Jets have informed Wilson that he will be traded....

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by The_Darksider, Dec 9, 2023.

  1. onefanjet

    onefanjet Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2005
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    Can it be that it finally "clicked" for Zach, and the game has slowed down for him? Sometimes, it takes a few years...
  2. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    I think I've seen this question asked after at least 6 games in the past couple of seasons and the answer is always a series of terrible flops to follow. Consistency is always what is missing. I think if he does it 3 games in a row, we can reasonably wonder if it's slowing down.
    #162 abyzmul, Dec 13, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2023
    Ralebird, onefanjet, Jets79 and 5 others like this.
  3. GasedAndConfused

    GasedAndConfused Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    I explained how even if the doctor is 100% right, it's still also bad luck. plus if he can't quantify and test it, then it's just a theory.
    Look at the 2009 and 2010 teams, we suffered basically no serious injuries. imagine those years if we lost brick, mangold, their backups, sanchez etc. the outcome would be completely different. even with the shit o-line and backup QB look how good we looked yesterday. that goes to show we have talent. which is JDs job. imagine how the offense would have been with rodgers and a healthy o-line. if our backups on offense are capable of putting up 30 in a half, and the D has been elite all year, then the GM is doing something obviously right.
  4. GasedAndConfused

    GasedAndConfused Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    we've done plenty. 5 years in the NFL is a long time. most teams turn over a large portion of their roster in 5 years. very rarely does the NFL even have 5 year contracts for players.
    compare what JD has done for the o-line compared to MM before him.
    it's not even 5 years either. like seriously you are normally a good poster but if you can't acknowledge that our GM hasn't had 5 years which is a 100% fact then IDK how i can even discuss this with you
  5. Borat

    Borat Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2018
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    I acknowledge 5th was a partial year not full, but he did make some dumb OLine moves that partial 5th year too. Remember this:

    And of course repeated the same exact mistake this year:

    I know, I know, he just got unlucky.
  6. GasedAndConfused

    GasedAndConfused Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    you can't make much moves after the draft and FA. the signing of kalil who retired was a desperate move because the previous GM left us with such a shit o-line. we basically had no OC. harrison wasn't even backup material. he was a PS player at best. he took a shot to help the QB, how can you be mad about that? one of his 1st moves in 2020 was to address the lack of a OC and he signed the 2nd best one on the market in CMG who's still with the team

    the guy we signed this year was again halfway through the season because we lost CMG, tippman (for a couple games), schwietzer, turner (who played some OG due to desperation) and AVT. we had 0 backup OGs left when we signed him and was starting a player who was on the PS in newman. teams only carry about 10 lineman. 5 are starters and 5 are backups. when you lose 5 players there isn't shit you can do but elevate PS players and try to find other teams PS players or people sitting on their couch. it sucks. if we lost JJ, huff, JFM, and Q and couldn't get a pass rush it's not the GMs fault. you are being completely unreasonable because you have your mind set and are twisting things in a stupid way to try and feel right about your feelings. hell the giants in desperation signed pugh off his couch and he's played pretty well. they also have had oline injuries at an alarming rate compiled with some high picks and FAs being busts. maybe the issue is our field which was just changed but still sucks? not saying it's certain but it's the only link between the jets and giants o-line injuries. not to mention we did just replace it this offseason and both the giants and jets have been beat up for multiple years across the line and SF played back to back games here and lost half their team due to injuries

    look JD is like any GM. he's done some good things and some bad things. You don't need to make things up to try and prove him being bad. it only hurts your arguments. things like mims and wilson were bad picks by JD. the lazard contract even as a WR3 looks bad right now with how he's played. there are legit negative things he's done. but you are creating fake ones to try and fit a narrative.
  7. Borat

    Borat Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2018
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    Which one of these two is a fake narrative: That JD's OLines suck every year (4 years if you prefer since 5th was partial, highlighted by Ryan Kalil on OLine) or that they suck every year because he is just one unlucky SOB?
  8. GasedAndConfused

    GasedAndConfused Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    the narrative is they've been too injured to fairly grade the o-line he put together which is factual you know injury reports and all. the o-line looked pretty good for 3 weeks before the injuries piled up. becton, tomlinson, CMG, tippman, AVT. with those 5 in, the o-line performed on an average level and didn't suck at all so evidence says the o-line was good, prior to injuries
  9. Borat

    Borat Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2018
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    I understand your point: JD is one unlucky SOB for 4 years, not 5, because 5th year was partial post draft and does not count at all. I offered an alternative view, where he has not done his job when it comes to OLine (and whole offense too really largely as a results of that) and even injury probability was increased because of that citing Dr Chao, an injury probability specialist. We are not going to agree on that - though I do think chances are Woody will keep JD and I hope 6h, I mean 5th, time will be the charm.
    SOJAZ and JetDan like this.
  10. GasedAndConfused

    GasedAndConfused Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    no you don't because you made up your mind and no facts or sound reasoning are allowed to be heard unless they fit your narrative.
    i'm not asking you to even change your mind about JD i'm just asking for you to give a reasonable explanation why and you can't. that aint healthy man.
  11. Borat

    Borat Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2018
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    You are wrong, I will be rooting for JD if he stays. But unlike you I also am able to criticize him for failures, because I am not a blind fan boy, and I also want to see results after 4/5 years. In other words if he does something good (building good defense, convincing AR to come) I will praise it, but if he majorly fails (overpays in a trade for AR, does not build good OLine, offense one of the worse in NFL), I will criticize it. That's called being fair. Something you have not been when it comes to him - saying he is just unlucky. Listen, if that makes you feel better, I am all for it.
    SOJAZ and JetDan like this.
  12. The_Darksider

