The actual cost of JD’s failures

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by NJJets, Oct 2, 2024 at 10:30 AM.

  1. NJJets

    NJJets Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2022
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    I mentioned this in the Adams thread l, but honestly I think this deserves its own topic. When JD was hired his stated philosophy wad to build a sustained successful team with home grown talent through the draft. As we’re all obviously aware, that plan went to total shit. But how much will it cost us in the end as he’s been plugging FA’s And trading for veterans to fill the holes of his terrible draft choices. Take a look:

    Becton: signs Duane Brown $20m for a season to cover the fact Becton was a total disaster, then signs Tyron Smith for $6.5m and Morgan Moses back for $3.6 to cover for Becton’s departure and Brown’s failed ineptness. This year he drafts Olu to cover for the fact both Smith and Morgan are old and injury prone. $20.5m fully guaranteed, just about $5m a year.

    Total of $50m to cover his failed Becton draft

    Zach Wilson: eventually trades for Aaron Rodgers and signs Tyrod Taylor to handle backup duties this since Zach had shown himself incapable. Previously had traded away Sam Darnold who currently is playing like the best QB in the league, justcfigured this bears mention. Total cost for Rodgers could be up to $112m, at least $75m. Taylor will cost $12m with $8.5 guaranteed.

    Total of at least $83.5m to cover for the poor drafting of ZW, could be upwards of $125m

    Denzel Mims and Elijah Moore: Both players performed poorly here and on top of that demanded trades. Replaced with Lazard and Mike Williams. $44m with $22m guaranteed for Lazard. Mike Williams will receive $10m.

    Total cost a minimum $32m, likely gonna be the full $54m.

    Jermaine Johnson and Will McDonald: Drafts JJ and McDonald 1st round back to back years. Still trades a 3rd round pick for what should have cost us $16m for Reddick, but since Reddick is holding out it will either cost us a massive long term contract or, at the least, egg on our face. But make no mistake JD was looking to spend that $16m to cover JJ and McDonald.

    Garrett Wilson: Tough to put him on this list since he has actually shown elite skills, but he’s struggling with his responsibilities as a WR now that they’re not stacking the box against us. So now rumor is we’re looking to give up another pick (probably a 2nd) and take on a guy that’s gonna likely cost us about $60m because we now realize GW isn’t quite cutting it as a true #1? And to be honest if we do this trade it’s gonna render Mike Williams as just about useless, so you could argue this trade costs us $10m in wasted money.

    Total cost could be upwards of $70m if this happens.

    So far JD has convinced Woody to spend over $200m in FA/trades just to cover positions he has drafted poorly at. Trading for Davante will raise that figure to at least $260m. This is just for replacements of player he drafted. First of all, what a dope Woody is. 2nd of all, how far does he let this go? Is it possible the line drawn in the sand with Reddick was Woody saying enough is enough. Has he finally realized JD and Saleh have been selling him a lie that we’re a team that was a QB away, as Woody said when we signed ARod? Could you imagine being asked to shell out over $200m in 3 years to cover for mistakes that person made, and envisioning that person still having a job working for you?
    #1 NJJets, Oct 2, 2024 at 10:30 AM
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2024 at 12:59 PM
  2. Bills over Jets

    Bills over Jets Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2012
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    It’s actually worse than what you state.

    OT - is actually $50 million PLUS two first round draft picks (becton and Olu, who wouldn’t need to have been drafted but for the becton failure), and the loss of a 6th rounder and swapping 4th round spots that they gave up to get a guy they previously could have had and just kept (Moses).

    QB - don’t forget the wasted season of Rodgers last year, paying him millions for nothing and wasting a year of everyone’s lives.

    Edge - how the jets handled this position is GM malpractice imo. They had an asset in Huff that they could have either resigned and kept or traded for addtitional assets. They ended up doing neither. Not only did they get nothing for him, but they then went and traded another valuable asset (3rd round pick) to replace what they lost for nothing. They lost double, like a 14 point swing. I mentioned in another thread it’s like having a rental house (an asset) and then letting it be foreclosed on, and then going out and having to buy a new rental house to replace it. You lost the value of a house, and then took money out of your pocket to buy a new one. Then….. they didn’t even get the new house! The just gave the eagles a 3rd round pick for nothing because he isn’t signed. My God.
  3. AndyDrums

    AndyDrums Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    No need to fat shame anyone, I think many of us here (myself included) could lose a few pounds. Having said that, I think JD has been an unmitigated disaster for many of the reasons you stated. We have been fed cult propaganda for 4 years now about "all gas and no brakes" as well as "building an OL/DL from the inside out" and what I saw last week was the second worst OL performance in Jet history next to the Miami game last December. Almost got his personal messiah killed from the first snap of the game throughout. The defense was superb last season and what does he do? Let's a homegrown player Bryce Huff, who we should have made sure is a Jet forever because he was groomed here, walk away. He gave away JFM for nothing, he traded for a phantom DE that will never play a snap for the Jets, resulting in a less effective pass rush and overall weaker defense.

