New Jets/giants Stadium

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by tanknyc, Jan 27, 2007.

  1. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    It's hard to just say he wanted to save money. He spent a lot of money trying to get the WSS and will spend a lot of money on the stadium here in NJ. I think being who he is, he wanted the prestige of Manhattan first and foremost, and the Meadowlands was the next best option. Putting aside peoples' personal feelings, which will vary depending on where they live, the Meadowlands is an ideal spot for a football stadium and it's in sight of Manhattan. Hard to overlook that and try to reinvent the wheel in Queens, thus dealing with more NY politicians. I think he had enough of that with the WSS.
  2. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Riverhead is about 80 miles from the Midtown tunnel. Yes, there is traffic, and an hour and a half is good time. I commonly takes two hours. I could give a shit where you lived in Jersey... really.

    Here's the bottom line.
    Number one: Don't tell people like myself that they can't read until YOU learn to write coherently.
    Number two: Don't EVER tell anyone that they are fair weather fans when you have admitted to not even watching games on TV.

    Lastly, who are YOU to judge anyone in this regard, while not knowing (or caring to know) if the move to Jersey made the seats unaffordable? You didn't spend $20 to park at Shea.... if you make that claim, I doubt you ever even went there once, never mind season tickets. I have come to be very skeptical regarding any of your claims to be a Jets fan. Frankly, I think you are full of.... lets just say baloney. But, I suspect your eyes are brown, too.
  3. jkgrandchamp

    jkgrandchamp Member

    Feb 23, 2006
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    yea, but it would of looked great for post 9-11 development in Mann ... But thats not gonna happen unless NJ backs out...Do they even have a ground breaking date ???
  4. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Well put... and the only logical choice left for Woody. To call him a "liar" is over the top, IMO. In fact, I think he's a damned good owner and one I'm proud to say I'm behind 100%.

    Anyone blaming Woody for not moving the Jets to NY is letting the very NY politicians that screwed them in the first place sell them on their lies, hook, line and sinker, which makes them gullable at the very least and liars themselves at the very worst, because, after all, they f@cking voted for them in the first place.
  5. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    The WSS would not have helped "post 9-11 development in Manhatten." First off, the WSS had nothing to do with the 9-11 site or the healing that still needs to take place because of that incident. The 9-11 Commission is doing quite well in developing their own plans for a memorial. They didn't need a football stadium to memorialize 9-11.

    Secondly, the WSS would have paralyzed downtown Manhatten. It's too large and too spectacular a venue to place in the city. For reasons rehashed dozens of times here and editorialized over and over again in the local newspapers, Manhatten was an extremely poor choice for something the size of a football stadium.

    There is a groundbreaking date... I'm just not sure of it now. But somewhere in the 2008 timeframe comes to mind, with a completion date somewhere around 2010. It's a done deal, if that's where you're line of questioning goes.
  6. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Ground Zero is another example, they're just getting started and it's 5 1/2 years later with a hole still in the ground. People didn't get cable TV in the city until the 90s because everyone wanted a cut from all the money that would be made. They have two of the four or five oldest baseball stadiums in the majors and are just now getting started there after how many years of discussing it.
  7. jkgrandchamp

    jkgrandchamp Member

    Feb 23, 2006
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    Yea I see the need @ Shea but @ Yankee Stadium they shoulda left it alone !!!! All that history gone like when they tore down Ebbetts Field (check Spelling ! I agree with the joint stadium @ the WSS. Ima Jets fan I watch every game I can . But to move right across the parking lot were its only benifiting NJ pliticans is ridiculous... In NYC they woulda got the Olympics Concerts a SB ..... DAMN DOOLAN .. I hope Dolan takes a heart attack @ the next Knicks game so I can watch it on msg and laugh .... JK!
  8. jkgrandchamp

    jkgrandchamp Member

    Feb 23, 2006
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    I wasnt saying it would help devolp The TW site but the revenue for local bussnessis owners . Traffic it wouldnt really affect normal activities unless you lived near it . But I see what you are saying ... Thanks for the Date !
  9. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    It would have been great for the city, even for people who aren't Jet fans. The Super Bowl was a done deal and you know the Final Four would have come to New York, in addition to what you mentioned.

    Not only that, but you build a stadium there and there would be restuarants and hotels going up around it, right along the river. How nice would that have been? That alone would make the Javitz Center more attractive for trade shows, because as it is now people have to stay up in Midtown and it's a logistical nightmare getting people to and from the place with no train service. I experience that first hand because I have shows at Javitz I'm a part of. Those things are scheduled tightly and having to allot an hour or two between the show and the nighttime events leads a lot of shows to go elsewhere.

    If you had accomodations in the same neighborhood and ran a subway there, the trade show business would grow a good deal, I just about guarantee that. But the politicians killed it by selling their short-sighted reasoning that the money is better spent on cops, teachers, etc. Had they made the investment to bring revenue in long term, they would be doing more service to the cops, teachers, etc down the road.
  10. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    I have this mental image of cj69. An old bearded guy in a dirty tank top, sticking his head out of his carboard box home on the fringe of a trailer park, yelling at some guy who just stepped out of his mobile home..."Hey you piece of white trash! Turn that country music down! I'm nappin over here!"
  11. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Again I say THANK YOU to the LIers for not renewing there tix when the move from Shea to the M/lands occurred so that I & others could take them over. The LIers did all those that got the ones they no longer wanted a HUGE favor!
  12. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    You didn't get my tickets there, champy. I gave them to a friend who still has them. Now, lay off on the Tango there....
  13. Gator

    Gator Active Member

    Oct 8, 2004
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    The Jets moved away from their original fan base when they went to the Meadowlands. Some people decided they didn't want the hassle. Others, like myself, did and continue to go. It's not really a big deal, or surprising, or even newsworthy. If they had started out in Jersey and moved to NY some fans from Jersey would have continued to go, others would have given up the tickets. Again, nothing to see here, really. Your continued bashing of Long Island Jets fans doesn't make any sense.

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