W/ the Fo's mistake: The Jet fans are the biggest losers

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by KurtTheJetsFan, Apr 29, 2007.

  1. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    The team should be 10-6 or 11-5 although it has 14-2 talent.

    Turner's ability to inspire and control players is lacking. One such example was when he didn't get Michael Westbrook off the field in the Giants-Redskins tie in 1997. Westbrook yelled at a referee before taking his helmet off and slamming it on the ground. The Redskins lost 15 yards as a result. The helmet rule was new that season and the players were well aware of it. That incident took the Redskins out of FG range. It came very late in regulation or in overtime (I don't quite recall that part of it).

    Turner has no dominating or menacing presence. He's got no Lombardi or Parcells in him.

    He's a brilliant tactician and that is what makes him a wonderful assistant coach. The problem is he is not a commanding presence and cannot successfully lead a team.

    Still, the Chargers are so very talented, they've got to be able to win double digit games. I envision a Wild Card weekend exit this season. It's a shame that the talent that's been in San Diego from 2004-2007 may not produce a single playoff victory. (Of course, them losing in 2004 was A-okay with me.)
  2. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    I understand where you're coming from Kurt,but just remember that the while not near the same level of a team,the rest of the AFC west thought they were going to have a huge problem with Raiders not long ago,and Moss ended up being nothing but a pain in the ass.
  3. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    I agree although I make the range 9 to 12 wins. The Chargers talent, particularly on defense, is so strong at this point that I think they could win 12 games with even a fairly weak coach. The offensive talent is great but the defensive talent has just been accumulating season after season and I think they peak next year.
  4. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    Also good is they rid themselves of bad seeds Kiel and Foley. Still amazing they have 0 playoff wins the past three years.
  5. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    Why is it that any criticism of the Jets is taken as being a traitor? Is everyone suppose to be a robot and just assume that every move made is the perfect one and that our management team is incapable of making a mistake? If they were that good they would have a far better job then running a football team.

    We wouldn't be fans if we didn't care. If we won once in awhile we would probably be more willing to scrutinize less.

    Waiting as long as we have gives us the right to have an opinion.

    Some of us have been waiting longer for a championship then the people who are objecting to voicing our opinion have been alive. In fact some of us have been waiting longer then the people running this team have been alive. I would guess some of us have even been around football longer then they have been alive.

    So, before jumping down peoples throats for saying what they believe, understand that maybe what they are saying is being said because they have seen it so many times before.

    I see no one jumping on people for thinking the Jets management walks on water so for us who don't cut us some slack.
  6. jkgrandchamp

    jkgrandchamp Member

    Feb 23, 2006
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    Yeah look at herms last year here all those injuries .... Im sure if the Jets didnt have half the team down that year he Jets woulda made the playoffs .
  7. I will not hold back on my original opinion although I was reacting off emotion which i regret doing. W/ that said, I will make it well known that the thread is not referring to jet fans as losers, but rather that we are the biggest losers in terms of our FO's mistake in trading up. If anyone misunderstood.. I apologize.
  8. KOZ

    KOZ Totally Addicted

    Jul 21, 2003
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    Maybe a title change is in order
  9. fake_crs

    fake_crs New Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    Great RB, Best CB in the draft, 1st round rated LB picked in the second round, Possiblly another talanted Guard = losers of draft day?
  10. KOWIE

    KOWIE Active Member

    Mar 7, 2005
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    lets finish this thread on june 2nd....after all personnell moves are done. i agree that we added some bigtime need players, but overall our holes are still rather glaring. hopefully we can make some moves post 6/1/07 that will shore up the team we will be going into the 07-08 season....imo, the jury will be out till then....
  11. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Well there's still the possibility of trading some of our personnel for personnel that better fit the system I suppose. Although I'm really not wanting to trade Vilma at this point. If we wind up back in a 4-3 in a couple of seasons it would be nice to have him there.
  12. I also think(like ive stated before) mangini wants to mix and match LB personell based on opponent. Vilma's pass coverage, sideline to sideline speed and overall prowlness will certainly be an asset.
  13. harts24

    harts24 Member

    Dec 6, 2006
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    You sir are 1000% correct !
  14. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    Since when is running a football team a bad job, as you seem to imply?
    What jobs which they are qualified for would pay more?

