POLLL: So how did the Jets do in 2024 Draft?

Discussion in 'Draft' started by Brook!, Apr 27, 2024.


How do you grade 2024 Draft?

  1. A+ to A-

  2. B+ toB-

  3. C+ to C-

  4. D+ to D-

  1. Losmeister

    Losmeister Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2011
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    Love the qb pick
    Brook! likes this.
  2. Jets79

    Jets79 Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2020
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    I was happy going into Day 3…I liked our first two picks at positions of need…I don’t think trading up was smart at the time, but in hindsight I would have preferred using one of those 4th rounders to trade up instead of trading down into the 5th round as much as we did. But after Friday nigh, I was happy with an OT and a WR in that order. Once Odunze was gone, there was no other real option. I think taking Olu and a third round WR is a better combo than taking the 4th best WR at 10 and whatever OL we could have taken in the 3rd round.

    But I really don’t understand Day 3, and I wasn’t blown away. On the plus side, I do like the power RB and the trade of a 4th this year for a third next year. No complaints there. But outside of that, I don’t understand all the trade downs, I don’t think we got good value from GB, I don’t understand taking a 2nd RB, I love the heart of the Florida State QB and will root for him, but reality is most QBs from Day 3 don’t do squat (Purdy and Brady notwithstanding…outside of those 2 plus Kurt Warner, it’s been pretty much nothing for 50 years). So I get the idea of developmental QB, but I ain’t holding my breath. I would have been happier to see us instead package those multiple 4th rounders to trade up if anything…but I would have preferred to see us go OL, S, and DT on Day 3 instead of 2 RBs and a developmental QB.

    We’ll see…time will tell.

    But I also didn’t like the trade of JFM for a future 6th…as much as he could be infuriating with his ill-timed penalties, he IS still a starting DE who is big enough to also slide inside if needed. I think our DL rotation got worse…I think Reddick can replace Huff’s production, but we should just have resigned Huff as he’s younger I think. So we went from a rotation of JFM/JJ/Huff/Larson/Clemens/McD, to JJ/Reddick/McD/Clemens…a lot riding on McD to deliver on his draft status to make this work

    I gave a B…
  3. Jedi mind tricks

    Jedi mind tricks Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2011
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    Gave it a C. Might just be perception but JD drafts always feel like a scramble after the first round (last year felt like a scramble IN the first round).

    I'm very happy they went the tackle route in round 1. Not the sexy pick but needed to be done.
    Going WR next was the obvious move tho you can argue the prospect and the level of competition he faced in college.
    I think Allen in the 3rd could be a nice complement to Hall.
    After that didn't feel like we got anyone who can help us "win now". Maybe they were looking at needs on special teams.
    Zero expectations for Travis but it's nice to have a young QB sitting and learning.
  4. REVISion

    REVISion Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    As others have said, very strange draft.

    The more I think about it, picking an OT first was probably the right move. I'm not positive we picked the right one though. I think we probably did, but I have reservations. Picking a WR next was also the right move. I'm not sure we picked the right WR either though. Corley's level of competition scares me.

    I like the Allen pick. I don't like the Davis pick. I like the Travis pick. I have no idea what to think about Stiggers. Key is probably a good pick by 7th-rounder standards.

    Just a very strange draft, from the picks themselves to the constant trade downs. Just strange.

    I give it a B-.
    Borat, NCJetsfan and tomdeb like this.
  5. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    Drop the puck.
  6. tomdeb

    tomdeb Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2004
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    As we discussed I liked their first FOUR choices. But the 5th round Davis pick was stupid--they had just taken a RB a pick earlier. And as I wrote yesterday, Davis had a great OL in college, and I could have run thru some of those holes.

    I gotta disagree on the Stiggers pick--Bad pick--Most of the stuff I read had him as an UDFA, not a 5th round pick.

    IMO Key was ok for Mr. Irrelevant--He played 5 years in college and finished up at a great football school. I suspect the jets had a verbal agreement with Taylor as an UDFA BEFORE they selected Key. That's why they didn't draft Taylor.

