Moore re-signed

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by DaBallhawk, Sep 12, 2007.

  1. MK1

    MK1 Member

    Aug 23, 2007
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    Kendall signed his contract last year and made over $5million for 1 year. Moore was way under paid (not that I think he is good)
  2. KSJets

    KSJets New Member

    Sep 5, 2003
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    I thought Bender played LT in college was projected as a RT in the pros?
  3. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    I caught the sarcasm there. I just used your post, which discussed the Jets poor options at guard in a very balanced way, to springboard into the bigger question of why the Jets would sign a mediocre right guard to a long-term extension when they have no clue if the young guard they are trying to develop isn't going to wind up in that slot instead.

    It's just been ugly watching this young management team try to get its footing and keep slipping on moves like this.

    Andre Wadsworth was worth even 2 seconds thought for the Jets this offseason? WTF.
  4. Attackett

    Attackett Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    This isn't saying much but right now he is our 2nd best OLineman. He was signed for very cheap and will make a valuable backup if they can replace him in the starting lineup. I think we need to upgrade at LG and RT before we worry about RG..
  5. MK1

    MK1 Member

    Aug 23, 2007
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  6. Harpua

    Harpua Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    Wow, ok. I guess I need to stop reading while on the phone at work. I missed the point of your post not the other way around. :eek:hmy:

    The Question of why? I don't know the details, but how much of the new deal is guaranteed? If not much, then Moore can still be cut at any time with litle ramifications. So you throw him a extension, with more money to keep him happy, but if you find a replacement, he becomes depth or is cut.
    #26 Harpua, Sep 12, 2007
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2007
  7. MK1

    MK1 Member

    Aug 23, 2007
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  8. TheCoolerGlennFoley

    TheCoolerGlennFoley Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2004
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    Long term this contract is going to be a major bargain. With the way guard salaries are escalating and the constant increase in the salary cap we're going to have to re-think what seems like alot of players. The 2007 number is at 109 million. I think a starting guard who is solid if not spectacular is worth 1.6% of your team's salary allotment.
  9. dabrowsk1

    dabrowsk1 Active Member

    Apr 24, 2005
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    When did Moore become "solid?" He is only good when he has above average players next to him covering his mistakes, that's why he should be a backup not a starter. He is extremely penalty prone, and has never been able to open a run gap.
  10. stinkyB

    stinkyB 2009 Best Avatar Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    geez......... HE SUCKS!
  11. KOWIE

    KOWIE Active Member

    Mar 7, 2005
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    this reeks of F U pete kendall. i dont get how this is justified, and not giving kendall a mil more that would actually help the OL be better as a unit. stupid.

    i like brandon moore, but they should have kept kendall.
  12. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    What I don't understand is this: they took a hard line on Kendall so they wouldn't have to cave to the Moores of the world. Now the offensive line is worse and they caved to Moore! What was the point of not just quietly giving Kendall a raise in May if they were going to then have all the negative effects of both giving him the raise and not having him?

  13. soh_vet

    soh_vet Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2005
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    I'm not in love with Moore's play either but:

    Moore is younger than Kendall
    Moore earns less than Kendall
    Moore is no better or worse than Kendall

    You're not going to replace 3/5 of your line overnight. The weakest spots are easily LG (Clarke/Bender) and RT (Clement). As much as others despise him, he has been on the team for a while and is probably our 2nd/3rd best linemen (which doesn't say much).

    It's easier to replace 2 linemen next year than 3. (FA or draft - and that's not even easy)

    He's CHEAP. If he gets worse, we can cut him without some major cap impact.

    Fact is, right now (and prolly next year), we need him.
  14. dabrowsk1

    dabrowsk1 Active Member

    Apr 24, 2005
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    I disagree. The weakest spots on the Oline are RG (Moore) and RT (Clement). Which is evidenced by the crappy run game last year and this year. If you fixed the right side of the line, then you can leave Bender in at LG, let him develop, as a talented and steady Oline covers for his growing pain. That way you have a chance of having a solid line after a year, thereby addressing all 3 positions.
  15. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    You're right on 2 out of 3. Kendall was a competent left guard. Moore is not a competent right guard unless he has very good players on both sides of him as he did with Mawae and McKenzie.
  16. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Good god, why did we re-sign this bum? He isn't really even a guard. Is Bradway advising Tannenbaum or something? Can we get rid of that schmuck already?
  17. Coach K

    Coach K New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    I think the Jets plan on making a move for a RT, whether it be free agency or draft next yr. which is why the Jets let Clement go. couldnt get Colombo and then decided to re-sign Clement for 1 yr.

    Moore isnt great but I dont think hes horrible. With a potential stud at RT and Mangold developing Moore would become less of an issue. Is that ideal? No, but it is very practical. with their failure to address OL early last year and the kendall dibacle its the biggest hole on the team. but, with so many other holes on D I doubt they make a big push to retool the whole line in one offseason.
  18. dabrowsk1

    dabrowsk1 Active Member

    Apr 24, 2005
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    You think more of Moore than I do, K. He is a weak link on the line, I hate his penalties, and I have never seen him adequately run block. I see what your saying. But if they can upgrade RG and RT, they can let Bender develop as the rest the line picks up the slack. And long term it would help with chemistry and cap space. IMO, this team will never have a run game as long as Moore is a starter. He is good depth though.
  19. southsidejet

    southsidejet Member

    Jun 9, 2004
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    I know many on the board are down on Brandon Moore, citing his being penalty prone, rarely getting off blocks to the second level and can be patchy in pass blocking. Remember he was a project, having converted from DT and was undrafted, has started games for several seasons now and is servicable. He may not be the stellar guard that many are calling for but comes to work lunch pail style.

    In my opinion perhaps having an aging not that great vet on his right and a capable but still developing guy on his left has impacted on his own development as a player, never mind the other O line changes in recent years Mawae, McKenzie et al. I have heard a number of times on this board that it can take several years for a lineman to develop so where is the slack for him given that he is only now in his 3rd full year and has had to deal with instability? I'm not saying he is a perennial starter and if we come up with a better player he provides good depth unless the development does come.

    It seems to me BM gives up less sacks/pressures etc than others on the line and to that extent I believe the level of some on the board being down on him is not fairly balanced. I think this is indicative of the malaise with the lack of success for the Jets and a view that we could have been better in recent years and a wish for us not to be dominated by the Pats

    Knowing the value that the current CS/FO place on character I can understand why he is being kept around as I was fortunate enough to have spent a little time talking with him when he played for the Claymores in NFL Europe.

    He was underpaid and this contract is not going to break the bank although it does send some contradictory signals. Also just who is currently available out there to take over at this time?

  20. fenwyr

    fenwyr Active Member

    Jan 3, 2003
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    It's amazing how few of you look at the big picture, and think you know more than the FO. Moore, as I've said all along, is a decent OG. He's not great, but that's why he's been cheap. He's a loyal guy that's going to retire a Jet. Will he be a backup someday? Maybe, but truth be told we're paying him backup like money.

    If Clement wasn't a pile of trash, we wouldn't be having this conversation. When McKenzie was here everyone was high on Moore. You cannot expect a second tier lineman to make up for horrid play at 3 of the other 5 positions on the OL.

    Bender should have started at LG. At least see what we have in him. Clarke is just plain awful. And Turd Fergsuon doesn't help the situation on the left side at all.

    When I look at the Jets OL, the only players I have any confidence in at all are Mangold and Moore.

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