L Wowww . . . ! If that's actually true, there's the smoking gun. Personally I thought there was some wiggle room for the defense with the knife sheath, but if this proves out, he'll plead. They'll drag it out forever, though. Re-testing by an independent lab, strict conditions, etc. They'd be shitty lawyers if they didn't.
@typeOnegative13NY , I found.this, which may or may not bode well ("contamination by the lab", wait for it). https://www.courttv.com/title/bryan...-three-people-found-under-victims-fingernail/ EDIT: More: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...idence-victim-fingernail-bryan-kohberger.html https://www.eonline.com/news/141437...al-dna-of-3-people-under-madison-mogens-nails
I haven’t read up too much lately, but saw that today. Also saw the other day that his defense is arguing that his autism diagnosis should take away the death penalty. Almost sounds like they are preparing for defeat