New Jets/giants Stadium

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by tanknyc, Jan 27, 2007.

  1. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    My god you really cannot read I plainly put in there from 69 thru 83 since in 84 they moved to the M/Lands. From 65 thru 68 I lived in Queens & it was a truly easy commute for me just like from LI for the LIers. To me your reply is just trying to excuse away why the LIers gave up there tix & it that was OK

    Ah you also must have missed the news that I DO NOW watch all the games cause I now see my grandchildren almost every day
    #141 championjets69, Feb 11, 2007
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2007
  2. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    And you are going to blame your granchildren for not watching Jet games? And excuse that away as being OK? Queens to Jersey is a whole lot different than Riverhead to Jersey. Funny that you of all people would have the nerve to call anyone else a fair weather fan. I have never missed a Jets game, although there was one when my sister got married that I only saw portions of. So, you couldn't plan your time to watch Jets games AND see your granchildren? Are they only available when Jets games are being played, or are you just a fair weather fan?
  3. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    JMHO which I am entitled to. Also how do you not know that my commute from where I lived in NJ to Shea is worse then R/head to the M/lands? Have U ever tried it? Let's C from R/head take LIE I guess to Queens/Midtown tunnel then over to the Lincoln tunnel & bingo you are at the M/lands. That is tough?
  4. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Clueless, you are. I might mention, before you go telling anyone that they can't read, learn how to write first. With no traffic, which never happens, Riverhead is about 1.5 hours from the Midtown tunnel.

    Yes, I went to the Meadowlands many times after the Jets moved their games to Jersey. It was taking me over 2 hours to get there, and 3 to 4 hours to get back. I live in Nasau county, I'm not even out in Suffolk! When was the last time you ever went crosstown from the Midtown to the Lincoln? It's faster to go all the way up to the GW sometimes. Spending 7 hours just driving got old. I didn't move away from the Jets, they moved away from me. YOU moved away from the Jets though, didn't you? YOU are the fair weather fan, the guy that didn't even care enough to watch the games on TV. I'll say it again, if you call ANYone a fair weather fan, you are a hypocrit. The hat fits, wear it.
  5. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    H'mm you must be the slowest driver in the NJ/NY metro area with 1.5 hours from Rhead to NYC. Also, you have not the slightest idea where I came from in NJ but take this into consideration. I had to go up the GSP, across the bridge to Staten Island drive thru Staten Island over the VN bridge thru Brooklyn then finally winding up on the GCP to Shea. Other times I would go up the GSP & TPKE then thru the Lincoln tunnel, then across Manhattan to the Queens/Midtown tunnel then onwards to Shea. Look I am thankful the LIers decided not to make the trek as I was able to secure more seats so I guess I owe them a big THANK YOU for not reupping there tix when the switch took place from Shea to the M/lands.
  6. jkgrandchamp

    jkgrandchamp Member

    Feb 23, 2006
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    Dude they are gonna build a train station and a bus depot their as well !!!
  7. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Well that will make it much easier for season tix holders to reach the stadium
  8. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    I'm in agreement with champ throughout a thread. Does that mean the world will be ending soon?
  9. baamf

    baamf Active Member

    Apr 5, 2004
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    :smile: Definitely.

    This thread has taken a silly turn IMO, but I'll offer a few points of my own. I've been to about 200 Jets games at the Meadowlands. It is not hard to get in/out of the parking lot if you know the secrets (no, I'm not telling :wink: ). I have friends that I tailgate with who are from Maryland, Miami, Rochester, NJ, NYC, etc. and we all attend every game. The guy from Miami is not a bigger fan, than the guy from Maryland, NJ, or whatever. We are all fans. We are blessed to be able to go to the games like we choose to do. If others choose not to, for whatever reason, it doesn't make them any less of a fan. I don't like judging people unless I've walked in their shoes.....
  10. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Glad you mentioned Maryland. I lived there for about five years in the 90s and drove up for the games when my friend got tickets. Actually drove 4 hours one way to see games in the Kotite era. Not that I want a medal or anything, but that's why I don't care for the bitching from NY people who have to take a drive 8 times a year.
  11. The Green Dude

    The Green Dude 2008 Best Avatar Award Winner

    Jun 3, 2004
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    Well kicking the dead horse again... why didn't the Giants jump in on the WSS plan? That would have been the perfect situation all around. We are paying the same amount for this stadium to be built in Jersey where we could have built an amazing stadium right in Manhattan! The state and city funding would have been meaningless, really. That could have been covered by the Giants end of the deal if they had jumped in.

    See... the Jets were looking for a state of the art stadium with all the bells and whistles which is why I believe that the Giants shyed away from even considering jumping in on a deal with us... because the Giants...and Mara wanted a more traditional FOOTBALL stadium... no roof... no bells.... no whistles... just a renovated meadowlands. And this was one of the big reasons it took so long to agree on the new stadium... and basically why its being constructed without a roof... the Giants bitching a moaning. Common look our designs for the WSS and compare it to this thing we are building in Jersey, Giants win. Woody was willing to invest not just in a football stadium... but something more.

