NFL, you can be sure many respected coaches have used some less than honest tactics over the years and never got caught. Alot can be told by their reaction.

    Coaches reaction: "Not that big a deal" = "Yeah Ive done it but i never got caught"

    MY POINT: The patriots got caught wearing the pants with the Pot in them and they are gonna try to squirm out of it (probably not publicly, but with lawyers behind the scenes). The friends and family of the Perp (AKA:pats Fans) will make a million excuses for them. The other offenders who didnt get caught will issue their prepared statements and wipe there brow in private saying "whoo, too bad for Bill, glad it wasnt me". IN THE END THE FACT REMAINS ... WE SHOULDNT HAVE LET KENDALL GO and the 3-4 defense is an F-ING DISASTER!
  10. LI JET FAN

    LI JET FAN New Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    SAlisbury is
    d a Belicek tool. He knowledge of the game is nil. Now you know why he never amounted to dog shit when he played. ESPN employs him to boost their ratings to bring in more MONEY otherwise he would be flipping burgers at a Bob's Big Boy.:lol:
  11. The Mak

    The Mak New Member

    Sep 29, 2006
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    Guess what guys, that whole segment was an act! Salisbury was just on Mike & Mike and he said Chicken is gonna get hit with the lose of 2-3 draft picks, a 6 figure fine, and a suspension. I knew the whole Hot Seat segment with Skip Bayless just seemed 'off' and this appearance just confirms it.

    As someone earlier in the thread said, it's just TV. Fucking ESPN.
  12. Canadian

    Canadian New Member

    Mar 4, 2007
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    Who really cares what specific people on ESPN think? I mean sure sometimes I can get a bit riled up, but it's TV and they are trying to get people talking
  13. jdon

    jdon Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2006
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    there's the rub--salisbury was never an "active" player. i only like jaworski on espn. he actually gives some technical insight into the position. salisbury wouldn't have that. he was a lazy scrub.
  14. The Lord

    The Lord Active Member

    Dec 19, 2005
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    Anyone catch Salisbury on NFL Live at 12 40? It was one of those cheap 20 minute shows and 13 was devoted to the Pats scandal. Mike Golic was also there and I think he made the most sense with everything. Basic transcript:

    Trey Wingo: Would this actually have an impact on the game?

    Sailsbury: No, I think really this whole story is overblown. This type of thing goes on all the time and no one really does anything. It's UNFORTUNATE that the Patriots were caught.

    Golic: I think it does mean a good amount to the game, because they can use it and BB has always had a reputation of a the master of second half adjustments. I think that definitely it has some impact.

    Wingo: What does this do to the Patriots dynasty.

    Golic: Nothing. This does not demean the Patriots super bowls at all.

    Salisbury: Oh, no, this whole story is overblown, the Jets would have gotten killed anyway, everyone does it.

    Wingo (looking at camera like wtf?): And what about BB's reputation?

    Salisbury: Belichick is one of the top five coaches ever.

    Wingo: But what about the mastermind of second half adjustments? Isn't that a little easier to do if you know whats coming?

    Salisbury: Everyone's doing it, why do you think coaches do this (holds up paper to his mouth) when calling a play?

    Golic: The Patriots clearly crossed the line, using illegal ways to steal signs...which I do think goes on, but not using video taping.

    Wingo: And Golic, what about Bellichicks dynasty?

    Golic: I think that this does tarnish Belichick's reputation a bit, because he was a great coach before this came out, and probably would have had another winning season this year, so WHY would he do this?

    Salisbury: Everyone does it.

    Wingo: If you're the commissioner, what do you do?

    Salisbury: It's really not that big a deal, I think you just try and push it aside, maybe fine 100k from the Pats, or maybe take away a second day draft pick.

    Golic: I think the commish, who has been acting very tough on every offender, is going to come down hard on the Patriots and Belichick, not because of the ultimate severity of the crime, but because before the season started, he said to everyone, "no cheating, no garbage" and in WEEK ONE, Belichick did this.

    as camera zooms out to commercial, you hear Salisbury say: The Jets would have gotten killed anyway.
  15. ollie

    ollie Right Wing NutJob

    Nov 2, 2003
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    NFL Network... watch it.. live it... love it...

    ESPNESN is nothing but hacks
  16. Canadian

    Canadian New Member

    Mar 4, 2007
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    Ugh Steven A. Smith keeps saying that Mangini was traitor to the Pats for ratting them out, because he owes his career to them :rolleyes:

    First of all, I don't care who you are you don't cheat. I know this isn't even close to a similar situation but if you found out a family member was murdering people would you go the police?

    Finally, who says it was Mangini who caught him/mentioned it to security anyways?
  17. ollie

    ollie Right Wing NutJob

    Nov 2, 2003
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    What do you expect from NBA Smith? He has a snitches get stitches mentality... he's another one trick pony...

    I still remember the time he made an ass of himself of the Sports Reporters trying to talk football
  18. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    Holy Cr*p, HAH.
  19. The Lord

    The Lord Active Member

    Dec 19, 2005
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    Oh believe me I know...I was just making sure that everyone was correct in the assessment that Sean Salisbury has gone out of his mind.

    But thinking back, why did I need to do that?
  20. ollie

    ollie Right Wing NutJob

    Nov 2, 2003
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    Well you're the almighty... you should give him elephantitis of the nuts

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