Haason Reddickulous Holdout

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by jessedark, Jul 31, 2024.

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  1. LAJet

    LAJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    Great points made above regarding this circus with Reddick. He was provided horrible advice by his agent and he should fire his sorry ass. There is no way, no how that JD will cut him out right. Jets hold all the cards and want to recoup their investment. Further, with JJ out, the rotation of defensive ends will be minimal and him and McD would have a feast, significantly increasing both their values. Every game he misses is a nail in his coffin. Not to mention that even if he comes in now, it will be at least a couple of games to get in football shape and chances of injury will increase, making next year value for him very low. He said he put his future in the hands of the Lord, but unfortunately he didn’t, he put it in the hands of a greedy freaking selfish agent.
    papapump, teamgreen, Borat and 3 others like this.
  2. AtlantaJet

    AtlantaJet Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2003
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    At this point, I'm starting to think he may be not right mentally. For all we know his agent has told him to break his holdout and he is ignoring his agent's advice.
  3. Jets79

    Jets79 Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2020
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    Whatever it is it makes no sense at all

    This is NOT a win for him. He or his agent misread JD and the situation. JD has said he won’t negotiate with a holdout, and looks like he meant it. Reddick’s value was never going to be higher than the day after JJ got hurt and before McD started stepping up. If JD didn’t go calling for Reddick at that point when Reddick’s leverage was highest, he ain’t gonna do it now, more so as we watch McD step up. All this additional time away will only give the other undrafted guys more chances to show what they can do.

    So he’s missing out on game checks. It won’t lead to some huge extension from the Jets. He’s not going to get traded unless we get a good offer, which no one will do for a holdout. His contract will toll. And he’ll have less leverage next year being a year older not having played. And I don’t think teams will be lining up to pay him huge dollars knowing he will hold out again as other DE salaries continue to go up each year. This is a guy who won’t honor his deal. No team is going to pay him huge dollars to play after a year off.

    He’s a fucking idiot. His agent is not doing right by him.
    papapump, SOJAZ and JetFanInNE like this.
  4. Mogriffjr

    Mogriffjr Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2010
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    Rodgers kinda alluded to the leaks about the culture in the building leading to Haason’s agent…or his “former agent”…found that interesting…
  5. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I had a long diatribe written out but thought it better to not insult people who believe in religion. If that's your thing then that's your thing. However, I will ask the final question I originally typed out before deleting...

    Does Hassan Reddick actually believe some magical "dude" is going to show up at his doorstep and say, "I'm the lord...you need to do X." It's always baffled me. I figure there's just as much a chance that Thanos shows up, gives Reddick an Infinity Stone and now he can come in a be Sack Monster #1 in Jets land! Now, I'm wondering if I could put on a white robe, go knock on the door and tell Reddick, "I'm the Lord, now get your lazy money grubbing ass into work!" From what little I know about religion, isn't excessive amounts of money generally considered a "bad" thing when it comes to talking about God etc?
    JetFanInNE, AtlantaJet and AndyDrums like this.
  6. LAJet

    LAJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    I’m religious so I wouldn’t dream of insulting peoples belief. But my point was this is not about religious beliefs, this is about doing the right thing for your career, and you and hopefully your agent are the only ones that can help with that. He absolutely was given the wrong advice and now he is lost. BTW…do we know if he is still with his agent.
    Ill Will likes this.
  7. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    it’s a figure of speech. He happens to be a religious guy, he thinks if he trusts in God he won’t go wrong on a personal basis. Obviously he knows humans negotiate contracts
    mezzavo and NY Jets68 like this.
  8. AtlantaJet

    AtlantaJet Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2003
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    It's interesting though that it is the only tweet he has put out, together with not showing up. I interpret that as "I will keep holding out and the Lord will create the circumstances that will bring me the contract I want." I brought it up originally because someone said he was weighing the pros and cons. I don't think he is, because the cons of his actions seem completely obvious to everyone else. He seems to be trusting in fate rather than operating in a rational manner...but that's just my interpretation.
    Jets OG fan and BrowningNagle like this.
  9. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    It just kind of crossed my mind. Heck, even I use it in figure of speech situations. It just seemed, with how severe the situation is, he is drawing some kind of belief from somewhere.
    AtlantaJet likes this.
  10. Ill Will

    Ill Will Active Member

    Nov 24, 2019
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    I've been thinking it was ego driven to go along with bad advice. Just me wondering wtf he was doing
    He made a bad bet for sure against JD & Co. It sucks not having him but oh well
    LAJet likes this.
  11. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    Do we know that everyone and his brother did not tell him to sign at any cost? Maybe he was given bad advice, maybe he was given good advice and maybe he took no advice from anyone - we have no way of knowing.