    But i agree w you that the second half of the draft was a disappointment considering they started so well. I read that the jets moved down from the three fourth round picks round to save money.
    They might really be cap strapped. The lower the 2024 pick and/or trading the 2024 pick for a 3rd round 2025 pick would/did save some bucks on the 2024 cap. Again, that's speculation but it makes sense.
    SOJAZ, ColoradoContrails and mezzavo like this.
  7. tomdeb

    tomdeb Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2004
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    Agree with your entire post.
  8. tomdeb

    tomdeb Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2004
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    I wished they would have used that 5th round pick they did use on RB Davis, instead on more OL depth!
    onefanjet and Jets79 like this.
  9. Footballgod214

    Footballgod214 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    B+. Then you factor Aaron Rodgers as our 2nd round pick, and have to elevate to A+
    NOVAJET likes this.
  10. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    The difference between a 4th round pick and a 5th round pick is not that much, so I can't imagine that is why he traded down. The Jets aren't that cap-strapped after trading JFM.
  11. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    The good teams always find the depth, and a gem from time to time, in rounds 4-7. Those are the rounds that the Jets, traditionally...not just jD, have crapped the bed. The Jets actually do better than most with the UDFA's. Maybe they should just skip the later rounds and focus on UDFA's. lol
    tomdeb and Jets79 like this.
  12. Jets79

    Jets79 Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2020
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    Funny but yeah, it seems we have done pretty well with undrafted guys…like G Brandon Moore back in the day, or Wayne Chrebet, or Bryce Huff…we’ve had some real players come from that group
    mezzavo and NCJetsfan like this.
  13. Aero

    Aero Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2010
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    This is such a dramatic reaction to something that didn't even happen. Went from a simple draft grade drop to rooting for 0-17 and for Douglas and Saleh being exiled from the NFL.
    stinkyB likes this.
  14. ColoradoContrails

    ColoradoContrails Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2016
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    After digesting things, a B range grade seems to sum up my assessment. Maybe a B+ or B- depending on how some of the picks pan out.

    I loved the first 2 picks, especially Olu - that was clearly the right pick IMO. Douglas HAD to try (again) to address the OT issue for the long term because he hasn't up until now. Hopefully he has this time.

    But Day 3 is where I have some problems. One RB makes sense, but two seems like overkill when we need OL and other positional help. I get that there may not have been an OL that was worth taking at that point, but what about taking BPA at one of the other positions of need? And yes, it's good to draft guys for the future, but this team HAS to win now, they need players that can contribute this year at least as fill ins. And while the QB seems intriguing, will he really fit the style of play the Jets seem to be settled on? He's a scrambling playmaker type, so was Zach, and what happened? They insisted on making him into a pocket QB. He's shown no real ability at reading defenses, and he doesn't have a great arm. None if this is to say he might not become a good NFL QB, but not for the Jets. It seems like an "aspirational pick", based on Douglas's comments about trying to become a "QB Factory". Hey Joe, instead of becoming a "factory" how about producing at least one working model first?

    I guess to try and summarize my feelings, when I look at how Pittsburgh, Philly, and Baltimore drafted, I'm envious. They really seem to know what they're doing, while our 6 year veteran GM is still trying to figure it out. Once again, I'll hope for the best, but I expect the worst.
    burf, Brook!, tomdeb and 2 others like this.
  15. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    It was strange and weird and stupid.

    Schefter was on ESPN saying the Jets, in trade negotiations, were adamant that they didn't want to give up the Mr. Irrelevant pick. Why???? Who the fuck cares if you have Mr. Irrelevant or not. The Jets apparently do.... for the ... marketing initiative?

    Also they totally planned that cheesy thing with Corley from the Draft Day movie. He was going to be there at their regular pick, but they traded up so they could pump out those texts, again, for a marketing campaign...??

    who runs a draft like this? Just embarrassing.


    I give the draft a D, their priorities are not what winning organizations do. The only thing saving it from an F is that the next GM may be able to work with some of the players
  16. Jets79

