Fuck him. Never liked him, overrated on the field and a shitty leader. Don’t forget this is the dude that opted out of playing during Covid and got busted hanging out in a nightclub. Good riddance
Its a shame that you dislike him this much for reasons that aren’t even real. Fantastic locker room leader, literal all-pro on the field and absolutely had a hand in setting Sherwood up to be the guy for the next decade.
Good player but when we signed him we made him the highest paid defender in the league. He should be thanking us as well.
Exactly. Mac spent like a drunken sailor on a RB (Bell) and MLB (Mosley) in the same off season if I remember correctly. I liked Mosley though. Good to great LB for us. Best of luck
I was the biggest skeptic when Jets signed Mosely, I was concerned about him going from a 3-4 to a 4-3, and I have to say I was surprised at how well he did and the example he set on the field. Covid year was an issue but he was a LB Jets didn’t have to worry about. Jets definitely need to focus on drafting or signing a legit LB because Sherwood is not going to cut it.
I don’t know about CJ Mosley. Total mixed bag as a Jet. Instantly injured in 2019, took off 2020, then was pretty solid 2021-23, leading a strong Jets defense, then injured last year in a nightmare 2024 season. Loved the signing, loved the player, just did not work out.
He should probably retire after his injury last season. Hate to see a linebacker try to play with a neck injury
Lame that he forced us to cut him assuming he retires. I also thought the Covid opt-out was unbelievably weak. He had a couple good seasons for us but for once I’m with the guy above. Great leader and locker room presence? Our locker room and culture has been a relative mess since 2011. Not sure about all the heaping praise.
100%. He barely played half his time here. He should be thanking the Jets who rewarded him handsomely for a part time player.
The Jets thanked Rodgers though. He won 5 games in 2 seasons and aired the Jets dirty laundry every Tuesday afternoon on tv If they thanked Rodgers then of course they should thank Mosley. He was here longer, built better relationships and was a no nonsense professional
I remember that too. We have a pretty nicely decorated history of LB’s (Jones, Lewis, Buttle, Clifton, Mehl, Vilma, Harris, Grantham, Atkinson). I don’t count Mosley as one of them.