    Perhaps he decided months ago that he wanted to play a short season and is quite okay waiting until the time is right That would put him right on plan, even if he was the only one with that plan. Of course, we're all just guessing.
    #811 Ralebird, Sep 25, 2024
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2024
    mezzavo and LAJet like this.
  12. Areodjarekput

    Areodjarekput Member

    Oct 31, 2010
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    The reality of Reddick's situation is, we know very little, not enough to know who's at fault (though criticizing JD for pulling the trigger before the deal was done is valid). IMO it's likely we never know enough to understand what happened.

    To make myself feel better, I've been looking into Bryce Huff and why he's been performing so poorly in Philly - after some research, I think that Bryce Huff will never be in a Fangio defence what he was in a Saleh defence. In our defence, Huff maximized his best trait, elite burst off the line of scrimmage, because we are a one gap system.

    Fangio's defence is a gap-and-a-half system, which means pass rushers need to play in a way that lets them clog a second gap if needed, instead of just pinning their ears back and going. This means they need to read the play and react to it during the rush, which reduces the value of elite burst.

    From an Athletic article on the Fangio defence:

    Front mechanics

    Stopping the run on early downs used to be near or at the top of the list of priorities for defensive coordinators, but based on where resources are committed in defensive structures, the priority is now limiting the run because explosive passes hurt defenses more. To get away with playing two safeties deep and lining up light boxes, Fangio and his disciples have their defensive linemen play with a gap-and-half technique.

    When playing this technique, defensive linemen aren’t aggressively coming up the field as a single-gap team would and they aren’t just trying to stay square on offensive linemen and control two gaps like old-school, odd-front teams would do. Instead, they attack their primary gap with enough control so that they can “fall back” into their secondary gap. The objective isn’t to make a tackle but force the ball to “roll” outside, which gives defensive backs time to come up in run support from depth. What they don’t want is for vertical seams to open up on the first level and have ball carriers quickly get north and south.​

    I'll need to see if I can get some film to watch to confirm this is how it's playing out on the field, but I thought y'all might find this interesting.
    #812 Areodjarekput, Sep 25, 2024
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2024
  13. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    Yeah that’s why all the “look, Huff sucks in Philly!!!” stuff is poorly stated with little context. Huff should be in a 3-point stance in a 4-3 scheme period stop.

    Fangio likes to play 5 or 6 man fronts and blitz a lot which leads to OLB’s dropping into coverage as a disguise. There were a lot of criticisms in Denver as to how he was used Von Miller & Chubb.

  14. burf

    burf Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2003
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    Thought others might find this helpful...an article about the holdout on JetsXfactor today...
    One quote...
  15. REVISion

    REVISion Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    This is quickly becoming one of the most bizarre contract disputes I can remember.

    Is Reddick planning on playing the minimum number of games this year while still having it count as a full season? Incredibly bad look for him if so but it appears to be headed that way.
    tomdeb likes this.

    STARoSCREAM Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2015
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    for sure, he'll come in and fake an injury to "hold in" (imagine who awkward that will be) but someone will still pay him next year. not as much had he played this year and produced, but someone will pay
  17. Brook!

    Brook! Soft Admin...2018 Friendliest Member Award Winner

    May 11, 2011
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    I love love love not caving into Reddick. Fuck him honestly. We burnt so many 3rd round picks before anyway.
    JetFanInNE and STARoSCREAM like this.
  18. dawinner127

    dawinner127 Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2009
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    he isn't getting $50 million guaranteed by coming in and faking an injury on his contract year at 31 years old. reddick would be the dumbest mfer in the world if thats what he did. hes getting $50 million by coming in and putting up numbers in a defense that lets you rush the passer and puts you 1 on 1 with a tackle because you have an animal in the middle taking up a double every snap.
    Jets79 likes this.
  19. dawinner127

    dawinner127 Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2009
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    They need him if they want to win the superbowl Brook. That's not really even up for debate. He's a top 10 edge rusher in the league.

    STARoSCREAM Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2015
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    That was my point. He might get 3 years $24m after pulling this shit

    had he come in and played and produced (bet on himself like Huff did) he would get significantly higher
    dawinner127 likes this.
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