    The_Darksider Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    Don't be silly, G&C is the most reasonable person on this forum - just ask him!
    Ptflea2 and SOJAZ like this.
  13. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    You can be unlucky for a handful of games maybe but Douglas is 25-54 as GM. Has he been unlucky 54 times? lol
    SOJAZ likes this.
  14. Borat

    Borat Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2018
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    Just noticed you said something about sound reasoning. I told you during the trade giving up pick swap that it might cost us OT, during the draft about JD fucking up on OT. How I did not like him rating McD and Mayer over Jones. I have been saying this all the way up until the season start. I kept saying that I hope JD knows what he is doing when it comes to the line, because it does not look like it and Rodgers might get hurt, while you and some others were saying JD is playing chess while others checkers. Saying we are not real fans because we didn't like every move JD made? How ridiculous was that? And now when the line is 2nd worst in NFL with tackles sucking ass, and every QB suffered as a result, instead of actually following your own advice and use sound reasoning and maybe actually admitting your mistake, you somehow turn this 180 degrees back on me, who was warning about this OLine as the bad decisions were made and not just after the fact.

    No, being unlucky doesn't cut it. Not for 4 years and change. And not when he planned Duane and Max as OT starters. Not this year when we had a chance to be really good. For that I would prefer a new GM, but I will be rooting for JD if he stays. But I will also point out if he makes another obvious mistake just like I did this year, just as when I will praise when he does something good. Not just praise all the time like you. I truly hope he finally learned, though not getting Ezra and signing useless Staffold (where is this guy) makes me very skeptical. Perhaps he will wise up though after missing play-offs yet again.
    SOJAZ, JetDan and ColoradoContrails like this.
  15. GasedAndConfused

    GasedAndConfused Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    i can criticize him. he's made some mistakes just like every GM ever, I just weigh the good and the bad and right now it's a lot more good then bad. you instead focus only on the bad and then make up stuff to add to it. like even here you say he overpaid for rodgers but thats not the case. we seen what wilson and stafford went for. JD paid much less then them.
  16. GasedAndConfused

    GasedAndConfused Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    not the most, it's not really quantifiable but one of the few reasonable people here. see a completely reasonable response to your emotional one :)
    The_Darksider likes this.
  17. GasedAndConfused

    GasedAndConfused Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    1st off I never used the chess/checkers line. it's a dumb line. I also never said anyone wasn't a real fan (outside of people who actively root against players on our team) both of those are ridiculous but honestly no more so then you are sometimes. your lack of being reasonable when discussing JD is one of them.

    2ndly you saying something "might" is reasonable but it's also just a fart in the wind. of course moving back 2 spots might cost you a player. of course a player might get hurt. thats all reasonable NFL stuff that can be said about anything. the problem is you can't build a team on what might happen because there is too many mights in the NFL. and it's not madden where you can have a roster full of (99s) salary cap, limited player pool, and bidding against 31 other GMs, as well as limited draft picks is what creates parity in the NFL. it's by design
  18. Borat

    Borat Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2018
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    Here is where I feel the struggle is: you are not able to make a distinction between the facts and opinions, and a lot of what you are saying stems from that confusion. Overpaying for Rodgers or getting him for bargain for example is an opinion. This is not a fact. As demonstrated above, you have assumed that it is a fact that we got Rodgers for bargain since it was less that Russ/Stafford, and therefore anything that contradicts that "fact" is made up. Hence when you say something is reasonable or not, that is really skewed because your definition of "facts" is skewed.

    As far as whether it is more good than bad, you say you are reasonable person. We are 4-8 right now, about to miss play-offs for 13th year in a row, 4+ years with current GM, bottom 7 in tankathon. Is it really more good?
  19. JetDan

    JetDan Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2008
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    "your lack of being reasonable when discussing JD is one of them."

    You calling him "unreasonable" is the actual emotional response

    All the facts that have been discussed point to JD not being this great GM.

    Your counterargument is fair to point out other facts aka injuries and how our team is so much better than it was because of move xyz that Joe D made.

    But most fans in general are not being unreasonable with the Joe D criticism.
    Borat likes this.
  20. GasedAndConfused

    GasedAndConfused Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    except thats how the NFL works. it's an actual economy that feeds off itself. it's like if you buy a honda civic for 15k and I buy a very similar for 10K and you tell me I overpaid. it makes 0 sense. it's not an opinion, it's a market. your opinions are skewed by your preconceived notion to the point where you are turning things that are factual into opinions. trades and contracts are based on the NFL economy. a top tier older QB has been going for multiple 1sts. rodgers actual market value was that as a baseline. wilson went for 2 1sts, 2 2nds, a good TE and some extras. stafford went for 2 1sts, a 3rd, and a solid staring QB. jets traded a 2nd, a conditional 1/2 (which wound up being a 2nd due to injury) and a pick swap (valued at a late 3rd early 4th). he was the cheapest trade. just because you "feel" like we overpaid doesn't make it true and it's not an opinion thing.

    even the last line shows you can't be reasonable here because your emotion due to the lack of success of the team doesn't let you isolate a single point and be reasonable about it. you just want a scapegoat to blame and replace so you can "feel better"

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