    Jets79 Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2020
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    This is pretty much where I’m at as well…I actually liked the first 3 picks. With the WR, I have no idea on this particular kid and if he’ll translate to the NFL from the level of competition he played against in college, but the skillset seems good…kind of a loose one trick pony in that you just get him the ball in space as opposed to a real WR running polished routes, but with GW and M Williams and Conklin running mid to deeper routes, he should have some space to work in, so I’m willing to wait and see. I also like the power back as we don’t have that on the roster. After that, Day 3 I’m not thrilled about…I would have preferred to use those picks to trade up and get players at positions of need instead of trading down so much for 5th and 6th rounders who likely won’t make much difference. Wasn’t thrilled with doubling down on RB…if we were going to double dip, I’d have preferred to do that on OL and/or WR. Not thrilled with a developmental QB pick…not so much for this particular kid who seems very easy to root for, but just in general as we have never been able to develop a QB so we’ll see…the situation is good to just let him sit and learn but with AR at 40 years old and Tyrod also kind of injury prone, if we suffer injuries I don’t think this kid will be ready to play this year, so we’ll see.
  17. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    It easily could have happened, and if either of the two teams were willing to trade down, would have happened, and the Jets would have been screwed. So we were saved not by JD's wise decision, but because the other two teams coveted players that would be there for them.

    I'm just tired to his bad decisions and the blown opportunities. When he was hired, I truly thought this could be a golden age of Jets football. He had the best pedigree of any GM the Jets had hired in decades. He made some great moves initially, and succeeded in getting a six-year contract, which would give him time to rebuild the team in the right way, and got Woody to back off and let him run the team. He had a golden opportunity to dramatically change the Jets' fortunes, make a break with the past, and move the team into the 21st century by hiring an offensive-minded HC. Instead, he hired yet another DC and allowed him to hire a rookie OC and a rookie QB Coach, then drafted a QB with dazzling arm talent, but big footwork problems and brought no veteran mentor in, and did everything he could to ruin said QB. He talked big about fixing the OL, but due to bad decisions trying to go cheap, other big name OL not wanting to play for the Jets, and injuries has failed to do so. The team hasn't won, and few of us have any confidence that the team will win this year. He has been a colossal disappointment, and I'm not willing to see the bungling comedy of errors continue. I want to see the Jets win before I die. Almost 60 years of incompetent is enough!!
  18. Jets79

    Jets79 Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2020
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    Yeah…I totally agree that his pedigree was the best we’ve had and I expected a HUGE upgrade over Idzik and Mac. And I think he HAS been an upgrade. However, that being said, we are far enough along in his tenure now and still not seeing results…the record has been awful. He’s whiffed on a franchise LT and QB already, and he’s now on his second attempt at a franchise LT. I don’t think he made the right choice at HC…I would have preferred an offensive HC but we went defense and then we wonder why we can’t develop a good offense or QB. It’s nuts.

    So for me, the bloom is off the rose quite a bit as well…this year will be critical, and if we don’t win this year I will also want him gone. Even if we have injury excuses, that won’t fly…this is clearly HIS team and HE chose to bring in older players on OL and at QB. So injuries don’t become valid excuses anymore.
  19. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    Yep, that's why I am where I am. It may be dramatic, or over the top, or whatever, but I was totally bought in on him, and believed his BS, and he's made mistake after mistake. Yes, he has been an upgrade over Idzik and Mac, but almost anyone with a pulse would have had to have been an upgrade. I think that probably a number of the posters on this site, if they had access to the same info that he has had, possibly could have done a better job.

    As you said, he failed on his HC hiring, his QB, an LT, two WR taken in the 2nd round, and a slew of FAs. For every good move, there's 1-2 bad ones. That's what's so maddening. At least with Idzik and Mac, we could see pretty quickly that they were clueless and we didn't have that much hope. With JD coming in making the great Jamal Adams trade, cleaning up Mac's mess, he teased us that things were going to be much different and a lot better, but they aren't all that much better.
    James Hasty and Jets79 like this.
  20. Jets79

    Jets79 Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2020
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    Well said…totally agree

    I like the point that yup, for every good move he’s made (and there have been plenty of those…for all the talk I hear about Sauce and GW were layups, that’s bullshit…there were plenty of other choices to be made at those spots, from going OT to Kayvon to other receivers like Olave…he chose Sauce and GW and he chose well)…but like you say, for every good move there have been bad ones…relying on Becton last year after missing a whole year with injury, bringing in older OL to protect an older QB, from giving up a needless pick swap to GB costing us a chance at Broderick Jones…etc.

    Plenty to criticize along with the praise

    But love it or hate it, this is HIS team now in year 6 and no more fucking excuses…this team needs to win NOW. Injuries are no excuse…these are the guys he’s decided to roll with and if they are older or injury prone then that’s his bed to lie in.

    No more fucking excuses…

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