Yup - he was there too. In the early years the owners hired anyone who could win games; they later decided that people didn't want to pay to see black guys play. It took a few decades to change that.
I did learn recently that the song Tainted Love "by" Soft Cell was a cover tune by someone named Gloria Jones.
Today I learned that Linwood Boomer, who played blind Adam on 'Little House on the Prarie' created 'Malcolm in the Middle'.
Today I learned about the Aztec Death Whistle I was also immediately surprised to learn that there isn't already a metal band named Aztec Death Whistle.
Today Learned that Gina Lollobrigida was a prolific photographer, photojournalist, and sculptor. She also ran for Italian Parliament at the age of 95.
TIL that Keith David from John Carpenter's The Thing and They Live was a recurring character on Mr Rogers Neighborhood. I guess I was too young to remember it but I never made the connection. He played a carpenter.
I love Keith David. I already knew this, but I guess I'll put it under today I learned (below). Mr. Rogers says, "It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood" in the opener. Zzzzzt! Wrong! He says, "It's a beautiful day in THIS neighborhood." I bet a bunch of people are contesting this right about now, haha.
TIL that most of the historical inconsistencies surrounding the story of Tombstone and Wyatt Earp can be directly attributed to Sadie Mansfield aka Josephine Marcuse who was Earp's wife. She spread mostly lies backed by threats of lawsuits if anyone challenged her accounts. She also gambled away most of the money he made with his schemes and he died destitute. She was mostly a scumbag but so was he, and I'm guessing so were most people back then. The bar for scumbag was quite low.