QBs just don't throw the ball down the field

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by york61, Dec 3, 2023.

  1. jets_fan

    jets_fan Well-Known Member

    Oct 9, 2016
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    It's sabotage, but not from Rodgers. Douglas is the one that sabotaged this season. There is only one person to blame for this season, and it's the guy that doesn't have the responsibility of facing the media at any point other than midseason and right at the end. Everyone else has to go out and answer for his fuck ups when he's given them absolutely nothing to work with.

    As much as I have disliked Rogers in the past, I do think he came here for good reasons, even if they're completely ego-driven. I just don't think he understood the level of incompetence he was walking into once the shit hit the fan four plays into that first game. He was able to help the organization overcome it with the excitement he brought, but he's now getting a front row seat to the clown show and he has to be wondering what the hell he got himself into.
    HomeoftheJets and REVISion like this.
  2. The_Darksider

    The_Darksider Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    Oh I'm not saying it's Rodgers. What I'm saying is that it has the feel of DELIBERATE sabotage - whoever it may be.

    I still feel it's paranoid, it's more likely just a lot of miscommunication and/or having agendas forced on others, but damned if it doesn't feel like it was done on purpose.
    jets_fan likes this.
  3. 24McNeil

    24McNeil Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2006
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    we didn't throw down field because their throws were nowhere near our wr's when they did.

    fundamentals and our qb's are complete strangers.
  4. jets_fan

    jets_fan Well-Known Member

    Oct 9, 2016
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    Sorry. I obviously misread your original point. :) I completely agree with you on the deliberate part.

    The Jets are about one thing and one thing only. Money. Rodgers accomplished his mission for this team the moment he ran out of the tunnel on September 11 and had that crowd absolutely roaring. He's already sold the jerseys, the hats, and all of that. He got the butts in the seats for this season. That's the only reason he's here. And once that was obtained, I very seriously doubt there's anyone else in that organization that is sweating the actual wins and losses. The several hundred million dollar profit will be coming in for this season and we'll rinse and repeat and do it again next year.

    Winning takes effort. Why put in that effort when you're making money hand over first for doing absolutely nothing.
  5. The_Darksider

    The_Darksider Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    I am with you for most of that, but not all. I think that encapsulates Woody's general philosophy, but I think he wants to win. Not in the way fans and players want to win, but simply because it would be better for his bottom line financially.

    So when the team gets so incompetent that it is a laughing stock, that affects his bottom line and then he gets involved. He's got zero idea how to fix it other than as an uninformed fan would, hence the disjointed moves that don't help, but hurt the team. He hears "this team needs a QB, it hasn't had a good QB in decades, Zach Wilson sucks" and then reacts accordingly.

    Agree completely that Rodgers was the splash pick and accomplished the offseason objective, but Rodgers as a splash move was also the uninformed fan type of move.

    And now the franchise is completely m in disarray with no direction.
    REVISion likes this.
  6. jets_fan

    jets_fan Well-Known Member

    Oct 9, 2016
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    It was going to be that way regardless of who they brought in. Douglas has already proven that he's a terrible GM. It doesn't take six years to rebuild a team. Teams go from last to first all the time in the NFL. It's a league built on that kind of parody. He just needed that six year contract because he's got no clue what he's doing and he could string this franchise and fanbase along for a while before we caught on to what a terrible GM he actually is.

    I think Rodgers was the right play. It's not his fault that Douglas didn't bother to put a good O-line across from him. Not Rodgers' fault that Douglas decided to bet on an injured guy at the end of his career in Brown and then a walking injury in Becton to protect Rodgers. I think Rodgers thought what we all did. He saw that defense dismantle his Packers last year and thought what a lot of us did: "If that offense didn't suck, these guys would be pretty damn good."
  7. The_Darksider

    The_Darksider Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    I don't think he was the right play at all, we can definitely agree to disagree on that. By grabbing him, they forced themselves into a two-year window, on the outside three, to win the Super Bowl. They tried to emulate what the Rams did with Matthew Stafford. But like everything the Jets do, they did the poor man's version.

    They weren't only a QB away from being a championship team. They were a QB away from being a playoff contender. They weren't a team that kept falling short and just needed a push to get over the hump - they were a young team that was in the middle of a rebuild and still had pieces to put together. And most of all, they don't have the Rams coaching staff - which is smart, innovative, and offense-minded.

    In retrospect, the worst thing to happen to this team was the big start last year that had everyone believing the headlines that good QB play would get them over the top.
  8. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    I wasn't all-in on Rodgers when the trade happened, but there was a right way to do it and they were set up perfectly. Somebody should have told Douglas.
  9. jets_fan

    jets_fan Well-Known Member

    Oct 9, 2016
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    I think they were going to be forced into a two year window anyway. They either had to make a serious playoff run over the next two years or they were all going to be gone anyway.

    If Douglas hadn't made the Zach Wilson pick, we wouldn't be where we are now. It was a waste of two years and now a third because we couldn't make actual progress at the QB position because Douglas' pet project was given a job that he hadn't earned.
  10. The_Darksider

    The_Darksider Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    I can't dispute any of that, Douglas has shown that he can't admit a mistake and move on from it.

    Until this season, I felt that he earned the right to give it another shot to get a QB. This time last year, most were praising him for most of his moves. Me included.

    What a difference a year makes though. I no longer feel he deserves a shot at anything the way he botched the QB position this year and essentially threw the entire season away for no good reason.
    HomeoftheJets and jets_fan like this.
  11. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    So it was it one of those grandiose, "If I was President, this country wouldn't be in this mess!" kind of deals. When is the impeachment trial.

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