    A football coach is the highest paid state employee in New Jersey.
  15. Scikotic

    Scikotic Banned

    Jul 15, 2005
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    omg...what the fuck is going on?
  16. Serphnx

    Serphnx New Member

    Dec 25, 2005
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    Well, with players like LT, you don't really need to intimidate them to get them to play. If Turner is actually such a tactical genius, the Chargers will be a lot better than they were last year. It's not like Marty is Parcells either. Just Marty is a terrible tactician as well...
  17. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    he said the cupboard was bare, that's an asinine comment seeing as we won10 games last year w/ mostly playes that were left over from the previous regime.

    NE won 12 games last year w/ almost the exact same sched- was that schedule aided? they beat 2 playoff teams all year and we beat 1. Buf won 7 games, Miami 6. The sched wasn't THE reason we won 10, we won 10 b/c Chad was healthy #1 and the rest of the eam was healthy #2.

    Last year was year 1 w/ a new regime, we should have won around 6-8 games but got 2 more. This year should have been the leap so we'll see what happens. I think we could be better and not win 10 but I also think there's a possibility we win 10. We are MUCH better on paper this year and have a comfort level w/ the new systems we didn't have a year ago. As long as Chad stay healthy and as long as we don't get injury ravaged like 2 years ago we'll have a great chance to win double digit games.

    Again there's a chance we could be better and not win as many games BUT it is silly saying we won't win 10 games, you never know in this league. last ear everyone said we wouldn't win 6 games- it's too unpredictable from year to year to say we'll be great or to say we'll suck.

    We went 4-12 b/c of injuries, that's it. We were healthy last year and wn 10 games. Fabini needed to be replaced but he was a starter just a year prior fora team that had the rushing Champion. mawae is still a solid tarter in this league and did not NEED to be replaced.

    If our Ol is still a mess how did we win 10 games last year? your reasonin for us lisng 12 in '05 was b/c the OL stunk so how did we win 1 w/ such a mess of an OL?

    We didn't overpay for Thomas and Mckenzie but we kept drafting OL to replace them. Jones didn't pan out, we had some other injuries but people forget we had a very good OL just the year prior. '05 had everything to do w/ injuries.

    We lost mawae and fabini, had a 1st year starter playing RT move over to LT
    and kendall was also playing hurt. NO TEAM had the depth to overome that. You act like we should have had a starting T and C waiting in the wings- it's hard to do that in the cap era. We wound up having 1 OL start and finish the season in the same position- ONE!
  18. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    "Again there's a chance we could be better and not win as many games BUT it is silly saying we won't win 10 games, you never know in this league. last ear everyone said we wouldn't win 6 games- it's too unpredictable from year to year to say we'll be great or to say we'll suck."

    I think we will be better and I still think we won't win 10 games. You're right, anything is possible. The people last year saying we wouldn't win 6 were complete morons. The bulk of the team in '04 that got us 1 kick away from the AFC title game was back. We should have been good last year with the schedule we had.
  19. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Some people think the cupboard was bare:)lol: ) post 2005 so it is amazing we won 10 games last year.
  20. GreenHornet

    GreenHornet New Member

    Oct 3, 2005
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    I can't read this whole thread, but topics like this irk me. Look at almost any draft; if you find 2 guys who can come in and really contribute at a high level, it was a great draft.

    Now, granted, our eggs may have been placed in one basket, so to speak, but our FO made an effort to get 2 quality players that can contribute immediately. If, after a couple of seasons these guys have developed into near-probowl talent, then this was a fantastic draft. These to guys have the opportunity to do just that.

    Now it is a matter of letting things bake; time will tell.

    I don't know anything about the WR in the 7th, but the OT in the 6th could be groomed into something good, too.

    Always keep in mind, this is only year 2 in the regime. They inherited an absolute mess and they got us to the playoffs lasts year legitimately.

    This year it will be a tremendous challenge to repeat because we have a hard, demanding schedule. Don't count the a Jets out, though.

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