    Get ready to get absolutely eviscerated Sunday by Sam Darnold and that purple people eater defense on the way to 2-6. Things will get really ugly really fast, and our season will be over with before Halloween as usual. The only thing that is funnier about all of this is the number of National appearances they are scheduled for. LOL at the networks for believing the cult and its never ending spewage of nonsense.

    I am disgusted as can be and its only week 5.
  4. Brook!

    Brook! Soft Admin...2018 Friendliest Member Award Winner

    May 11, 2011
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    A great summary my friend. That's why Joe's contract was not extended by Woody and I think he will be gone end of the year latest. We are 2-2 and with Vikings, Bills and Steelers games on tap we might drop to 2-5 and Woody might cave in the pressure and let both Joe D and Salah go but I am not holding my breath for it.

    I owe an apology to @HomeoftheJets as he was the first poster who alerted all of us that Joe D was bad but I chose not to listen to him.
  5. Brook!

    Brook! Soft Admin...2018 Friendliest Member Award Winner

    May 11, 2011
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    Good post Andy.

    The fat comment of course not nice but as a fat person myself I wasn't offended. But since you mind about it I kindly ask @NJJets to edit that comment out so that it is not a distraction of this thread where we need to expose Joe D for what an incompetent GM he is.

    Folks - Will appreciate if the fat comments end here so we focus on Joe D. :)
    BleedJetsGreen1981 and Cman68 like this.
  6. dawinner127

    dawinner127 Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2009
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    Yes because its JDs fault Rodgers snapped his achillies 4 plays in. Holy fuck you are dumb.
  7. GREG

    GREG Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2007
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    Rodger's injury was just bad luck. If I remember correctly, he was rolling to his right and then just fell. The Bills didn't even touch him on that play. Where JD does deserve the blame is striking out on the #2 pick with Wilson. Wilson turned out to be a complete disaster.
    papapump and dawinner127 like this.
  8. Bills over Jets

    Bills over Jets Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2012
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    Gonna take a wild guess that you had trouble on the verbal section of the SAT’s.
  9. GREG

    GREG Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2007
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    If I remember correctly both JD and Saleh wanted Carr but were overruled by Johnson. It was Johnson who was all in with Rodgers. Can't blame JD if Rodgers doesn't work out for the Jets.
  10. dawinner127

    dawinner127 Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2009
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  11. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    I dont think it was confirmed that that is the case. I could see it being true for sure in regards to Woody but I dont know that I've seen reports about Douglas and Saleh preferring Carr
    Ralebird and GREG like this.
  12. Brook!

    Brook! Soft Admin...2018 Friendliest Member Award Winner

    May 11, 2011
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    Guys. Please no personal attacks.
  13. JackBower

    JackBower Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2008
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    He was getting sacked when he tore his achilles
  14. GREG

    GREG Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2007
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    At the time this was the happening it was being reported in the papers that JD and Saleh liked Carr. He isn't as good as Rodgers obviously, but he still would have been a nice upgrade over Wilson.
  15. GREG

    GREG Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2007
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    I thought it was the play after where he rolled to right but just threw the ball out of bounds on 3rd down. I could be wrong as it's been over a year now.
  16. NJJets

    NJJets Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2022
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    You know it’s funny, I iust noticed and changed that just before I read your post. I hate name calling and childish nicknames so seeing that bugged the heck out of me that someone might’ve thought I meant that.
    AndyDrums likes this.
  17. NJJets

    NJJets Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2022
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    Omg I’m mortified, I promise that was a typo. Was supposed to read “so far”.
    AndyDrums and Brook! like this.
  18. NJJets

    NJJets Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2022
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    Respectfully, that wasn’t the case. He was sacked from behind by Duane Brown’s man. Rodgers held the ball too long, but Brown’s man got right past him. As you may recall, Brown was huffing and puffing and completely put of shape for that game. $20m for that travesty when he could have held on to both Moses and Fant for less money.
    GREG and Borat like this.
  19. Borat

    Borat Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2018
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    Agreed, it was not just bad luck. I mean sure, on the 4th play and season ending is a bit extreme, but with the way Duane and all OTs played all year, Rodgers wasn't going to survive regardless. He was a dead man walking that season, it just happened a bit sooner and more violent, but was fully anticipated.
  20. AndyDrums

    AndyDrums Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    I don't care Brook, just thought it was unnecessary. We are all pissed off granted, so I think we should stick to the football facts.Thanks :)
    Brook! likes this.

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