My draft if I'm Mr. T

Discussion in 'Draft' started by TheCoolerGlennFoley, Mar 28, 2007.

  1. TheCoolerGlennFoley

    TheCoolerGlennFoley Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2004
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    1) Darrell Revis, CB, Pittsburgh. In an AFC East that is not filled with great receivers this guy could be a #1. Immediately rounds out the secondary turning it into a foursome that is an above average unit.

    2a) Lamar Woodley, OLB, Michigan. Jim Hermann was his defensive coordinator at Michigan and is now the linebackers coach. You can never have enough LB depth in a 3-4 and assuming Hobson does in fact move inside between Thomas, Bowens and Woodley the Jets would have a solid rotation.

    2b) Josh Beekman, OG, BC. Boston College is known for grooming solid lineman as evidence by our own left guard. Manuel Ramirez is the popular pick because everyone wants to see a massive road grader on the right side but he has short arms and doesn't move well in space. Beekman is extremely intelligent and a hard worker and would compete with Moore for the RG spot while also providing depth for all 3 interior line spots.

    3) Ben Patrick, TE, Delaware. Getting too much publicity to be a true sleeper pick but this small school player would add another dimension to the offense which is something you can't say about most third rounders. He's a decent blocker who always gives maximum effort. I like Baker alot and think he's a solid player but Sean Ryan in 2-TE sets doesn't scare any oppossing defense.

    5) Zak DeOssie, LB, Brown. Obviously an extremely intelligent guy coming from Brown, 6'4 and change, 250 pounds. Dad actually played for the Jets. Projected as a special team all star he could also add depth at both ILB and OLB. Intangibles guy who I think would become a Mangini favorite.

    6) Chase Johnson, OT, Wyoming. Big guy at 6'8.5, 330, with very long arms and the frame to add a few. Smart with good awareness and excellent intangibles. 4 year starter at left tackle but projects more to the right side acording to NFL Draft Countdown. At the very least would provide some depth which at this point in the draft what more could you ask for.

    7) Quinton Echols, DT, NW Oklahoma St. 6'1, 328. Another Jason Ferguson in the 7th round? Doubtful, but the biggest body left in the draft.

    Depth Chart Becomes:

    QB: Pennington, Clemens, Tui
    RB: Jones, Washington, Houston
    FB: Barnes, Tutt
    WR: Coles, Cotchery, Smith, Dwight, Wright
    TE: Baker, Patrick, Dearth
    OT: Ferguson, Clement, Chase Johnson, A. Jones
    OG: Kendall, Beekman, Moore, W. Smith
    C: Mangold

    DE: Ellis, Coleman, Haynes, Wadsworth
    DT: Robertson, Pouah, Mosley, Echols
    OLB: Thomas, Bowens, Woodley, Chatham
    ILB: Vilma, Hobson, Scheilgel, DeOssie, Kassell
    CB: Dyson, Revis, Miller, Barrett, Coleman
    FS: Coleman, Smith
    SS: Rhodes, Washington
  2. JetFanInPA

    JetFanInPA Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2003
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    This is OK....

    Revis won't be there anymore. I hope so though.

    I like the Ben Patrick and Josh Beekman picks.
  3. Scikotic

    Scikotic Banned

    Jul 15, 2005
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    i think with all our DE/OLB acquisitions, were not looking to spend a 2nd on an OLB anymore...i liek Revis and Beekham...Patrick looks good too, maybe spend on a WR with the Woodley pick
  4. MobiusOne28

    MobiusOne28 New Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    I'd have to agree, or make the pick be more of a risk at OLB like Quentin Moses; Boom or bust. Woodley, in my eyes, has solid potential to be an above average player in this league, and I don't think he has much bust potential, while Moses could range from being a perennial pro-bowler if he returns to form or a bust. I'd rather take the risk if Moses is there considering that we've got decent depth at LB now.
  5. Wolfe Tone

    Wolfe Tone New Member

    Jan 22, 2005
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    Echols is to fat, not too big but too fat, the guy has the strength of a punter and will not be able to eat blocks. There is some other guys late in the dradt who may be better. Revis will not be there, but Ross (who I am not a fan of) or Chris Houston will be, other than that I would be happy, if Revis did drop I would also be happy. Just nitpicking a bit, but great job
  6. IneedJesus

    IneedJesus New Member

    Oct 6, 2004
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    I dont know what to think about Woodley.

    I dont know if he has the athleticsm to play the position.
  7. Quack

    Quack New Member

    Mar 19, 2007
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    And here all along I thought Mr. T would just draft seven fools to be pitied.

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