    To this day I still believe that even without tax help... we could have gotten this stadium built if Woody held on longer. Sooo many investors were salavating to jump in and help us get this thing built from lawyers to the steel companies, but for some reason Woody went limp after being denied 300mil in state funding.
  12. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    But NY politicians fuck people every step of the way, and I'm sure Woody figured that out after throwing a lot of money into the project. Why can't they ever get anything done in NYC? It's run by a bunch of crooked motherfuckers, even more crooked than the usual bullshit politicians. Even more than the ones in NJ, and that's saying something.
  13. The Green Dude

    The Green Dude 2008 Best Avatar Award Winner

    Jun 3, 2004
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    another sad part about my post is... doesn't the nfl grant a 150 mil loan for teams building new stadiums? This should have been built without going to the govt for help...
  14. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I know the secrets too, Baamf, also not telling (although it's common sense). I'm on the TPK in a matter of minutes and I don't leave the game early either! You do it a couple of times and you learn the secret.

    Glad to see this thread is still ripping. The point about the train for NY'ers is a good one. It looks like they're building a station platform within a couple of football fields of the main gate. This will eliminate most of the NY drivers (and cars) and probably actually improve the parking lot situation, although I don't see Staten Islanders giving up the drive. Half the damned fun is the tailgating.
  15. The Green Dude

    The Green Dude 2008 Best Avatar Award Winner

    Jun 3, 2004
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    I dunno that is the one thing that irritated me the most when I heard the new stadium was estimated at 1.4b... because that is exacly what the WSS was estimated at. The SECOND I read that we were looking for 300mil in state and 300mil is city aid I knew we lost it. 800mil was put on the Jets. Thanks Giants! It's irritating. The countless jobs and events year round would have made this plan ideal. But what are ya gonna do... dwelling on something that could have been isn't worth dwelling on. I just wish Woody had been a little more patient.
  16. jkgrandchamp

    jkgrandchamp Member

    Feb 23, 2006
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    I could careless if they built a new stadium in NYC, or NJ. I dont like the fact that this has been talked about for years and no progress has been made...
    The WSS wouldve brought millions of dollars in with the Olympics and other events but that can still be had in the new joint development , is marketed properly ...
  17. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I feel your pain. As a kid, I was a huge Brooklyn Dodgers fan... huge. I've posted about this before and won't bore you, but it's a traumatic thing having a team move further away from you. In our case, it was across the country and it totally soured me on MLB, that's haw bad it was.

    Anyway, I think Woody exhibited immense patience. We were nothing but tenants under the Giants for all those years. When Woody took over there was still not going to be any change in that position on the horizon. It was either renew your lease when it reached maturity or hit the road.

    Woody put a lot of effort into the WWS in particular, but wasn't opposed to listening to other alternatives. When none materialized, he went balls to the wall on the WSS and put a lot of PR into it to push it (Joe Namath endorsements, Fireman Eddie TV commercials). It was only until very late in that game that the Queens showed up. They were clearly very late to the party though.

    As the inevitability of the collapse of the WSS concept began emerging (news stories circulating that Silver and Bruno were not budging on their positions to knock it down), we started running out of options. And the Giants turned up the heat by announcing they were tearing down the old Giants Stadium and building another new one, and that we could be tenants again for another generation if we wanted to. Screw that.

    Woody made the best deal he could at that point, turning to the Giants (just as the WSS was on virtual life support) and entering into negotiations to partner the new stadium and share everything 50-50.

    So, I think to characterize Woody as not having been "patient" is not fair and may possibly border on revisionist history.
  18. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    It's too bad you can't see the hypocrisy in telling people they aren't good enough fans because they aren't reading every scrap of self-important newsprint while you're just now getting around to actually watching the team play again.
  19. Gator

    Gator Active Member

    Oct 8, 2004
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    See, from my point of view Queens should not have to come to Woody, but visa versa based on what Woody said when he bought the team. He did say he was going to bring the team back to NY. I'm a LI guy that goes to every game, and I know all the roads in Jersey, plus the fast way out of the stadium. It takes 45 minutes to get there and 1.5 hrs to get home. No big deal really, especially after going to the Jets/Pats game and seeing what those people deal with. Crossing over from NY into Jersey is a breeze compared to Joe Chowdahead going from his house in Massachussets to the stadium in Massachussets. Talk about a nightmare.

    However, after the WSS fell through it was up to Woody to explore Queens.......based on his own statements. He didn't, because he wanted to save money. Even if the Stadium comes in at 1.5 billion, Woody will have saved over 600 million from building Jets Stadium in NY somewhere. It's the smart move, but that doesn't make Woody any less of a liar.
  20. KSJets

    KSJets New Member

    Sep 5, 2003
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    Great post :)

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